Study: Women's Tears Calm Men Down

Lord Long Rod

Diamond Member
Jan 17, 2023

I thought this was one of those self-evident things. You know, you are yelling at your wife for spending a bunch of money on something stupid, then she starts to cry. You then back off. Now, some men back off, I figured, because they were soft, or because they genuinely cared for the woman and realized they had crossed a line. Me, I back off when there are female tears fall because it makes me horny. Sometimes it is fun to break a woman down and make her cry just so you can have make-up sex. It seems to make her want to try extra hard to get back on your good side. If not for this then things like anal probably would not even exist, right? This is one of the reasons that, when you are arguing with a woman, you need to be able to turn things on her and make it all her fault, even if whatever started the argument is entirely your fault. It is a skill.

I find that this study comports with the old adage, "Women's tears turn men into queers". In my opinion, there is nothing more sexy than when a woman breaks down crying! When I went through divorce I got some of the best sex from my now ex. You have to break some eggs to make an omelet, you know.

I think that all men get shocked when a chick cries during an argument. When we are boys and we are shouting at a chick, causing her to cry, we suddenly stop because this is such a different reaction than we are used to when we argue with other boys. Usually boys get into a fight or walk away. We do not know what to do when a girl cries. It tugs on our heart strings. We are taught that women are the weaker and fairer sex and assume that when she cries we have somehow fucked up.

However, women are not dumb. They KNOW they have this power over men. Some will cry as a tactic. I have always assumed that this is a social thing as opposed to a chemical thing. I mean, any time I have made a woman cry I do not remember getting up in her face and smelling her tears. Sure, we would be making out in a couple of minutes anyway, but the stoppage of hostilities comes before the smell of tears come wafting up toward you. Maybe females tears are like an odorless fart and project outward? I don't know. But I would like to know this before I take this study seriously. I mean, how close do you have to be for this black magic to put you under its spell? 5 feet? 10 feet? Maybe if you are in a good argument you should back up 15 ft or so in order not to be influenced by her tears.

Most likely this is just another bullshit study that was done to justify some researchers getting a paycheck from some grant money they wrangled out of the government or some other institution that could otherwise have been used to fund a meaningful study. Do we really need a study like this? I don't think so.
Ideally, no. Never let the bastards get to you. I personally do not cry. I plan revenge.

The problem with that tactic is that sometimes women think they're right in their suspicions when they're actually not and then some poor sap is getting revenged on when his name's muffin and he ain't even do nuffin.

And then when you call em out on it, they pull that shit that yidner was talking about and say oh, you just trynna turn the argument around to make me feel at fault.

To heck with all of that bullshittery. It's headache inducing. Best to avoid it completely.

It really is no wonder than more men are checking out of all of that mess at the societal level.
The problem with that tactic is that sometimes women think they're right in their suspicions when they're actually not and then some poor sap is getting revenged on when his name's muffin and he ain't even do nuffin.

And then when you call em out on it, they pull that shit that yidner was talking about and say oh, you just trynna turn the argument around to make me feel at fault.

To heck with all of that bullshittery. It's headache inducing. Best to avoid it completely...
Certainly agree. Avoid it completely.

I thought this was one of those self-evident things. You know, you are yelling at your wife for spending a bunch of money on something stupid, then she starts to cry. You then back off. Now, some men back off, I figured, because they were soft, or because they genuinely cared for the woman and realized they had crossed a line. Me, I back off when there are female tears fall because it makes me horny. Sometimes it is fun to break a woman down and make her cry just so you can have make-up sex. It seems to make her want to try extra hard to get back on your good side. If not for this then things like anal probably would not even exist, right? This is one of the reasons that, when you are arguing with a woman, you need to be able to turn things on her and make it all her fault, even if whatever started the argument is entirely your fault. It is a skill.

I find that this study comports with the old adage, "Women's tears turn men into queers". In my opinion, there is nothing more sexy than when a woman breaks down crying! When I went through divorce I got some of the best sex from my now ex. You have to break some eggs to make an omelet, you know.

I think that all men get shocked when a chick cries during an argument. When we are boys and we are shouting at a chick, causing her to cry, we suddenly stop because this is such a different reaction than we are used to when we argue with other boys. Usually boys get into a fight or walk away. We do not know what to do when a girl cries. It tugs on our heart strings. We are taught that women are the weaker and fairer sex and assume that when she cries we have somehow fucked up.

However, women are not dumb. They KNOW they have this power over men. Some will cry as a tactic. I have always assumed that this is a social thing as opposed to a chemical thing. I mean, any time I have made a woman cry I do not remember getting up in her face and smelling her tears. Sure, we would be making out in a couple of minutes anyway, but the stoppage of hostilities comes before the smell of tears come wafting up toward you. Maybe females tears are like an odorless fart and project outward? I don't know. But I would like to know this before I take this study seriously. I mean, how close do you have to be for this black magic to put you under its spell? 5 feet? 10 feet? Maybe if you are in a good argument you should back up 15 ft or so in order not to be influenced by her tears.

Most likely this is just another bullshit study that was done to justify some researchers getting a paycheck from some grant money they wrangled out of the government or some other institution that could otherwise have been used to fund a meaningful study. Do we really need a study like this? I don't think so.
A scientist knows this is bullshit

Physical reaction is no proxy for mental state.

Most normal people are upset by the grief of another, if the chemicals do something different that means NOTHING
“Do not accept anything as love which lacks truth.”
― Edith Stein

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