Study: Having daughters makes parents more likely to be Republican


Feb 14, 2011
Study: Having daughters makes parents more likely to be Republican | Pew Research Center

Two sociologists have found that parents who have daughters are more inclined to support the GOP and turn a cold shoulder to Democrats.

In newly published findings that challenge earlier research, Dalton Conley of New York University and Emily Rauscher of the University of Kansas found that having more daughters than sons and having a daughter first “significantly reduces the likelihood of Democratic identification and significantly increases the strength of Republican Party identification.”

Not only is the daughter effect statistically significant, it’s substantively large. They found that overall, “compared to those with no daughters, parents with all daughters are 14% less likely to identify as a Democrat….[and] 11% more likely to identify as a Republican than parents with no daughters,” they write in the journal Sociological Forum.

The daughters effect is considerably stronger among better educated and wealthier parents, they find. But among those farther down the socioeconomic ladder, it weakens to statistical insignificance.



I found out about this while reading a New York Times op-ed. Here's that piece in case you're interested: The Daughter Theory.
Simple really.

I have sons and daughters.

I feel my sons could protect themselves much better in a liberal society than my daughters could.

Is that chauvinistic? Possibly, but it's just the way I'm wired as dad.
Well I have 2 daughters and 1 son and I agree with Billy here. I am very traditional minded and think my daughters should go to college get an education work until finding a good man and then let him take care of them while they provide a good home and lots of kids. I think the republican party is closer to that than democrats are as I see republicans for allowing women to defend themselves with a weapon if need be and democrats trying to take that away. I am traditional like republicans but I am no republican although I did start off as one.
Free abortions.... Get 'me while they are hot!.....

Can't imagine why parents of daughters would more likely be republicans.

Then again, aren't republicans waging a war on women?
Free abortions.... Get 'me while they are hot!.....

Can't imagine why parents of daughters would more likely be republicans.

Then again, aren't republicans waging a war on women?

Depends on your view of it. I say no. I say they are defending the right of the unborn since the unborn can't defend themselves. Even if one of my daughters god forbid gets pregnant at 16/17 etc I would not force them to have an abortion or even allow them to unless it was a non white kid they were carrying but anyways. They made the decision to have sex knowing full well what could happen they need to deal with the consequences. I would adopt the baby myself and me and my wife would raise the baby if our daughter didn't want it.
No daughters, just one very successful son. Nothing could make me R but if I had a daughter, I'd probably sit on my front porch with a rifle across my knees.

Our repressive/regressive/Republican society is very backward when it comes to women. Daughters would be safer if we were more progressive -- Better health care for young women, easily available birth control, safe, inexpensive and rare abortion, men taking responsibility for their offspring, education and jobs.

Instead, we have the right, fighting against equal pay, insurance benefits, abortion and on and on.

Keep fighting for equality for all Americans because that's what America is about.
Oh this is one to have fun with. I can't remember the exact name of the comic,Carlos something, but he had the best line. When it comes to my daughter I am very conservative, bit when it comes to someone else's daughter I am very liberal. Maybe the well off think a republican can provide for their daughters better than a democrat. But this is one of those studies you wonder why they spend money on this kind of foolishness. The study says as you go down the economic and educational scale this matters little and where are the greatest amount of voters? I believe also that married women voted overwhelmingly for rep so their is possibly a direct correlation between the daughter and mother thing. Irregardless, I ,don't think this nugget of knowledge is going to swing any elections
Well I have 2 daughters and 1 son and I agree with Billy here. I am very traditional minded and think my daughters should go to college get an education work until finding a good man and then let him take care of them while they provide a good home and lots of kids. I think the republican party is closer to that than democrats are as I see republicans for allowing women to defend themselves with a weapon if need be and democrats trying to take that away. I am traditional like republicans but I am no republican although I did start off as one.

In all fairness in today's day in age most women have to work, in order to support the family. The days of the woman stays at home, and the man works are just about gone. Not even by choice. It's typically the mother also works, or the family is broke.
Well I have 2 daughters and 1 son and I agree with Billy here. I am very traditional minded and think my daughters should go to college get an education work until finding a good man and then let him take care of them while they provide a good home and lots of kids. I think the republican party is closer to that than democrats are as I see republicans for allowing women to defend themselves with a weapon if need be and democrats trying to take that away. I am traditional like republicans but I am no republican although I did start off as one.

In all fairness in today's day in age most women have to work, in order to support the family. The days of the woman stays at home, and the man works are just about gone. Not even by choice. It's typically the mother also works, or the family is broke.

Yes that's the way it is in our family as well. Even if I could find work again the wife will have to stay working part time I think...even though that would be better than full time.Wish things weren't like this. Neither one of my grandmothers worked outside the home.
Better educated and wealthier parents probably raise their daughters to become more accomplished and less dependent, contrary to the liberal view of them as victims of a misogynistic society.

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