Study: Dems only realize Socialism Sucks 24 weeks After Country Goes Broke

Most people knew socialism sucked around 1942, amidst the blitzkreig and genocide of the most famous of socialists, the National Socialist Party of Germany (NAZIS).

One day, Obama and the left will join the crowd that doesn't want us creeping towards more socialism and it's eventual ruin.

For you folks who aren't history buffs, let me fill you in on a little history. 2 of the NAZI party's first initiatives were 1) Univeral Healthcare for Germany, and 2) Getting the masses to join the brownshirts ideals of the green movement (no, you won't hear that on MSNBC or a college campus, gotta read up.) Universal healthcare, green movement. Sound familiar?

Socialism leads to evil. The free market leads to some people failing and falling through the cracks. Pick your poison.

The Nazis also promoted non-smoking, cleaned water supplies, removed lead and mercury from products, and built the Autobahn.

Dear god! We've got highways, non-smoking laws, clean water and a distinct lack of dangerous chemicals in our products! We're practically Nazis already!

Woz defending the Nazis... Wow that is brazen.

... :eusa_eh:

Con lacking reading comprehension... wow that is brazen... no wait, it's quite typical. So, how does my post defend the Nazis? I'm pretty sure the message and sarcasm of not to be picky with what to demonize the Nazis for was pretty clear.
No, it's not. Socialized medicine is bankrupting pretty much every nation that has one. So, no. We won't be getting it here soon either.

Could you find me a list of nations that spend a greater percentage of their national income on heath care than the U.S.? Nevermind, I'll post the list in its entirety:

East Timor.
Never said our current government interfered with system is good. But Greece is being told by the IMF to privatize healthcare. And you can expect Spain, Portugal, Ireland and many other countries as they fail to have to shut down the dole. I think Germany is the only county who may get in front of this before it's too late. But that's hoping a lot for them. Canada, particularly in Saskatchewan has an unofficial 'don't get sick after September stance because they start shutting down operating theaters and shipping urgent cases to the US. Gonna suck when we start shipping ours north... if we can even afford to do that.
Nope. The IMF didn't recommend that Greece privatize the whole healthcare system. They recommend that Greece allow some private investments in the healthcare system which most nations with a universal healthcare plan allow.

"The United States spends more on healthcare than any other country in the world but has higher rates of infant mortality, diabetes, and other ills that many other developed countries" Reuters
Those costs include both private and government expenditures.
Healthcare Costs Around the World |

If Obama's healthcare plan is not successful, we will be looking at over 60 million people without health insurance by 2020. If you don't want real socialize medicine where the government owns all hospitals and employs all the doctors, you better hope the new healthcare plan is successful.

Trend in the Number of Uninsured 2009 2020 Under Current Law and Path Proposal - The Commonwealth Fund
So we are to assume that universal healthcare will lead to Nazism? If you haven't notice, most of the world has some form of universal healthcare and has for many years. Socialism in Germany was a byproduct of Nazism, not the reverse.

To condemn socialism or capitalism is ridiculous. Both must exist in a nation or the nation will cease to exist. In the USSR we saw the result of the loss of free markets. In Africa, a number of nations have fallen because of inadequate social programs and the failure of free markets.

And yet anytime some rich and powerful foreigner gets sick, where do they go? Cuba? Mexico? Canada? Nope!

Even that fat fucking boil Teddy Kennedy who spent his whole miserable life tearing down this country kept his fat fucking ass right here all the while telling everybody how much our system sucked and it was 38th best in the world or whatever fucking lie he was spewing at the time
Most people, whether they are rich or poor seek medical care in their own country. You can find many a celebrity who has gone to Switzerland, Germany, and Mexico for medical care. There are fine doctors and hospitals throughout the world.

The big issue is that about 46 million people in this country can not afford to go those doctors because they have no insurance. Obama's healthcare plan doesn't even qualify as socialized medicine. It's just a start in that direction. A real universal healthcare system is yet to come. Obama's plan is not going to do enough to control cost. If you thing Obama's plan is really socialist, you ain't seen nothing.

Bullshit all over. Rich sick people always come here.

The 46 million without insurance is bullshit squared. That counts all the Illegals as uninsured and even the Muslin Marxist Mulatto in the White House was running from that number.

If you want real universal health care move to Cuba, stop fucking up my country with your failed Socialists ideas
And yet anytime some rich and powerful foreigner gets sick, where do they go? Cuba? Mexico? Canada? Nope!

Even that fat fucking boil Teddy Kennedy who spent his whole miserable life tearing down this country kept his fat fucking ass right here all the while telling everybody how much our system sucked and it was 38th best in the world or whatever fucking lie he was spewing at the time
Most people, whether they are rich or poor seek medical care in their own country. You can find many a celebrity who has gone to Switzerland, Germany, and Mexico for medical care. There are fine doctors and hospitals throughout the world.

The big issue is that about 46 million people in this country can not afford to go those doctors because they have no insurance. Obama's healthcare plan doesn't even qualify as socialized medicine. It's just a start in that direction. A real universal healthcare system is yet to come. Obama's plan is not going to do enough to control cost. If you thing Obama's plan is really socialist, you ain't seen nothing.

Bullshit all over. Rich sick people always come here.

The 46 million without insurance is bullshit squared. That counts all the Illegals as uninsured and even the Muslin Marxist Mulatto in the White House was running from that number.

If you want real universal health care move to Cuba, stop fucking up my country with your failed Socialists ideas
Muslin Marxist Mulatto? You can do better than that. Let's hear how you really feel.
Most people, whether they are rich or poor seek medical care in their own country. You can find many a celebrity who has gone to Switzerland, Germany, and Mexico for medical care. There are fine doctors and hospitals throughout the world.

The big issue is that about 46 million people in this country can not afford to go those doctors because they have no insurance. Obama's healthcare plan doesn't even qualify as socialized medicine. It's just a start in that direction. A real universal healthcare system is yet to come. Obama's plan is not going to do enough to control cost. If you thing Obama's plan is really socialist, you ain't seen nothing.

Bullshit all over. Rich sick people always come here.

The 46 million without insurance is bullshit squared. That counts all the Illegals as uninsured and even the Muslin Marxist Mulatto in the White House was running from that number.

If you want real universal health care move to Cuba, stop fucking up my country with your failed Socialists ideas
Muslin Marxist Mulatto? You can do better than that. Let's hear how you really feel.

Why not move to Cuba?
So we are to assume that universal healthcare will lead to Nazism? If you haven't notice, most of the world has some form of universal healthcare and has for many years. Socialism in Germany was a byproduct of Nazism, not the reverse.

To condemn socialism or capitalism is ridiculous. Both must exist in a nation or the nation will cease to exist. In the USSR we saw the result of the loss of free markets. In Africa, a number of nations have fallen because of inadequate social programs and the failure of free markets.

And yet anytime some rich and powerful foreigner gets sick, where do they go? Cuba? Mexico? Canada? Nope!

Even that fat fucking boil Teddy Kennedy who spent his whole miserable life tearing down this country kept his fat fucking ass right here all the while telling everybody how much our system sucked and it was 38th best in the world or whatever fucking lie he was spewing at the time
Most people, whether they are rich or poor seek medical care in their own country. You can find many a celebrity who has gone to Switzerland, Germany, and Mexico for medical care. There are fine doctors and hospitals throughout the world.

The big issue is that about 46 million people in this country can not afford to go those doctors because they have no insurance. Obama's healthcare plan doesn't even qualify as socialized medicine. It's just a start in that direction. A real universal healthcare system is yet to come. Obama's plan is not going to do enough to control cost. If you thing Obama's plan is really socialist, you ain't seen nothing.

Obamacare isn't "really" socialist? :lol: But you may have a small point far BO hasn't done anything very well....

About those "46 million w/o health insurance" that you bleeding heart liberals contstantly cry about.....

-subtract about 10 million who are non-citizens
-subtract about 14 million who are eligible for medicaid and SCHIP but who never bothered to sign up
-subtract about 18 million who have incomes over 50k many of whom prefer to self-insure
-subtract another 18 million who are the "young invincibles" many of whom skip buying medical to spend their money on other stuff
-subtract the many other millions who are counted in this 46 million but who are really in between jobs and thus only uninsured temporarily

...seems that adds up to less than zero.....

However....Blue Cross/Blue Shield did a study that shows there are actually about 8 million who are truly without coverage for the long haul....those who are too poor to afford it....yet too rich (too high income) to qualify for government assistance....

8 million is a far cry from 46 million....but don't let the FACTS get in the way of your socialist propaganda...:eusa_shhh:

The American Spectator : The Myth of the 46 Million
Let's see...

12:13, you post.

12:36, I post.

WOW! You don't think they actually got DAZZLED by the Facts, do you???
David T.| 3.20.09 @ 8:34AM

Great. Next I suppose Mr. Klein will say the number of homeless is inflated, too. Send him to re-education camp.

Savant Noir| 3.21.10 @ 4:06PM

David T:

Typical Liberal response David. The facts he stated are correct, I double checked at the United States Census Bureau. Rather than just cast your uniformed venom and narcotized rhetoric like a good little Obama-Bot, why not get off your butt and check yourself? Oh, I forgot, you are part of the "I deserve" crowd, and you would hate to discover anything that might dispel the free hand-outs.

Haven't the vaguest who this Savant Noir is,

but Holy SHIT,

did he nail them, or WHAT???

... Actually ... If I was to save that for about one day, rework a couple of words ... :lol:
And yet anytime some rich and powerful foreigner gets sick, where do they go? Cuba? Mexico? Canada? Nope!

Even that fat fucking boil Teddy Kennedy who spent his whole miserable life tearing down this country kept his fat fucking ass right here all the while telling everybody how much our system sucked and it was 38th best in the world or whatever fucking lie he was spewing at the time
Most people, whether they are rich or poor seek medical care in their own country. You can find many a celebrity who has gone to Switzerland, Germany, and Mexico for medical care. There are fine doctors and hospitals throughout the world.

The big issue is that about 46 million people in this country can not afford to go those doctors because they have no insurance. Obama's healthcare plan doesn't even qualify as socialized medicine. It's just a start in that direction. A real universal healthcare system is yet to come. Obama's plan is not going to do enough to control cost. If you thing Obama's plan is really socialist, you ain't seen nothing.

Obamacare isn't "really" socialist? :lol: But you may have a small point far BO hasn't done anything very well....

About those "46 million w/o health insurance" that you bleeding heart liberals contstantly cry about.....

-subtract about 10 million who are non-citizens
-subtract about 14 million who are eligible for medicaid and SCHIP but who never bothered to sign up
-subtract about 18 million who have incomes over 50k many of whom prefer to self-insure
-subtract another 18 million who are the "young invincibles" many of whom skip buying medical to spend their money on other stuff
-subtract the many other millions who are counted in this 46 million but who are really in between jobs and thus only uninsured temporarily

...seems that adds up to less than zero.....

However....Blue Cross/Blue Shield did a study that shows there are actually about 8 million who are truly without coverage for the long haul....those who are too poor to afford it....yet too rich (too high income) to qualify for government assistance....

8 million is a far cry from 46 million....but don't let the FACTS get in the way of your socialist propaganda...:eusa_shhh:

The American Spectator : The Myth of the 46 Million
I don't know what right blog you get your numbers from but according to the United States Census Bureau, in 2008 there were 46.3 million people in the US (15.4% of the population) who were without health insurance for at least part of that year.

Uninsured in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Neo-National Socialists seems to fit best

I addressed this sort of thinking on the thread about why Germans supported Hitler but you never responded:

The funniest thing is how "Progressives" keep calling Hitler a "right winger" LOL

He's a National Socialist, a Leftist, Obama's spiritual father

Frank, I'm sure you know that what you're saying is just silly. Nazism was a far-right ideology, and it stood in direct opposition to the left wing socialists and communists in Germany: in fact, when he was appointed Chancellor, he became head of a coalition of the Nazis and the National-Conservative Party. And you know what, just because Hitler was a right-winger and he governed thanks to a coalition with a conservative party STILL does not mean that Hitler is the Republicans' spiritual father, because that'd be a claim almost as absurd as the above.

Claiming that National Socialism is Socialism is virtually the same as claiming that the Democratic Republic of Algeria is democratic. It isn't. It's just a name.

Now that that's out of the way, I wanted to address a couple of other things, out of the many completely ridiculous claims on this thread:

bucs90 said:
For you folks who aren't history buffs, let me fill you in on a little history. 2 of the NAZI party's first initiatives were 1) Univeral Healthcare for Germany, and 2) Getting the masses to join the brownshirts ideals of the green movement (no, you won't hear that on MSNBC or a college campus, gotta read up.) Universal healthcare, green movement. Sound familiar?

Socialism leads to evil. The free market leads to some people failing and falling through the cracks. Pick your poison.

Since you're SO adept in the history discipline, I'm going to give you a list of 10 countries that have universal health insurance, after which I'm going to ask you: Which of the following became "Evil", "Socialist" Dictatorships?

1. Denmark
2. Sweden
3. Norway
4. Finland
5. Ireland
6. Malta
7. Netherlands
8. United Kingdom
9. Israel
10. Iceland

I think you know the answer, but I'm not going to going to give it away just now.

bucs90 said:
Greenbeard said:
Germany's universal health care system is one of the oldest in the world and predates the rise of the Nazis by about half a century.
Yes, that is true. Nothing happens overnight. And the Nazi's wanted to take even more control, total control, over that healthcare. The rise of the Nazi party was an event that was decades in the making. Not just 1937-1941.

I don't think you understood what he was talking about. Universal health care in Germany came about in 1883 under Otto von Bismark. Guess that's so much for the history buff. If you want to argue that health care in Germany was the result of a Nazi Party (founded 1919) plot, let me point you to the conspiracy section of the board, or to google, where you can find your closest educational institution because, believe it or not, IGNORANCE CAN INDEED BE CURED! :)

CrusaderFrank said:
Like I said, even after Greece goes bust Democrats still don't get it.

One could just as easily as say that "Denmark, Sweden, Norway or Finland aren't going bust, but the Republicans don't get it." That's one of the problems about sweepingly uninformed generalizations.

CrusaderFrank said:
Bullshit all over. Rich sick people always come here.

And yet anytime some rich and powerful foreigner gets sick, where do they go? Cuba? Mexico? Canada? Nope!

Nope! That's right, they come to COSTA RICA for their healthcare, lots of Americans come with their fat dollars to boost our burgeoning medical tourism industry; some 100,000 foreigners come every year and counting.

Does that mean Costa Rica's socialized, universal, single-payer health system is the best health care system in the world? No, it doesn't. That's almost as idiotic a claim as claiming that the US's is the best because rich foreigners go for treatment. Under that idea, if the US only had only the 100 best doctors in the world, but each charged $5 million and only rich Americans and rich foreigners could use their services, then your "system" would STILL be the best in the world. Go figure!

In fact, the very thought that you celebrate the fact that your "system" can service "rich foreigners" while not serving millions of your own people doesn't strike me as overly American of you, but then again, what do I know? OBAMA THE NAZI!! ARGHH, EUROPE IS A DICTATORIAL HELL HOLE!! ARGHH!! I'VE NEVER LEFT MY BUMBLEFUCK VILLAGE IN AMERICA!!!
I don't know what right blog you get your numbers from but according to the United States Census Bureau, in 2008 there were 46.3 million people in the US (15.4% of the population) who were without health insurance for at least part of that year.

Uninsured in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

FIRST Mistake: Wiki is NOT the "authority" on ANYTHING. Peeps like you and me write that shit. (Start trying to check out the citations for most of the articles there. Let me know what percentage YOU're able to find that actually refer back to valid sources. Don't get me wrong ~ it's a Great Idea. Unfortunately, the interwebz are populated by folks with axes to grind/ulterior motives.)

Second Mistake: Did you READ the article cited? How the Census GETS those numbers, and exactly what they MEAN, in the Big Scheme of Things?

Sorry, Flopper ~ wiki counts just under WND.
I don't know what right blog you get your numbers from but according to the United States Census Bureau, in 2008 there were 46.3 million people in the US (15.4% of the population) who were without health insurance for at least part of that year.

Uninsured in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

FIRST Mistake: Wiki is NOT the "authority" on ANYTHING. Peeps like you and me write that shit. (Start trying to check out the citations for most of the articles there. Let me know what percentage YOU're able to find that actually refer back to valid sources. Don't get me wrong ~ it's a Great Idea. Unfortunately, the interwebz are populated by folks with axes to grind/ulterior motives.)

Second Mistake: Did you READ the article cited? How the Census GETS those numbers, and exactly what they MEAN, in the Big Scheme of Things?

Sorry, Flopper ~ wiki counts just under WND.
Actually Wiki is pretty good provided you check the footnotes. The footnote for the 46 million is:

The census bureau report confidence level at 90%. Only 6% were non-citizens.
The Greek economy
Greece is a developed country, with a high standard of living and "very high" Human Development Index, ranking 25th in the world in 2007,[12] and 22nd on The Economist's 2005 worldwide quality-of-life index.[5]

According to Eurostat data, GDP per inhabitant in purchasing power standards (PPS) stood at 95 per cent of the EU average in 2008.[13] Greece's main industries are tourism, shipping, industrial products, food and tobacco processing, textiles, chemicals, metal products, mining and petroleum. Greece's GDP growth has also, as an average, since the early 1990s been higher than the EU average. However, the Greek economy also faces significant problems, including rising unemployment levels, inefficient bureaucracy, tax evasion and corruption.[14][15]

In 2009, Greece had the EU's second lowest Index of Economic Freedom (after Poland), ranking 81st in the world.[16] The country suffers from high levels of political and economic corruption and low global competitiveness relative to its EU partners.[17][18]

Although remaining above the euro area average, economic growth turned negative in 2009 for the first time since 1993.[19][verification needed] An indication of the trend of over-lending in recent years is the fact that the ratio of loans to savings exceeded 100% during the first half of the year.[20]
By the end of 2009, as a result of a combination of international (financial crisis) and local (uncontrolled spending prior to the October 2009 national elections) factors, the Greek economy faced its most severe crisis after 1993,[citation needed] with the second highest budget deficit (after Ireland) as well as the second highest debt (after Italy) to GDP ratio in the EU. The 2009 budget deficit stood at 13.6% of GDP. This, and rising debt levels (115% of GDP in 2009) led to rising borrowing costs, resulting in a severe economic crisis.[21] Greece has been accused of trying to cover up the extent of its massive budget deficit in the wake of the global financial crisis.[22] This resulted from the massive revision of the 2009 budget deficit forecast by the new Socialist government elected in October 2009, from "6-8%" (estimated by the previous government) to 12.7% (later revised to 13.6%). This revision (which, as claimed by members of the previous government, at least in part reflected the Socialists' failure to control tax collection during their first months in office) has seriously undermined Greece's credibility leading to higher borrowing costs for Greece.

The Greek labor force totals 4.9 million, and on average work the second most hours per year amongst OECD countries, after South Korea.[23] The Groningen Growth & Development Centre has published a poll revealing that between 1995 and 2005, Greece was the country whose workers worked the most hours/year among European nations; Greeks worked an average of 1,900 hours per year, followed by the Spanish (average of 1,800 hours/year).[24]

Reducing a highly complex economic breakdown like Greece is undergoing into a mantra about the evils of socialism really isn't serving up any truth we can hang our hats on, Cru.

Greece hasn't suddenly become socialist.

They did NOT collectivise their private industries.

To the extent that their government is corrupt, all I can say is that the corruption that is causing the problem was in place long before the latest change in government.

This problem is not about socialism v capitalism, it's about honest and effective government V dishonest and ineffective government.
For you folks who aren't history buffs, let me fill you in on a little history. 2 of the NAZI party's first initiatives were 1) Univeral Healthcare for Germany, and

Germany's universal health care system is one of the oldest in the world and predates the rise of the Nazis by about half a century.

Von Bismarck was going for land gains for the state, at the expense of the wealthy of several countries. His plan was not universal, but aimed at the poor. If Obama had looked to caring for only the poor, instead of changing all aspects, there would be better numbers.
Watching the Greek meltdown, it's obvious that Democrats only feel the pain of Socialism 24 weeks after it bring their country down.

Conservatives, Libertarians and right-wingers know how truly fucked Socialism is from conception.
.....Yet, "conservatives", Libertarians and right-wingers thought The Idiot Son (as President) was a pretty-good idea, you avoided lookin' at his track-record.

Great job (at blowin' a HUGE $urplu$), there....."conservatives", Libertarians and right-wingers. :clap2:

Most people knew socialism sucked around 1942, amidst the blitzkreig and genocide of the most famous of socialists, the National Socialist Party of Germany (NAZIS).
Are we talkin' economically, here???
One day, Obama and the left will join the crowd that doesn't want us creeping towards more socialism and it's eventual ruin.

For you folks who aren't history buffs, let me fill you in on a little history. 2 of the NAZI party's first initiatives were 1) Univeral Healthcare for Germany, and 2) Getting the masses to join the brownshirts ideals of the green movement (no, you won't hear that on MSNBC or a college campus, gotta read up.)
That's what (that Great Historian) Porky Limbaugh told you, huh??

Watching the Greek meltdown, it's obvious that Democrats only feel the pain of Socialism 24 weeks after it bring their country down.

Conservatives, Libertarians and right-wingers know how truly fucked Socialism is from conception.
.....Yet, "conservatives", Libertarians and right-wingers thought The Idiot Son (as President) was a pretty-good idea, you avoided lookin' at his track-record.

Great job (at blowin' a HUGE $urplu$), there....."conservatives", Libertarians and right-wingers. :clap2:


You always have so little to add to the conversation.
Watching the Greek meltdown, it's obvious that Democrats only feel the pain of Socialism 24 weeks after it bring their country down.

Conservatives, Libertarians and right-wingers know how truly fucked Socialism is from conception.
.....Yet, "conservatives", Libertarians and right-wingers thought The Idiot Son (as President) was a pretty-good idea, you avoided lookin' at his track-record.

Great job (at blowin' a HUGE $urplu$), there....."conservatives", Libertarians and right-wingers. :clap2:


You always have so little to add to the conversation.

.....Especially for you hyper-text-challenged folks....struggling for a retort.

About those "46 million w/o health insurance" that you bleeding heart liberals contstantly cry about.....

This CRS introduction to health reform has a nice appendix that offer a very quick summation of another CRS report based on CPS data, "Health Insurance Coverage: Characteristics of the Insured and Uninsured Populations in 2007." The picture you paint of the income profile of the uninsured is incorrect, as the percentage of over-$50,000 earners in the uninsured category is closer to being 16% than 40%.

But the insurance market reforms in the law (to say nothing of the delivery system reforms, which made up a much larger portion of the law), weren't simply intended to bring the uninsured number down, though obviously that's a key goal: they're designed to 1) create a new, transparent individual marketplace in which insurers must compete on price, not risk-shedding, and 2) achieve of degree of parity between the tax benefits offered to buyers in the group and individual insurance markets.

If Obama had looked to caring for only the poor, instead of changing all aspects, there would be better numbers.

All aspects haven't changed. The law was purposefully designed to perpetuate the existing system, with a few holes plugged.
I don't know what right blog you get your numbers from but according to the United States Census Bureau, in 2008 there were 46.3 million people in the US (15.4% of the population) who were without health insurance for at least part of that year.

Uninsured in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

FIRST Mistake: Wiki is NOT the "authority" on ANYTHING. Peeps like you and me write that shit. (Start trying to check out the citations for most of the articles there. Let me know what percentage YOU're able to find that actually refer back to valid sources. Don't get me wrong ~ it's a Great Idea. Unfortunately, the interwebz are populated by folks with axes to grind/ulterior motives.)

Second Mistake: Did you READ the article cited? How the Census GETS those numbers, and exactly what they MEAN, in the Big Scheme of Things?

Sorry, Flopper ~ wiki counts just under WND.
Actually Wiki is pretty good provided you check the footnotes. The footnote for the 46 million is:

The census bureau report confidence level at 90%. Only 6% were non-citizens.

I've heard these numbers on the actual amount of uninsured in the US as well. They were given on several news outlets before the HC BS, clusterfuck was passed.

This Obamacare bill has no REFORM in it at all. There is nothing that addresses the real problem. THE COSTS.

We will pay on this for 4 or 5 years before any benefits come out. If there are any to come out. The numbers on cost were bogus as well. Oh yeah. OL"BO and his pack of Clowns in the Congress did us all one big fat favor. NOT. Jeeze.

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