"Strong, Smart Women" Lie by "Feminists" (sic)


Diamond Member
Feb 5, 2019
We have all heard the constant saw by "feminists"(sic) about how "strong and smart" women are.
They can do anything men can do, only better. Just ask Al Gore who famously stated, "I have always thought that women were the equal of men only more so."

IF women are so very "strong and smart," then WHY:

1. Did at least 700 "strong and smart" women remain silent for up to 30 years after being molested by Dr. George Tyndall, at USC? USC is settling this case for an astounding $1.1 billion.

2. Did at least 300 "strong and smart" women remain silent for decades after being molested by Dr. James M. Heaps, at UCLA? UCLA is trying to settle for a measly $73 million but hundreds of these "strong and smart" women will have none of the meager amounts proposed. They are opting out of the $11,000 settlement per "strong and smart" woman, and want much, much more, like the "strong and smart" women of USC will receive - averaging over $1,000,000 each.

Hundreds of them remained silent for decades so that these sexual predators could take advantage of hundreds of other women. That's not what being "strong and smart" means. No. Being "strong and smart" means you get to cash in after suffering the pain and hurt for decades because you were so very .... "strong and smart," the creme de la creme intellectually and financially. These are prestigious schools, accepting only the best and brightest applicants from around the nation, indeed around the world. There is no excuse for the cowardice, the stupidity displayed by hundreds of "strong and smart" women for decades, permitting the criminal assaults to go continue, hurting others.
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We have all heard the constant saw by "feminists"(sic) about how "strong and smart" women are.
They can do anything men can do, only better. Just ask Al Gore who famously stated, "I have always thought that women were the equal of men only more so."

IF women are so very "strong and smart," then WHY:

1. Did at least 700 "strong and smart" women remain silent for up to 30 years after being molested by Dr. George Tyndall, at USC? USC is settling this case for an astounding $1.1 billion.

2. Did at least 300 "strong and smart" women remain silent for decades after being molested by Dr. James M. Heaps, at UCLA? UCLA is trying to settle for a measly $73 million but hundreds of these "strong and smart" women will have none of the meager amounts proposed. They are opting out of the $11,000 settlement per "strong and smart" woman, and want much, much more, like the "strong and smart" women of USC will receive - averaging over $1,000,000 each.

Hundreds of them remained silent for decades so that these sexual predators could take advantage of hundreds of other women. That's not what being "strong and smart" means. No. Being "strong and smart" means you get to cash in after suffering the pain and hurt for decades because you were so very .... "strong and smart," the creme de la creme intellectually and financially. These are prestigious schools, accepting only the best and brightest applicants from around the nation, indeed around the world. There is no excuse for the cowardice, the stupidity displayed by hundreds of "strong and smart" women for decades, permitting the criminal assaults to go continue, hurting others.

I don't understand why you feel the need to ridicule and
demean women and mock the idea that women are strong and smart. This sounds like a personal problem.

You forget that there were no avenues for complaint that women could be confident would result in swift action rather than laughter, victim-blaming comments, and filing the complaints in the circular file. Right-wingers make a habit of denying, in all types of discrimination cases, that the people who were in charge historically discriminated as a matter of course.

Remember the quick and decisive actions :rolleyes: that Catholic Church officials, the evangelicals,, and crazy jim jordan took in response to sexual-abuse allegations:

https://www.washingtonpost.com/news...about-sexual-abuse-in-the-evangelical-church/ this one is particularly sad because this girl was victimized as a child in her parents' church and again by Nassar.

Abuse in evangelical culture

Powerful GOP politician accused of turning blind eye to sexual abuse at Ohio State

Sex abuse scandal at Jordan's school will get worse

What has been even sicker than the vile predators themselves, has been the rather large group of crude and disgusting folks who having been willing to cover up criminal abuse and protect the predators.. Blaming and shaming the victim just won't work any more.

Finally, the truth is coming out and the victims are getting the attention they deserve.

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