Stormy Daniels to Piers Morgan: Put me on the stand, let me testify!

That doesn't make it right. I detested what clinton did and feel that this would prevent me from voting for trump. And I can't vote for Biden. So unless desantis steps in I will write in a name. We can have a candidate without excessive baggage.

I like Mr. DeSantis. But he isn't the right candidate for 2024.

The D's will come after him with everything they got, just like they did with Trump. Phony lawsuits, fake indictments, silly ass investigations.

But DeSantis just isn't equipped to deal with this, he isn't a very wealthy man and just can't afford the lawyers to defend all the bullshit we can expect.

Our paisan from Tallahassee may not have that much baggage now, but he'll have plenty by election day 2024 if he would get the nomination.

They already have the broads lined up with the fake accusations ready to pounce the day after the Republican convention.
I don't see how the Persecution in this case can avoid putting this broad as well as Mike Cohen and Mike Avenatti on the stand.

Why would they, they would not have any relevant testimony pertaining to the charges which are falsification of business records.

The fact that she was shopping around her story to media outlets (after already doing it in 2011) and the FDOTUS team went to her with a better offer, which is perfectly legal. Has no bearing on the case. The legal jeparody is the manner that the FDOTUS team used to attempt to coverup the story.

Someone once said (and I paraphrase): "It's not the crime that gets you, it's the coverup.".

Why would they, they would not have any relevant testimony pertaining to the charges which are falsification of business records.

The fact that she was shopping around her story to media outlets (after already doing it in 2011) and the FDOTUS team went to her with a better offer, which is perfectly legal. Has no bearing on the case. The legal jeparody is the manner that the FDOTUS team used to attempt to coverup the story.

Someone once said (and I paraphrase): "It's not the crime that gets you, it's the coverup.".


The DA plans to give these witnesses immunity, so they will have carte blanche to lie without worrying about perjury charges.
The DA plans to give these witnesses immunity, so they will have carte blanche to lie without worrying about perjury charges.

One small flaw, you can bet that not only will the case involve testimony, the testimony will be coroberated in many ways:
  • Personal testimony by Allen Weissenberg (Sp?) Chief Financial Officer for the Trump Organization
  • Personal testimony by David Pecker (AMI Media?) owner of the National Enquirer involved in the "catch-n-kill" process
  • Personal testimony by Michael Cohen Trump personal attorney at the time
  • Probably testimony by others involved (staff, assistants, accountants, etc.)
  • Audio recordings that Cohen made of Trump
  • Texts
  • Emails
  • Travel documents
  • Phone records
  • Invoices
  • Checks
  • Business ledger entries
  • Contemporaneous notes
  • etc.
There will be a paper trail that supports the testimony.

the full interview airs later today, 8PM British time, which is i think 3PM ET (not sure)...i will post the whole thing here for your viewing "pleasure"

If she does that, she should in all good conscience return the money she was given to stay silent. I mean, wouldn't that give her some credibility?

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