Stormy Daniels’ ‘Super’ Dilated Pupils Spark Accusations She Was High For ‘60 Minutes’ Interview

Yeah.....she's high as fuck!!
And if you cant trust a coke head porn star who can you trust?
Apparently you trust the guy that banged her then paid her 130k to not talk about it and then denies it ever happened!

I dont care if he fucked her or not.
But there is no denying she's high as fuke.
Yeah I also don’t care about either of those things... but that’s off topic. We were talking about honesty and who you believe

If she signed a nondisclosure agreement and broke it,who's the dishonest one?

A manager for Daniels, whose real name is Stephanie Clifford, told The Associated Press on Wednesday that Daniels believes Michael Cohen, the president's personal lawyer, violated a 2016 nondisclosure agreement by telling The New York Times that he personally paid her to stay quiet about the 2006 affair.

The Wall Street Journal reported last month that Cohen arranged a $130,000 payment to Daniels shortly before the 2016 election in exchange for her silence on the alleged affair.

Soon after the Wall Street Journal story, InTouch magazine ran a previously unpublished 2011 interview with Daniels in which she detailed her Trump interactions, which allegedly occurred shortly after the birth of Donald and Melania Trump's son, Barron.
Cohen said Tuesday that he paid the $130,000 out of his own pocket. His comments were an effort to quell accusations that the Trump campaign had paid Daniels. A nonprofit watchdog group filed a complaint with the Federal Election Commission earlier this year claiming the payment violated campaign finance law.

“Neither the Trump Organization nor the Trump campaign was a party to the transaction with Ms. Clifford, and neither reimbursed me for the payment, either directly or indirectly,” Cohen said in a statement to the Times. “The payment to Ms. Clifford was lawful, and was not a campaign contribution or a campaign expenditure by anyone.”

So blame Trump’s attorney for not keeping his big mouth shut.

Stormy Daniels believes Trump lawyer broke nondisclosure agreement over alleged affair

Stormy believes....:21:
I dont need to discredit a porn star.
She's done that all by her lonesome.
So does that mean you believe trump when he said they didn’t bone? And you think she made it up?

Are ya fucken stupid?
I've said repeatedly that I dont give a rats ass about who Trump boned 12 years ago.
I mean seriously!! If you dont care about bill assaulting interns in the oval office with cigars why should I give a fuck about Trump fucking a pornstar 12 years ago?
What you care about and what you believe to be true are two different things. Don’t think I don’t see what you’re trying to do by skirting away from answering the question. Very simple. Do you believe they boned. Yes or no?

What kind of moron are you?
What I care about is all that matters.
And as I've said repeatedly,I dont give a shit if Trump Skull Fucked her on Broadway!!!
You liberals have taught me one thing over the last forty years.
There are no rules anymore,you play to win no matter the cost to your integrity.
If you're going to play dirty? I'm perfectly willing to wallow in the muck with you.

Just remember....we have the wherewithal to make that a very dangerous proposition for your type.
You’ve called me stupid and now a moron yet you’re the one that can’t answer a simple question. If I ask if you believe they hooked up, yes or no... and you respond “I don’t care” then you are dodging the question like a little pussy.
/——/ it’s All speculation and I don’t care.
KURTZ works for Fox News. The Fake News Network.

If it could be proven dont you think she would have put that info out there for all to see?
The purpose of the DVD is to keep this circus in the news as long as possible. That's what the big donors are paying for.
Donors you can’t name giving money you can’t count for reasons you can’t explain on a forum where your posts are gibberish.
/-----/ "Donors you can’t name giving money you can’t count for reasons you can’t explain on a forum where your posts are gibberish."
Speaking of gibberish, your post is compounded by a rarely see TRIPLE NEGATIVE. BTW, is the comma key broken on your keyboard?
View attachment 184917

,,,,,,,,('(,,,´,,,´,,,, ¯~/',,,')
,,,,,,,,,,,\,,,,,,,,,,,,,, _,·´

Nope, seems to be working fine. Thanks for checking though.
/——/ Next, you can work on writing coherent sentences.
A prostitute on drugs and lying for money?

Say it ain’t so.
You honestly believe that trump didn’t bang her? Come on!
/----/ I don't know but more importantly I DON"T CARE.
View attachment 184874
Do you care when the president of the USA tells a straight up lie to the American people?
/——-/ You mean like “I did not have sexual relations with that woman, Miss Lewinsky.” Or “You can keep your doctor, if you like him.” Sure I care.
KURTZ works for Fox News. The Fake News Network.

If it could be proven dont you think she would have put that info out there for all to see?
The purpose of the DVD is to keep this circus in the news as long as possible. That's what the big donors are paying for.
Donors you can’t name giving money you can’t count for reasons you can’t explain on a forum where your posts are gibberish.
/-----/ "Donors you can’t name giving money you can’t count for reasons you can’t explain on a forum where your posts are gibberish."
Speaking of gibberish, your post is compounded by a rarely see TRIPLE NEGATIVE. BTW, is the comma key broken on your keyboard?
View attachment 184917

You need to go back to school. Her statement is not a triple negative.
/——-/ Yes, the three “can’t”s cancel each outlet out.
You honestly believe that trump didn’t bang her? Come on!

No, I honestly don't care than he banged her.
Neither do I... but you are trying to discredit her and are implying that her story isn’t believeable. Trump denies the affair. I think we all know he is likely lying and trying to cover it up. Pathetic
It's more likely that she's lying because it's clear George Soros along with Democrats in the media are paying these women close to a million to make shit up about Trump. They will stop at nothing to get rid of him. If it wasn't for that obvious fact I would tend to believe her.

Agreed. That is why she "decided" it was OK to ignore the NDA. She's wouldn't have done that unless someone was paying her extremely well.
It's not much of a stretch to think that a woman who fucks for money will say just about anything if she's paid enough.
You honestly believe that trump didn’t bang her? Come on!

No, I honestly don't care than he banged her.
Neither do I... but you are trying to discredit her and are implying that her story isn’t believeable. Trump denies the affair. I think we all know he is likely lying and trying to cover it up. Pathetic
It's more likely that she's lying because it's clear George Soros along with Democrats in the media are paying these women close to a million to make shit up about Trump. They will stop at nothing to get rid of him. If it wasn't for that obvious fact I would tend to believe her.

Agreed. That is why she "decided" it was OK to ignore the NDA. She's wouldn't have done that unless someone was paying her extremely well.
It's not much of a stretch to think that a woman who fucks for money will say just about anything if she's paid enough.
That's been Stormy's life since she started stripping at age 18.
So do you make it a point to take the word of a coked out pornstar?
So do you make it a point to take the word of a coked out conman with super dilated pupils?

His pupils aren't dialated in that photo, moron. Can't you even tell whether someone's pupils are dialaed?
They are dilated more than Stormy's. But you are blind, so you can't see.
A prostitute on drugs and lying for money?

Say it ain’t so.
You honestly believe that trump didn’t bang her? Come on!
/----/ I don't know but more importantly I DON"T CARE.
View attachment 184874
Do you care when the president of the USA tells a straight up lie to the American people?
/——-/ You mean like “I did not have sexual relations with that woman, Miss Lewinsky.” Or “You can keep your doctor, if you like him.” Sure I care.
Good then care now if you cared then
A prostitute on drugs and lying for money?

Say it ain’t so.
You honestly believe that trump didn’t bang her? Come on!
/----/ I don't know but more importantly I DON"T CARE.
View attachment 184874
Do you care when the president of the USA tells a straight up lie to the American people?
/——-/ You mean like “I did not have sexual relations with that woman, Miss Lewinsky.” Or “You can keep your doctor, if you like him.” Sure I care.
Good then care now if you cared then
/---- So what lies are you talking about?
You honestly believe that trump didn’t bang her? Come on!
/----/ I don't know but more importantly I DON"T CARE.
View attachment 184874
Do you care when the president of the USA tells a straight up lie to the American people?
/——-/ You mean like “I did not have sexual relations with that woman, Miss Lewinsky.” Or “You can keep your doctor, if you like him.” Sure I care.
Good then care now if you cared then
/---- So what lies are you talking about?
For the purposes of this conversation I am speaking to Trumps lie that he never hooked up with the porn star
/----/ I don't know but more importantly I DON"T CARE.
View attachment 184874
Do you care when the president of the USA tells a straight up lie to the American people?
/——-/ You mean like “I did not have sexual relations with that woman, Miss Lewinsky.” Or “You can keep your doctor, if you like him.” Sure I care.
Good then care now if you cared then
/---- So what lies are you talking about?
For the purposes of this conversation I am speaking to Trumps lie that he never hooked up with the porn star
/----/ If I were to call you a liar, wouldn't you reasonably expect some proof? If the hooker-porn star has any and provides it then I'll be first to call Trump a liar.
Do you care when the president of the USA tells a straight up lie to the American people?
/——-/ You mean like “I did not have sexual relations with that woman, Miss Lewinsky.” Or “You can keep your doctor, if you like him.” Sure I care.
Good then care now if you cared then
/---- So what lies are you talking about?
For the purposes of this conversation I am speaking to Trumps lie that he never hooked up with the porn star
/----/ If I were to call you a liar, wouldn't you reasonably expect some proof? If the hooker-porn star has any and provides it then I'll be first to call Trump a liar.
So you honestly believe that he didn’t sleep with Stormy? Let’s just keep it simple and clear
/——-/ You mean like “I did not have sexual relations with that woman, Miss Lewinsky.” Or “You can keep your doctor, if you like him.” Sure I care.
Good then care now if you cared then
/---- So what lies are you talking about?
For the purposes of this conversation I am speaking to Trumps lie that he never hooked up with the porn star
/----/ If I were to call you a liar, wouldn't you reasonably expect some proof? If the hooker-porn star has any and provides it then I'll be first to call Trump a liar.
So you honestly believe that he didn’t sleep with Stormy? Let’s just keep it simple and clear
/——/ I don’t know and more importantly I don’t care.
Good then care now if you cared then
/---- So what lies are you talking about?
For the purposes of this conversation I am speaking to Trumps lie that he never hooked up with the porn star
/----/ If I were to call you a liar, wouldn't you reasonably expect some proof? If the hooker-porn star has any and provides it then I'll be first to call Trump a liar.
So you honestly believe that he didn’t sleep with Stormy? Let’s just keep it simple and clear
/——/ I don’t know and more importantly I don’t care.
You’re funny... you ask what lies Trump told, you proclaim that if there was proof you’d be the first to call Trump a liar... and then when I ask you what you believe to be true you say “I don’t care”. Haha, nice one
/---- So what lies are you talking about?
For the purposes of this conversation I am speaking to Trumps lie that he never hooked up with the porn star
/----/ If I were to call you a liar, wouldn't you reasonably expect some proof? If the hooker-porn star has any and provides it then I'll be first to call Trump a liar.
So you honestly believe that he didn’t sleep with Stormy? Let’s just keep it simple and clear
/——/ I don’t know and more importantly I don’t care.
You’re funny... you ask what lies Trump told, you proclaim that if there was proof you’d be the first to call Trump a liar... and then when I ask you what you believe to be true you say “I don’t care”. Haha, nice one
/——-/ hey toad, prove he’s lying but I don’t care if he did or didn’t do Stormy.
For the purposes of this conversation I am speaking to Trumps lie that he never hooked up with the porn star
/----/ If I were to call you a liar, wouldn't you reasonably expect some proof? If the hooker-porn star has any and provides it then I'll be first to call Trump a liar.
So you honestly believe that he didn’t sleep with Stormy? Let’s just keep it simple and clear
/——/ I don’t know and more importantly I don’t care.
You’re funny... you ask what lies Trump told, you proclaim that if there was proof you’d be the first to call Trump a liar... and then when I ask you what you believe to be true you say “I don’t care”. Haha, nice one
/——-/ hey toad, prove he’s lying but I don’t care if he did or didn’t do Stormy.
If you don’t care then why do you want proof? You are dodging the ovbious. Don’t engage if you don’t care, since you are engaging then just answer straight forward questions with straight forward answers
/----/ If I were to call you a liar, wouldn't you reasonably expect some proof? If the hooker-porn star has any and provides it then I'll be first to call Trump a liar.
So you honestly believe that he didn’t sleep with Stormy? Let’s just keep it simple and clear
/——/ I don’t know and more importantly I don’t care.
You’re funny... you ask what lies Trump told, you proclaim that if there was proof you’d be the first to call Trump a liar... and then when I ask you what you believe to be true you say “I don’t care”. Haha, nice one
/——-/ hey toad, prove he’s lying but I don’t care if he did or didn’t do Stormy.
If you don’t care then why do you want proof? You are dodging the ovbious. Don’t engage if you don’t care, since you are engaging then just answer straight forward questions with straight forward answers
/----/ You are too stupid for words. I don't care if he did Stormy or not. I do care if he lied. Show proof he did or STFU you annoying little troll.
I don't care.jpg

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