Stop the Flow of Anti-Trans Hate & Malicious Disinformation About Trans Healthcare

I'm betting more people object to grooming children
This reminds me a lot of the Hitler years. Massive numbers of people just letting what he does go, and then realizing more and more that if you don't stand up to the guy the world as they knew it would end. Right now people are realizing more and more that they need to stand up to this crap and stop it before it's too late.
Yup. If the GOP thought they had even half a chance to push another tax cut for billionaires, we wouldn't be talking about trans kids
Sad state of affairs in politics today. Glad I am old. Lol. It won't effect me much longer. Sure do worry for my grandkids though. Big money ownes both sides unfortunately. We have no free market anymore. No real competition just about every market controlled by 5 or less companies.. Hate spreads five times faster than love. Lies spread five times faster than truth. I wanna vote none of the above most the time. Globalization will die with out policy interference and we are not adding infrastructure at a rate fast enough to adjust to it. Think we have supply chain problems now just wait 12 years. Oh well have some fun now tomorrow is no guarantee.
They should be aware that there is a benefit to their movement from letting the fundie wackjobs express their madness and hatred freely and openly. Independent and moderate voters are turned off by the religious madness that is the voice of the anti-LGBT movement.
Tolerance for these mentally ill freaks is on the decline. I guess that's the benefit of letting them show the world who they really are
I still would prefer giving them a bullet to the back of the head. That way you get to SEE them die and their evil brain destroyed.

I can see the point there.

It was a .357-caliber brain hemorrhage that put an end to my father-in-law's sexual abuse of his then-ten-year-old daughter, who would eventually become my wife. I do not know from which direction he self-administered it.
This has gotta be a trolling post. Stop the 1st Amendment from supporting what the left considers to be "the flow of anti-trans hate"? You can take this stuff seriously. The post is so ludicrous that it doesn't deserve an argument.

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