Stop pretending YOUR candidate of choice is a pure conservative

Remodeling Maidiac

Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2011
Kansas City
No such candidate exists. Every single candidate running has spoken words or voted in a manner or given money to an organization that is not consistent with some arbitrary conservative litmus test/standard.

I believe every candidate running on the GOP side would do everything they could to lock down our border. I am not open to every candidate running but to rule one out based on previous immigration positions is ludicrous considering all of them have questionable votes or statements in the past on the issue.
The only one I have doubts about is Bush.
Rubio would redouble efforts on both borders, and he would open a pathway to legalization, and he would punish by bad business hiring practices. He would demand all of that in one bill.
No such thing as a pure conservative and I wouldn't vote for one that is. I like Trump because he is tough on immigration but also realizes people deserve healthcare and to be taken care of via insurance of some kind. He is not a dyed in the wool libertarian or republican tea party type.He hits all the right points and seems to be tapping into the concerned conservative stream as long as you are an American which is the way it should be.
I've never claimed that Trump is a pure conservative.

He's a nationalist and a populist.
I've never claimed that Trump is a pure conservative.

He's a nationalist and a populist.
Will you vote for him in he is the party's choice for Pres?

Conservatism is a means to an end, ie the interest of the nation and it's citizens.

Trumps policies on Trade and Immigration and his challenge to the media is in the best interests of the nation, imo.
Translation: Correll will vote for the progressive liberal Trump in hopes that he will hold back the forces of diversity and multiculturalism. Good luck with that.
Translation: Correll will vote for the progressive liberal Trump in hopes that he will hold back the forces of diversity and multiculturalism. Good luck with that.

He might not be a conservative, but he is hardly a progressive liberal.

His stated policies are, imo, the best offered for this nation at this time.

As is his challenge to the Media and Political Correctness.

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