Stock market has best 100 days since 1933

Despite everything the Democrats have done to tear down the Trump economy, it's still going strong.
And for the zillionth time, the Trumpsters don't understand the difference between the stock market and the economy.

They do when they want to. As do a lot of liberals.
However, whenever they start a thread touting the stock market and are reminded of how well it did under Obama, they quickly stop talking about the stock market and shift to the fables of tariffs working, the fact that unemployment was continuing to drop under Trump (as it did under Obama).

Its tantrum posting at it's finest.

Despite everything the Democrats have done to tear down the Trump economy, it's still going strong.

A vote for Biden is a vote to end prosperity.

He will raise taxes, ship our jobs back to China, and open the floodgates for unlimited illegal immigration.

It had nowhere to go but upward. Really...think before you post.

What?! Maybe you should think before you post.

Its going up because of Trump.

It's funny when loons think they're market gurus. So many factors are in the markets, resistance points (the higher markets go the harder to break resistance),

Ears feasted on a bottomed out market and of course recovery would be faster than a somewhat normal market with resistance points. Under Trump they broke them, unemployment fell to a level not seen in decades.

Up until COVID the economy was a locomotive unlike Ear's anemic slow growth.


The market climbed 149 percent under Obama. Trump will not match Obama's performance.

You have zero idea what resistance points are and your knowledge of the markets and economics is below Econ 101

Stupid bish, you fool nobody.


The market climbed 149 percent under Obama. Trump will not match Obama's performance.

Trump has surpassed Obama.
Factually incorrect.

You sure are.

Show your math, child. You can't. You won't.

You know, name calling only makes YOU look bad, you seem to do that, as if you think it helps to make your point. I don't know why you'd think it would have any effect on me, it doesn't.

But, if it makes YOU feel like a hot shot, go for it!
Show your math, child.

You can't.

You won't.

Trump's economy is well above where Obama's was. That's obvious.
Over 30 million unemployed under Trumplethinskin.

Because, now listen carefully, THE MAYORS AND GOVERNORS, shut everything down and, forced people to stay home!

Remember, Trump wanted to reopen in APRIL, so people could go back to work, but you Democrats threw such a hissy fit? Remember that?

That's when Trump said, fine, you do what you want with your own states.

Some states opened. And now they are regretting it with increased cases and increased deaths.

Despite everything the Democrats have done to tear down the Trump economy, it's still going strong.

A vote for Biden is a vote to end prosperity.

He will raise taxes, ship our jobs back to China, and open the floodgates for unlimited illegal immigration.

It had nowhere to go but upward. Really...think before you post.

What?! Maybe you should think before you post.

Its going up because of Trump.

It's funny when loons think they're market gurus. So many factors are in the markets, resistance points (the higher markets go the harder to break resistance),

Ears feasted on a bottomed out market and of course recovery would be faster than a somewhat normal market with resistance points. Under Trump they broke them, unemployment fell to a level not seen in decades.

Up until COVID the economy was a locomotive unlike Ear's anemic slow growth.


The market climbed 149 percent under Obama. Trump will not match Obama's performance.

You have zero idea what resistance points are and your knowledge of the markets and economics is below Econ 101

Stupid bish, you fool nobody.


The market climbed 149 percent under Obama. Trump will not match Obama's performance.

Trump has surpassed Obama.

Yeah, because the big eared fag pumped millions of "free" money into the markets

Good grief

Even with the trillions in red ink the blob signed off on; he will not meet Obama's stellar DJIA performance.

Absolutely nobody with any knowledge of the markets or economics believes you, sea carp

Cease getting info from left loon sites, they're dumbing you down to the point of eyerolls
Again, Even with the trillions in red ink the blob signed off on; he will not meet Obama's stellar DJIA performance.

(Eyeroll) Ms Wannabe, explain to me what resistance points are....

You're about to look foolish to anyone with basic knowledge of markets and should probably just go rub one out over "Stellar Obama".... snicker :)

Again, Even with the trillions in red ink the blob signed off on; he will not meet Obama's stellar DJIA performance which saw the DJIA climb 149 percent under his Presidency.

Um, you do realize that it took big ears Oreo 8 years for the market to go from 9k to 16k? And it took Trump 2 and a half to go from 16k to 30K.

You really want to compare stock market performance under Obama to Trump? You REALLY want to do that?

It's a whole hell of a lot easier for the market to go from 9k to 16k where it had already been before, than from 16k way up to 30k. You act like its all the same, its just as easy for the DOW to go from 10k to 15k as from 25k to 30k and it's not. Not at all. Oreo took 8 years to bring the market back to where it was under W, Trump took it to new heights.

In 8 years of Oreo, how many record stock market closes did we have? Under Trump its well over 100 in 2 and a half years. Wanna compare stock market performance? You sure?
Your figures are wrong....way wrong.

Obama's first day in office on 1/20/09 the stock market was at 7.9 and on his last day in office it was 19.9.

The stock market soared after Trump was elected. That impotent Oreo had NOTHING to do with the stock market from November 9th to January 20th. The markets were at 17k when Trump was elected. As soon as America knew Hildabeast was gone forever, the markets soared.

And as soon as he adds 149% to the 17K, you can make the claim that the markets did as well under the blob. Until then, you can't. It doesn't mean you won't of course. You have trouble telling the truth.
Over 30 million unemployed thanks to Trump.

Incorrect. The high unemployment is due to governors shutting down state economies due to the inflated hysteria of the China virus.
Pre-governor-shutdown, Trump presided over the best employment in history.
You can pretend otherwise, but you have to have the perceptive acumen of a door knob to actually believe that.
No. That’s false. Trump screwed the pooch because he was “happy with the numbers where they are” so he ignored The virus. Trump is responsible. The buck stops with the President. During the Ebola crisis President Obama lost two people. TWO! Under Trump it’s 167,000 and climbing. He’s a failure.
No. That’s false.
Nope, it's true. The virus came from China and the shutdown was done by the states.
The president hasn't the authority to shut down state economies.
Educate yourself, please.
Trump screwed the pooch because he was “happy with the numbers where they are” so he ignored The virus.
Do you think you further your cause by blatantly lying? Trump never ignored the virus.
Trump is responsible.
Trump doesn't control China or nature. He isn't responsible for the virus or its spread any more than he's responsible for annual flu outbreaks. Your emotional damage has clouded your logic, dear.
The buck stops with the President.
Sometimes. Not regarding things he has no control over, like a chinese virus and riots in democrat cities.
During the Ebola crisis President Obama lost two people. TWO!
Obama didn't save or kill anyone. The ebola "crisis" wasn't a pandemic, either. Surely you're intelligent enough to discern the difference, right?

Under Trump it’s 167,000 and climbing.
Correlation is not causation.
He’s a failure.
You're projecting.
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“Which of these presidents gave a $3.7 Mil. grant to Wuhan labs?”

^^^ You advertise your complete dishonesty with that sentence. It was a grant to the Wuhan branch of the American CDC, which Obama put in place to be a front-line defense against future viruses. Trump dismantled it in 2017.

Do you think you further your cause by blatantly lying? Trump never ignored the virus.
Tell us all the steps he took from December, when it was first on his desk, until the end of March.

You mean, when NO ONE knew anything about it, not even the so called experts?

Tell us about about how, when more WAS known, such as, it was CHINA that unleashed it on us and, how Trump wanted to stop all flights from China into the U.S and, was called a RACIST.

Then, how Trump was criticized for not doing something SOONER?

Then, how Trump was criticized again, for repeating what Dr. Fauci himself had said just weeks before, because NOW, Fauci had changed his mind?

When Trump wants to do something, he's a racist, if he doesn't do something, he's a racist.
“Which of these presidents gave a $3.7 Mil. grant to Wuhan labs?”

^^^ You advertise your complete dishonesty with that sentence. It was a grant to the Wuhan branch of the American CDC, which Obama put in place to be a front-line defense against future viruses. Trump dismantled it in 2017.

If it had still been in operation we might have had more working and betting information at the beginning of this mess.
You mean, when NO ONE knew anything about it, not even the so called experts?
Your ignorance is not my problem.

And since you’re probably too lazy to click:

US alerted Israel, NATO to disease outbreak in China in November — TV report

White House was reportedly not interested in the intel, but it was passed onto NATO, IDF; when it reached Israel’s Health Ministry, ‘nothing was done’
Tell us about about how, when more WAS known, such as, it was CHINA that unleashed it on us and, how Trump wanted to stop all flights from China into the U.S and, was called a RACIST.
You’re saying that trump - TRUMP! - did nothing to protect the American people because he was afraid he would be called a name?

Such an unmanly President.
Tell us about about how, when more WAS known, such as, it was CHINA that unleashed it on us and, how Trump wanted to stop all flights from China into the U.S and, was called a RACIST.
You’re saying that trump - TRUMP! - did nothing to protect the American people because he was afraid he would be called a name?

Such an unmanly President.

That's not what I said. Democrats were fighting the shutdown of flights, THEY are the ones who were saying it wasn't necessary, then of course, when more was learned, those same Democrats started in right away blaming Trump for not doing something sooner.
You mean, when NO ONE knew anything about it, not even the so called experts?
Your ignorance is not my problem.

And since you’re probably too lazy to click:

US alerted Israel, NATO to disease outbreak in China in November — TV report

White House was reportedly not interested in the intel, but it was passed onto NATO, IDF; when it reached Israel’s Health Ministry, ‘nothing was done’

Once again, it was the DEMOCRATS who downplayed the whole thing, THEY were against any flight restrictions, THEY fought against Trump, as usual, because its what they do, no matter what the situation.

Fauci, the guy Democrats hold up like a God, wasn't concerned and, as is always being brought up as the ultimate expert, said no need for masks or shutdowns......but, let's blame Trump for listening to him?
Democrats were fighting the shutdown of flights
Show us how Democrats did that. Did they get court orders to fight the shutdown of flights? Link to those please.

Or just admit you’re talking out your ass.

You know they did. They fight everything Trump wants to do, then, criticize him for not doing anything.

Its just the Democrat way.

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