Stinking Bit Players in a Corrupt Narrative


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Stinking Bit Players in a Corrupt Narrative
By E. Jeffrey Ludwig ~~ Are we proud citizens of a republic or are we “poor players” -- stinking bit players -- as William Shakespeare’s Macbeth claimed, in a “tale told by an idiot full of sound and fury signifying nothing?” Following more than two years of the most defamatory reporting ever seen in American political history about Pres. Donald Trump, the Senate Intelligence Committee, after reviewing more than 300,000 documents has, on a bipartisan basis, said there was no evidence of collusion. NBC, reporting on this, still chose to emphasize that members of the Trump campaign actually met with or talked to numerous Russians during the campaign as though meeting with foreign nationals were itself suspect or even borderline illegal. Nevertheless, NBC’s article is still looking forward to some accusations of wrongdoing, although not of illegality, coming out of the Senate Committee’s final report. The mass hysteria (Shakespeare’s “sound and fury”) about this matter has brought incessant, daily cries for impeachment of Trump since even before his inauguration. In truth, these incessant accusations are a betrayal of every standard of journalistic ethics. In the Preamble of the Society of Professional Journalists Code of Ethics, it is stated, “An ethical journalist acts with integrity.” Integrity involves a judicious attempt to assess the facts and not draw conclusions that are more hyperbole than they are circumspect. If one then goes on to read the listed planks of the Code of Ethics, one will see that coverage by major leftwing media print and TV outlets are failing to apply each and every item. When do you see or hear opinion pieces on major leftwing outlets that even begin to discuss or adjudicate between competing narratives? Every single one of these deviations can be found in the reportage about Trump collusion by the MSM for the past two plus years.
The mass hysteria (Shakespeare’s “sound and fury”) about this matter has brought incessant, daily cries for impeachment of Trump since even before his inauguration.

It's a shame when you wake up and realize that at least close to 50% of Americans re-elected Obama AFTER Benghazi.
President Trump had no idea the swamp was as deep as it is. Paul Ryan turned out to be a traitor. Who woulda thunk it. Yes they controlled congress, but that's why they are RINOs. Now we know who they are and its not good.
.All of it was made possible decades ago when a law was passed that gave federal agencies the power to propose regulations that if not voted against by congress within 90 days automatically becomes law. They in effect created a forth branch of government that is elected and accountable to no one. As was predictable this forth branch mushroomed in size and power.
Look at it this way- could a subcommittee in the House or the Senate propose a bill that automatically becomes law if no up or down vote is taken by both houses of Congress? Obviously not, and the very idea is absurd. Yet that’s what they gave to the agencies of the executive branch which have now grown so powerful that they can threaten every one of us, plus the Congress, and even their boss the President himself.
The only way to right the ship of state is for Congress to repeal that disastrous (and treasonous) law!
The innocent are persecuted and the guilty not only remain free, but flaunt it as the strut around.
I cannot decide which is worse - the double standard of justice or the use of the institutions of government for political activism. both attack the foundation of our Republic. I have lost faith that the Democrats will keep the Republic if they ever gain the power to dismantle it.
We are living in The Age of Lies.

This is a time when man calls that which is true, false, and that which is false the truth, and man lusts after lies, and delights in the telling and hearing of lies.

What follows that is what some would call End Time Events, where things foretold of long ago, were put to sleep and awoken once more.

The King of Lies, arises from an Ocean of Lies, and deceives the whole world.

I say The Oceans are Rising...but not from Climate change.

These are times that try men's souls.

To quote George Orwell:

In a time of universal deceit — telling the truth is a revolutionary act.
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