Steve McGarrett's Donald Trump/Mike Pence Election Day Prayer Vigil For 11-8-16 (Won't You Join Me?)


Gold Member
Jul 11, 2013
Hello my children! Join with Steve McGarrett on this momentous occasion on this day in history to pray for Presidential candidate DONALD TRUMP and Vice Presidential candidate MIKE PENCE.

DEUTERONOMY 20:4 “for the Lord your God is He Who goes with you to fight for you against your enemies, to give you the victory.”

PSALM 44:6-8 For I will not trust in my bow, nor will my sword save me. But You have saved us from our adversaries, and You have put to shame those who hate us. In God we have boasted all day long, and we will give thanks to Your name forever.


Thank You, LORD, for fighting on our behalf. We stand amazed how You exposed the evil and corruption in our nation and uncovered covert schemes to destroy DONALD TRUMP/MIKE PENCES' records and reputations. You have put these evil people to shame.

LORD, protect the poll workers and the citizens who are voting today, LORD. Send angels to guard them and thwart all attempts to disrupt this election. Give DONALD TRUMP/MIKE PENCE satisfaction in knowing they did their best to reveal the sleaze and dishonesty in our nation's government, media, and corporations; and to lay out their plans to Make America Great again. May they give You all glory and honor for their success!

Open the eyes of the voters who have been deceived by the lies of the enemy. Break the demonic strongholds that have caused them to be dulled and blinded to evil. Prick their hearts and cause them to vote for God fearing candidates who will champion the rights of the unborn and uphold the U.S. Constitution.

FATHER GOD, only You can save America. We put our trust in You to give the victory. We boast in You all day long, and we give thanks to Your name forever. Thank You for Your only Son JESUS CHRIST Who gives the victory!

In JESUS Name we pray. Amen.
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Hail Fairy
Orange face
The load is with thee.

Blasted art thou especially among women
And blasted is the color of thy face -- Velveeta cheeses.

Holy hairy utter retahd,
Pay for our dinners
and then you're fired.

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Hail Fairy
Orange face
The load is with thee.

Blasted art thou especially among women
And blasted is the color of thy face -- Velveeta cheeses.

Holy hairy utter retahd,
Pay for our dinners
and then you're fired.

Shame on you!
Hello my children! Join with Steve McGarrett on this momentous occasion on this day in history to pray for Presidential candidate DONALD TRUMP and Vice Presidential candidate MIKE PENCE.

DEUTERONOMY 20:4 “for the Lord your God is He Who goes with you to fight for you against your enemies, to give you the victory.”

PSALM 44:6-8 For I will not trust in my bow, nor will my sword save me. But You have saved us from our adversaries, and You have put to shame those who hate us. In God we have boasted all day long, and we will give thanks to Your name forever.


Thank You, LORD, for fighting on our behalf. We stand amazed how You exposed the evil and corruption in our nation and uncovered covert schemes to destroy DONALD TRUMP/MIKE PENCES' records and reputations. You have put these evil people to shame.

LORD, protect the poll workers and the citizens who are voting today, LORD. Send angels to guard them and thwart all attempts to disrupt this election. Give DONALD TRUMP/MIKE PENCE satisfaction in knowing they did their best to reveal the sleaze and dishonesty in our nation's government, media, and corporations; and to lay out their plans to Make America Great again. May they give You all glory and honor for their success!

Open the eyes of the voters who have been deceived by the lies of the enemy. Break the demonic strongholds that have caused them to be dulled and blinded to evil. Prick their hearts and cause them to vote for God fearing candidates who will champion the rights of the unborn and uphold the U.S. Constitution.

FATHER GOD, only You can save America. We put our trust in You to give the victory. We boast in You all day long, and we give thanks to Your name forever. Thank You for Your only Son JESUS CHRIST Who gives the victory!

In JESUS Name we pray. Amen.
If Trump were to win it would prove that the hidden Trump vote was a lot of people who agree with Steve_McGarrett,
but don't have the guts to admit it.
Keep the prayers coming. They're working! I would invite all to join in prayer on the hour while the polls are open in your area fto 8pm.

1. Set the timer on your watch or stove for this special time of unity among God’s people.
2. You may choose fast only solid food
3. You might choose to read a passage of scripture or listen to a meaningful praise hymn.

I ask that you please post and share with us as you feel led any verses or songs that have given you inspiration. And, May God continue to Bless you and others thru you.

Gracious and loving God,

You have brought about the creation of this nation. Let us remember those that came before us all that yearned to live in freedom with the vision of this ‘great experiment.’

We as a nation has lost our way. Our government has become corrupted by through the corruption of its people that have wandered from You. Forgive us. Help us once again be that principle nation under God ‘of the people, by the people and for the people’ that sustain your laws and precepts.

We ask for you to allow Donald J. Trump to become our President. Give him your strength, wisdom and protection to lead our government to: establish Justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the Blessings of liberty to ourselves and our Posterity.

We pray through the name of our Savior and Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.

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