Status Quo Joe’s Bullsh!t Promise That Bernie’s Policies Will Be Part Of His Presidential Campaign Platform


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2016
Status Quo Joe’s Bullsh!t Promise That Bernie’s Policies Will Be Part Of His Presidential Campaign Platform

Politicians rarely deliver on campaign promises. Look at the impeached president trump, he promised to build an impenetrable wall between the United States and Mexico. And, the impeached president trump promised when he became the most powerful man in the world, he would force Mexico was to pay the entire cost of this impenetrable wall.

Well, we’ve seen who is paying for the “impenetrable” wall, and it sure ain’t Mexico. And, it sure ain’t impenetrable. In fact, the wind knocked down one section. (Perhaps the contractor was forced to skimp on material due to the kick-backs he paid to the impeached president trump.)

But, the impeached president trump’s devoted fanatics fully believe that wall is just what he promised. Tsk tsk, more conservative denial of reality.

It is the same with the GOP’s decades-old promise to overturn Roe v Wade to end abortion nationwide. The Republicans dangled that carrot in front of conservatives almost from the moment the USSC decided the issue legalizing abortion. But, it took many years before the GOP allowed the anti-choice extremists to get even a small bite of that carrot, and abortion remains legal in many states nearly fifty years later.

Rank-and-file Democratic, Republican, and the consistently indecisive political centrist voters do not share most political philosophies, and are at times violently divided. But, as a segment of society, all but a handful of these people deeply fear offending the wealthy and powerful. It is for this simple reason these people split their votes, unequally, between the two candidates offered them by the two political parties. Although both candidates have proven to the voters the best interests of the billionaire class is their top priority, only one can win.

The impeached president trump has certain shown his disregard for the average American citizens, which assures the devotion from his cultists and many centrists.

Now, in his attempt to lure Bernie Sanders’ voters over to his side, Statue Quo Joe is promising Sanders’ supporters they will have a say over the policies he is to run on in the general election.

Remember, Status Quo Joe has been in Washington D.C. for nearly fifty years, and he spent most of those years in the hip pocket of corporate lobbyists and the 0.1%.

Also remember, Status Quo Joe already promised the billionaire class “Nothing would fundamentally change,” if he becomes president. And that “No one’s standard of living will change,” offering billionaires his assurance their wealth will continue to grow, while the families of the working poor will see the ongoing decline in their standard of living remain steady.

Given all of this, progressives must give close consideration to political history, and take a lesson from the conservatives’ disappointments in the impeached president trump’s “impenetrable” border wall (which Mexico ain’t payin’ for) and the GOP’s fifty-year failure to end abortion.

Naturally, conservative denial of reality blinds them to these broken promises. But progressives cannot afford to be so gullible. To get your votes, Status Quo Joe will make many promises to you. But, he pledged to serve the interests of the wealthy, exclusively, before most of you were born, and he will NOT break that pledge.

If any progressive votes for Status Quo Joe to become POTUS, do so only in the hope of ridding this country of the stupidity and greed of the a$$hole now in the Whitest House. But do NOT expect Status Quo Joe or the Democratic congressional establishment to reverse any of the damage that a$$hole caused since his inauguration. To do so... would offend the billionaire class.

Since the impeached president trump and his lies became the beacon that guides the thoughts of conservatives, it is a complete waste of time to return to one’s thread only to read the mindless prattle the conservatives spew when responding. Now, it’s post the OP, then move on.

Joe Biden launches a new effort to win over Bernie's supporters

1. The wall is working, along with Mexico's assistance keeping the migrants at home. The red FY202 line shows the reduction in illegals caught. Mexico can be made to pay for the wall ic congress gets off its ass and passes a "remittance tax" on money sent out of the US. We're very happy with the wall. Are yo happy with Joe Biden?

2. You're not getting the Trump voters. We are very happy with Trump's performance so far, especially with the MSM being 95% negative on all things Trump. Trump is bringing good jobs back to the US, Obama and Biden are "globalists" who tell stupid democrats "those jobs are not coming back"...Trump and his "populist" supporters are proving them wrong.

3. Here are the policies the democrats support, and that Trump will beat them like baby seals with:
1. Open borders, tear down the southern border fence/wall
2. Sanctuary cities & states
3. Free college
4. "Medicare for all", aka rationed healthcare, "Lois Lerner" in charge of your access to healthcare
5. Eliminate ICE and DHS, turn the US into the EU, with muslim "no go zones" and Sharia Law
6. Promote Globalism, whatever Wall Street wants Wall Street gets, see K-Street Cash
7. Paris Climate Change Treaty where the US pays $trillions to poor countries
8. Stupid trade agreements, e.g tax breaks to move factories overseas
9. Let China run roughshod over the US for trade and intellectual property theft
10. Let NK develop nukes and ICBM delivery systems, have no one capable of dealing with NK
11. Raise taxes to 70% on the wealthy, especially on corporations so they relocate overseas
12. Decriminalize all drug use and possession, Opioid deaths increase across the US
13. Gangs like MS-13 running rampant across the US
14. No steel or mining industries due to foreign "dumping" of subsidized products
15. No new pipelines and no offshore drilling
16. Medicare for all means rural hospitals will close
17. The dems' "Central Committee" appoints super-delegates to subvert real voters in primaries
18. Pack the US Supreme Court to promote liberal policies
19. Impeach anyone they deem not liberal enough, like Kavanaugh
20. Use the Federal Government to punish conservatives, like the IRS and Lois Lerner hounded conservatives
21. Use the Intel community to spy on the opposition party, like Hillary, FusionGPS, and the FBI/DOJ spied on Trump
22. Block voter ID laws to ensure fraud, and promote "vote harvesting" to steal elections
23. Refuse to provide funding for border walls/security, which DHS says is desperately needed.
24. Give $Trillions to Mexico and Central America for a Marshal Plan, but not help US citizens living in tent cities
25. Impose gun control, outlaw private gun sales, outlaw AR style rifles, restrict sales of bullets, etc.
26. "Green New Deal" Impose a "carbon tax" to punish anyone who works, heats their home, flies, or has a car
27. Anti-business democrat socialists caused Amazon to flee NYC taking 25,000 good paying jobs to VA
28. REPARATIONS to blacks to pay for slavery, $trillions owed by US voters
29. Excuse the murder of unwanted newborns, i.e. "infanticide"
30. Change the Electoral College to popular vote
31. All prisoners get to vote, even the Boston Marathon Bomber, so says Bernie
32. LGBTQ rights, trannys in military
33. Increase domestic surveillance, especially on "white supremacist" organizations
34. Add Senators and congressmen for DC and Puerto Rico
35. Be sure that any "red flag" laws exclude gang members (only get those rural guns)
36. Full welfare and free healthcare for illegal immigrants
37. Eliminate Hallmark channel for being racist, sexist and anti-LGBTQ
38. Eliminate the "cash bail system" whereby all criminals walk out after committing a crime.
39. Nationalize all of the electric utilities making them green by 2030
40. Pass "The New Way Forward Act", bringing back 480,000 deported illegals, giving them free everything

4. Abortion?
I'm definitely AGAINST abortion.

5. Your OP was thoroughly refuted. Democrats will find out in November how unpopular their policies and candidates are. Your OP seems to be against BOTH parties, that may be something we agree on. The GOP used to be "globalist" before Trump, the Never-Trumpers still are, but now the democrats are "globalists" but they don't call it that, the democrats say its "getting along with other countries" as they rip the US off. Are you a globalist or a populist? Are you a worker or an investor?
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Status Quo Joe’s Bullsh!t Promise That Bernie’s Policies Will Be Part Of His Presidential Campaign Platform

Politicians rarely deliver on campaign promises. Look at the impeached president trump, he promised to build an impenetrable wall between the United States and Mexico. And, the impeached president trump promised when he became the most powerful man in the world, he would force Mexico was to pay the entire cost of this impenetrable wall.

Well, we’ve seen who is paying for the “impenetrable” wall, and it sure ain’t Mexico. And, it sure ain’t impenetrable. In fact, the wind knocked down one section. (Perhaps the contractor was forced to skimp on material due to the kick-backs he paid to the impeached president trump.)

But, the impeached president trump’s devoted fanatics fully believe that wall is just what he promised. Tsk tsk, more conservative denial of reality.

It is the same with the GOP’s decades-old promise to overturn Roe v Wade to end abortion nationwide. The Republicans dangled that carrot in front of conservatives almost from the moment the USSC decided the issue legalizing abortion. But, it took many years before the GOP allowed the anti-choice extremists to get even a small bite of that carrot, and abortion remains legal in many states nearly fifty years later.

Rank-and-file Democratic, Republican, and the consistently indecisive political centrist voters do not share most political philosophies, and are at times violently divided. But, as a segment of society, all but a handful of these people deeply fear offending the wealthy and powerful. It is for this simple reason these people split their votes, unequally, between the two candidates offered them by the two political parties. Although both candidates have proven to the voters the best interests of the billionaire class is their top priority, only one can win.

The impeached president trump has certain shown his disregard for the average American citizens, which assures the devotion from his cultists and many centrists.

Now, in his attempt to lure Bernie Sanders’ voters over to his side, Statue Quo Joe is promising Sanders’ supporters they will have a say over the policies he is to run on in the general election.

Remember, Status Quo Joe has been in Washington D.C. for nearly fifty years, and he spent most of those years in the hip pocket of corporate lobbyists and the 0.1%.

Also remember, Status Quo Joe already promised the billionaire class “Nothing would fundamentally change,” if he becomes president. And that “No one’s standard of living will change,” offering billionaires his assurance their wealth will continue to grow, while the families of the working poor will see the ongoing decline in their standard of living remain steady.

Given all of this, progressives must give close consideration to political history, and take a lesson from the conservatives’ disappointments in the impeached president trump’s “impenetrable” border wall (which Mexico ain’t payin’ for) and the GOP’s fifty-year failure to end abortion.

Naturally, conservative denial of reality blinds them to these broken promises. But progressives cannot afford to be so gullible. To get your votes, Status Quo Joe will make many promises to you. But, he pledged to serve the interests of the wealthy, exclusively, before most of you were born, and he will NOT break that pledge.

If any progressive votes for Status Quo Joe to become POTUS, do so only in the hope of ridding this country of the stupidity and greed of the a$$hole now in the Whitest House. But do NOT expect Status Quo Joe or the Democratic congressional establishment to reverse any of the damage that a$$hole caused since his inauguration. To do so... would offend the billionaire class.

Since the impeached president trump and his lies became the beacon that guides the thoughts of conservatives, it is a complete waste of time to return to one’s thread only to read the mindless prattle the conservatives spew when responding. Now, it’s post the OP, then move on.

Joe Biden launches a new effort to win over Bernie's supporters


For every Bernie supporter he gets...he will lose two independents.

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