Statue of Liberty: Dungeon Democracy


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
There are multiple films and film posters depicting the degradation or endangerment of the Statue of Liberty, including Escape from New York, G.I. Joe: The Movie, and Cloverfield.

The Statue of Liberty is a symbol of patriotism, the American Dream, and of course, immigration idealism/optimism, as it stands in Ellis Island, welcoming the peoples of the world to embrace the fortunes of capitalism and the splendor of democracy(!).

After 9/11, people were on edge about the sanctity/security of homeland targets (since NYC was devastated by the terrible loss of the World Trade Center!). Social pundits ruminated on the possibility that anti-American terrorists would now target MLB baseball stadiums, the White House, NASA, the Space Needle, etc., etc., etc.

Well, as a comic book fan-fic writer/reader on USMB and comic book message boards, I've read and written multiple adventure-tales (all after 9/11) about the sanctity of the Statue of Liberty and fantastic 'superheroes' such as Captain America and the Punisher protecting the sacred monument.

Understanding how to 'safeguard' culture-symbols such as the immigration-loaded Statue of Liberty may require geo-political governance reforms and that must mean that the commerce-minded Trump Administration must investigate key commerce-focused institutions such as the World Bank and NATO.

Signing off (God bless America!),


TRUMP: We have to ensure the world that Ellis Island is sacred/safe...
CARTER: Your controversial comments regarding curbing immigration have caused a stir!
TRUMP: Well, Americans are simply anxious about Muslim traffic in the States after 9/11.
CARTER: Perhaps our Homeland Security marketing-campaign did not reach the people.
TRUMP: Perhaps not, and I don't know if immigration 'Utopianism' is the answer now.
CARTER: Do you think the Statue of Liberty is a 'prime-target' for terrorists?
TRUMP: In the film Cloverfield, a giant Godzilla-like monster decapitates the Statue.
CARTER: Well, I doubt terrorists are drawing 'inspiration' from Hollywood, sir...
TRUMP: No, but terrorists pay close attention to the 'fineries' of the culture of their targets!
CARTER: What about this new North Korea nuclear-threat development?
TRUMP: Commerce is key, and we have to secure South Korea at least...
CARTER: I'm also worried about homegrown terrorism!
TRUMP: Of course; remember the Boston Marathon incident?
CARTER: Maybe the Pentagon should issue a formal statement about the Statue of Liberty!
TRUMP: That would be more 'professional' than just making movies and video-games.
CARTER: In the American film The Aviator, icon Howard Hughes tries to soar his magic plane.
TRUMP: The world must know the Statue of Liberty represents confidence in consumerism.
CARTER: I think we should explore enhanced roles of the World Bank, Mr. President!



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