State of Israel Receives Gold Metals


Jan 15, 2004
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The State of Israel receives the gold metal in the following categories. They placed first out of all the nations in the world according to these reliable sources provided by . The State of Israel imports more energy per capita as well as having the highest level of fresh water pollution. The Israel male population ranks the highest percent of males reaching sixty-five. The State of Israel rank number one in the following military categories, they spend the most per capita on military spending while having the most military holdings per capita. They also spend the most on the air force per capita.

Energy - Oil imports {net} (per capita)
Environment - Water - Freshwater pollution
Health - Probability of reaching 65 (male)
Military - Air force personnel (per capita)
Military - Expenditures - dollar figure (per capita)
Military - Weapon holdings (per capita)

The State of Israel receives the silver metal in the following categories. The State of Israel has the second most personnel in the armed forces per capita. According to the World Health Organization Israelis second highest rate of war operations. The State of Israel ranks second among all of the nations in the world, abnormal findings on diagnostic imaging of central nervous system per capita. Mental and behavioral disorders due to use of tobacco per capita as well as poisoning by alcohol, undetermined intent per capita.
Military - Armed forces personnel (per capita)
Mortality - Abnormal findings on diagnostic imaging of central nervous system (per capita)
Mortality - Mental and behavioural disorders due to use of tobacco (per capita)
Mortality - Operations of war
Mortality - Poisoning by alcohol, undetermined intent (per capita)
The State of Israel ranks number three out of all nations in Army personnel per capita as well as military expenditures per dollar GDP.

Military - Army personnel (per capita)
Military - Expenditures - dollar figure (per $ GDP)
The State of Israel ranks number four in the following
Military - Conventional arms exports (per capita) Military - Weapon holdings
The State of Israel ranks number five in the following

Military - Employment in arms production (per capita)
Mortality - Intentional self-harm by unspecified means (per capita)

These facts support the statement that Israel is a religious military state that is threatening peace and security in the world. One only has to follow the last fifty-five years of the State of Israel progress to realize the danger and harm it has created toward her neighbors and the world. The military industrial complex with in the State of Israel and the United States are undermining peace and security around the world. A religious state to place first through fifth in so many military ranking when they are the size of New Jersey with less than six million people is a crime of humanity.
Instead of just bitch'n, why don't YOU tell us YOUR solution? Extermination of the JEWS?

I bet you are a great fan of Hitler. :terror:
Gold metals? Yeah, the Jews I see every day are loaded down with 'em. Of course, they come from personal injury lawsuits and stock swindles, not athletic accomplishment.
You know, I would like to see how many of the nations attorneys are Jewish. With all the problems we have with the legal system in this country, that would be an interesting statistic to see. The other one would be to see how many ACLU attorneys are Jewish. I am not being anti-Jewish, but I am VERY curious.
The Facts don?t lie people do

Complete List of Israel Top Rankings

Energy - Oil imports {net} (per capita)

Environment - Water - Freshwater pollution

Health - Probability of reaching 65 (male)

Military - Air force personnel (per capita)

Military - Expenditures - dollar figure (per capita)

Military - Weapon holdings (per capita)

Military - Armed forces personnel (per capita)

Mortality - Abnormal findings on diagnostic imaging of central nervous system (per capita)

Mortality - Mental and behavioural disorders due to use of tobacco (per capita)

Mortality - Operations of war

Mortality - Poisoning by alcohol, undetermined intent (per capita)

Military - Army personnel (per capita)

Military - Expenditures - dollar figure (per $ GDP)

Military - Conventional arms exports (per capita) Military - Weapon holdings

Military - Employment in arms production (per capita)

Mortality - Intentional self-harm by unspecified means (per capita)
David2004 said:
The Facts don?t lie people do

Complete List of Israel Top Rankings

Energy - Oil imports {net} (per capita)

Environment - Water - Freshwater pollution

Health - Probability of reaching 65 (male)

Military - Air force personnel (per capita)

Military - Expenditures - dollar figure (per capita)

Military - Weapon holdings (per capita)

Military - Armed forces personnel (per capita)

Mortality - Abnormal findings on diagnostic imaging of central nervous system (per capita)

Mortality - Mental and behavioural disorders due to use of tobacco (per capita)

Mortality - Operations of war

Mortality - Poisoning by alcohol, undetermined intent (per capita)

Military - Army personnel (per capita)

Military - Expenditures - dollar figure (per $ GDP)

Military - Conventional arms exports (per capita) Military - Weapon holdings

Military - Employment in arms production (per capita)

Mortality - Intentional self-harm by unspecified means (per capita)

drop the other shoe please
The Jewish people of the world have a Day of Remembering they don?t want people of the world to forget the Holocaust of World War II. Yet for the last five decades the Israeli government has been carrying on there own mini Holocaust against the Palestinian people. Palestinian people who family roots go back thousands of years are Semitic. They are Christian, Muslim, and Jewish people who human and civil rights are being violated by the Israeli government. Over the last fifty plus years scores of Palestinian people have been killed with ten?s of thousands of Palestinian homes bulldozed down into rubble and green zones for new Israel settlements. The size of the settlements and number of Jewish settlers in the West Bank double in number during the years of the Oslo Accords.

While the American people hear the Jewters side of the story rarely do they hear the other side of the story that the rest of the world hear and see on their TVs. Millions of Jewish families are divide on there views in this life long crisis between the Palestinian people and the Government of Israel. A great number of Jewish Israelis opposed to their governments actions and policies toward the Palestinian people yet their voices are not heard in America mass media. With many of millions if not billions of dollars damage being done onto the Palestinian people infrastructure by the Israeli government in the name of defense and security. A lot of this damage done with tools and weapons made in the United States and paid for in part by American Tax payers. Many Palestinian people probably think that Caterpillar Tractors are only made to destroy houses, village and roads and the Apache helicopters are made to shoot missile and gun to kill and destroy.
Judea, Samaria, Jerusalem and Israel belongs to Jewish nation according to International Law and history of wars of world.

International Law Prof. Talia Einhorn said today that Attorney-General Mazuz's position stating that the Geneva Convention should apply to Judea and Samaria could have far-reaching ramifications. She said it could pave the way for the international community to negate Israel's claim to the Old City of Jerusalem and other Jerusalem neighborhoods such as Ramat Eshkol, Pisgat Ze'ev and Gilo.

Speaking with Arutz-7 today, Prof. Einhorn said that Israel has long held that the territories are not "occupied" but rather "disputed" - this because they were not under the sovereign control of another nation before Israel liberated them. As she recently wrote, "Up until 1948, Judea, Samaria and Gaza were a part of the British Mandate. In the 1948 War of Independence, Egypt illegally grabbed the Gaza Strip, and Jordan took Judea and Samaria, the 'West Bank.' Egypt did not claim sovereignty in Gaza, but Jordan deigned, in 1950, to annex Judea and Samaria. This annexation was not recognized by international law. The Arab nations objected to it, and only Britain and Pakistan recognized it - and Britain did not recognize the annexation of eastern Jerusalem. In 1967, after the Six Day War, these territories - which were originally meant for the Jewish Nation's National Home according to the Mandate Charter - returned to Israeli control."

Einhorn adds that in 1988, King Hussein of Jordan rescinded his country's legal and administrative ties to Judea and Samaria. "From the standpoint of international law, there is no essential difference between the areas on the two sides of the Green Line," she said. Einhorn further said that the Foreign Ministry is correct in objecting to Mazuz's position, "as first we denied The Hague's right to deliver a ruling in this case, and now we adjust our own positions to fall in line with its conclusions."

"According to international law," Einhorn writes, "Israel has full right to try to populate the entire Land of Israel with dense Jewish settlement, and thus actualize the principles set by the League of Nations in the original Mandate Charter of San Remo in 1920. At that time, the mandate for the Land of Israel was granted to the British, and the introduction to the mandate charter states clearly that it is based on the international recognition of the historic ties between the Jewish People and the Land of Israel. Clause II of that mandate charges Britain with 'ensuring the existence of political, administrative, and economic conditions that will guarantee the establishment of the Jewish national home in the Land of Israel.'"

"Even the White Paper of 1922," she continues, "which restricted Jewish immigration to the land, emphasized the Jewish Nation's rights to a national home in the Land of Israel - while at the same time tearing away almost 80% of the mandate's area on the eastern side of the Jordan and giving it to Emir Abdullah."

Prof. Einhorn says that there is nothing in international law that requires a Palestinian state between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean - not even the UN Partition Resolution of Nov. 29, 1947. That resolution states that "independent Arab and Jewish States and the Special International Regime for the City of Jerusalem" shall come into existence in Palestine. However, Prof. Einhorn notes the widely-overlooked fact that the introduction to the resolution states specifically that it is merely a "recommendation" and nothing more: "[The General Assembly] recommends to the United Kingdom, as the mandatory Power for Palestine, and to all other Members of the United Nations the adoption and implementation, with regard to the future Government of Palestine, of the Plan of Partition with Economic Union set out below."

The fact that the Arab states did not accept the Partition Plan, explains Prof. Einhorn, voids the recommendation of any legal basis.

She further writes that Resolutions 242 and 338, which call for negotiations and a "withdrawal from territories" (not "withdrawal from the territories") captured in 1967, are similarly "recommendations." These resolutions were drawn up under the UN Charter's Clause VI, which deals with non-mandatory recommendations - as opposed to Clause VII resolutions, "which are mandatory, and which deal with a threat to world peace, such as those taken earlier this year against Iraq."
David2004 said:
These facts support the statement that Israel is a religious military state that is threatening peace and security in the world. One only has to follow the last fifty-five years of the State of Israel progress to realize the danger and harm it has created toward her neighbors and the world. The military industrial complex with in the State of Israel and the United States are undermining peace and security around the world. A religious state to place first through fifth in so many military ranking when they are the size of New Jersey with less than six million people is a crime of humanity.

All the facts may be true; however, they do not support the fact that Israel is threatening peace, any more than SDI threatens peace by protecting America from nuclear threats.
In fact, you'll probably recall that in 1948, 1967, and 1973, Israel was attacked simultaneously by her neighbors, and each time she won. And since Syria and the PLO still have not retracted their statements about wanting to end the existence of Israel, I don't blame Israel for having such a large military.
Originally Posted by David2004

These facts support the statement that Israel is a religious military state that is threatening peace and security in the world. One only has to follow the last fifty-five years of the State of Israel progress to realize the danger and harm it has created toward her neighbors and the world. The military industrial complex with in the State of Israel and the United States are undermining peace and security around the world. A religious state to place first through fifth in so many military ranking when they are the size of New Jersey with less than six million people is a crime of humanity.

David makes an incredulous statement: "A religious state to place first through fifth in so many military ranking when they are the size of New Jersey with less than six million people is a crime of humanity."

In effect, any small sized democracy with the military might to protect itself and with only a few million people is a crime against humanity.

By your reckoning, this little Jewish country the size of Rhode Island should be destroyed because in your eyes it is the 'mouse that squeaked.'

The only trouble is that this little bitsy teeny weeny country can destroy any nation that comes against it. History has proven as much.

You may not like this fact of life, but Israel has been around for more than 3 thousand years and will remain no matter how much vile and hate you can spread with your oral phalanx.
I have never said the Arab nations have clean hands in the Palestinian-Israeli Crisis neither do we. There is plenty of blame to go around for all parties involved to have a part. No matter how you cut the pie the Palestinian people are still the victims as were the Jewish people and many others from the Nazi in the thirties. The Nazi?s and Lukid parties the people in control of the governments have more responsibility for the way things were and are today. From 1947 until the present the Palestinian people have gotten the short end of the stick while the Israeli are constantly are complaining about being the victim. People and organizations that have done independent research and have studied the situation have opinions that differ from the official Israeli?s mantra. They are labeled as being anti Semitic or a self-hating Jew as their defense for policies and actions that they want to deny their existence. The Israelis like to boast about how they can grow cotton {a water intense crop} in the desert while they are standing around their swimming pools in their backyard. They don?t want to tell you they rank number one in freshwater pollution among all the nations in the world. That the Israeli Jewish people consume 80% of the freshwater and the Palestinian people get the other 20% of freshwater. Even within Israel proper there are over 100 Palestinian villages with no freshwater system, electricity or roads. They are known as Arab Unrecognized Villages by the Israeli government. Yes these are the truths that you want to deny for your plan for a Greater State of Israel. No to blame the Palestinian people for the mess they are in today would be similar to blaming the European Jewish people for the mess they were in 1936.
David2004 said:
I have never said the Arab nations have clean hands in the Palestinian-Israeli Crisis neither do we. There is plenty of blame to go around for all parties involved to have a part. No matter how you cut the pie the Palestinian people are still the victims as were the Jewish people and many others from the Nazi in the thirties. The Nazi?s and Lukid parties the people in control of the governments have more responsibility for the way things were and are today. From 1947 until the present the Palestinian people have gotten the short end of the stick while the Israeli are constantly are complaining about being the victim. People and organizations that have done independent research and have studied the situation have opinions that differ from the official Israeli?s mantra. They are labeled as being anti Semitic or a self-hating Jew as their defense for policies and actions that they want to deny their existence. The Israelis like to boast about how they can grow cotton {a water intense crop} in the desert while they are standing around their swimming pools in their backyard. They don?t want to tell you they rank number one in freshwater pollution among all the nations in the world. That the Israeli Jewish people consume 80% of the freshwater and the Palestinian people get the other 20% of freshwater. Even within Israel proper there are over 100 Palestinian villages with no freshwater system, electricity or roads. They are known as Arab Unrecognized Villages by the Israeli government. Yes these are the truths that you want to deny for your plan for a Greater State of Israel. No to blame the Palestinian people for the mess they are in today would be similar to blaming the European Jewish people for the mess they were in 1936.

David you have made a statement about the palestinian people. Do you have any evidence that there are palestinian people or a country of palestinian people?

Do you know anything about the Arabs who before 1965 were simply Jordanian arabs who took on the name of palestinians?

Before you so freely assign blame to both Israel and Arab, you should be aware of the true facts of this Middle East region and not those purported to be factual from the Israeli or Arab peoples.

You make statements about 'people and organizations' that have done independent research and have studied the situation and who have opinions that differ from the official Israeli mantra.

Who are these people and organizations? What makes their opinion or statements valid? Could the unknown people and organizations be biased in any way?
David2004 said:
The State of Israel receives the gold metal in the following categories. They placed first out of all the nations in the world according to these reliable sources provided by . The State of Israel imports more energy per capita as well as having the highest level of fresh water pollution. The Israel male population ranks the highest percent of males reaching sixty-five. The State of Israel rank number one in the following military categories, they spend the most per capita on military spending while having the most military holdings per capita. They also spend the most on the air force per capita.

Energy - Oil imports {net} (per capita)
Environment - Water - Freshwater pollution
Health - Probability of reaching 65 (male)
Military - Air force personnel (per capita)
Military - Expenditures - dollar figure (per capita)
Military - Weapon holdings (per capita)

The State of Israel receives the silver metal in the following categories. The State of Israel has the second most personnel in the armed forces per capita. According to the World Health Organization Israelis second highest rate of war operations. The State of Israel ranks second among all of the nations in the world, abnormal findings on diagnostic imaging of central nervous system per capita. Mental and behavioral disorders due to use of tobacco per capita as well as poisoning by alcohol, undetermined intent per capita.
Military - Armed forces personnel (per capita)
Mortality - Abnormal findings on diagnostic imaging of central nervous system (per capita)
Mortality - Mental and behavioural disorders due to use of tobacco (per capita)
Mortality - Operations of war
Mortality - Poisoning by alcohol, undetermined intent (per capita)
The State of Israel ranks number three out of all nations in Army personnel per capita as well as military expenditures per dollar GDP.

Military - Army personnel (per capita)
Military - Expenditures - dollar figure (per $ GDP)
The State of Israel ranks number four in the following
Military - Conventional arms exports (per capita) Military - Weapon holdings
The State of Israel ranks number five in the following

Military - Employment in arms production (per capita)
Mortality - Intentional self-harm by unspecified means (per capita)

These facts support the statement that Israel is a religious military state that is threatening peace and security in the world. One only has to follow the last fifty-five years of the State of Israel progress to realize the danger and harm it has created toward her neighbors and the world. The military industrial complex with in the State of Israel and the United States are undermining peace and security around the world. A religious state to place first through fifth in so many military ranking when they are the size of New Jersey with less than six million people is a crime of humanity.
I love it, take one country out of context of world and its neigbours political and military pressures, out of context of global events and history, basically totally out of context of anything. Pretend that everything around it and in the world is nice and beautifull and you get the EVIL empire. Bravo.
A gold medal for you Dave.
William Joyce said:
Gold metals? Yeah, the Jews I see every day are loaded down with 'em. Of course, they come from personal injury lawsuits and stock swindles, not athletic accomplishment.
funny i was thinking the same thing about all the big white businessmen here.
William, what is it about old white people and money? Maybe different threat, what do you think?
David 2004 said
These facts support the statement that Israel is a religious military state that is threatening peace and security in the world. One only has to follow the last fifty-five years of the State of Israel progress to realize the danger and harm it has created toward her neighbors and the world. The military industrial complex with in the State of Israel and the United States are undermining peace and security around the world. A religious state to place first through fifth in so many military ranking when they are the size of New Jersey with less than six million people is a crime of humanity.

freeandfun said
Instead of just bitch'n, why don't YOU tell us YOUR solution? Extermination of the JEWS?

I bet you are a great fan of Hitler.

I think you didn't understand what David said.
He didn't speak of the Jews. He never said the word "jew" or "jewish", in this quoted part or in other parts of his message.
He didn't speak of the jewish religion, but only of the STATE OF ISRAEL.
He doesn't agree with Israelian politic. Yes. But it's not for this reason that he is automaticly anti-semetic.
I've got a lot of jewish friends, men and girls, who really disagree with Sharon's politic and Israel politic. Are they anti-semetic ? no, they're jewish.
In Israel some people disagree too. David said it.

It is dangerous to amalgamate the State of Israel and the Jewish religion. For myself, I disagree with Sharon, but i'm not at all anti-semetic. Like my jewish friends.

When somebody insults Israel, he doesn't necessary insult the Jews.

If you think that disagree with Israel's politic it is disagree with Jews, you are dumb.

I can say : "I disagree with USA's politic, so I disagree with the Evangelist, because Bush is one of them." No. it is stupid.

David only speak of the eventual danger represented by a religious state with lot of military factors.
Take example : the USA's ennemies are terrorists, lot of country who help them are religious military countries..........

The big army of Israel is necessary for it defense. But don't you think that trhis amry can be one of the reason of the wars ?
I explain myself : If you know that your neighbour is hostile to you, and that he has a very big army. You would feel a Threat from him. It's a potential danger. And if you add to that 2 different religion, with fanatics in the both, who hate the other religion.......You have the Near East.
padisha emperor said:
I think you didn't understand what David said.
He didn't speak of the Jews. He never said the word "jew" or "jewish", in this quoted part or in other parts of his message.
He didn't speak of the jewish religion, but only of the STATE OF ISRAEL.
He doesn't agree with Israelian politic. Yes. But it's not for this reason that he is automaticly anti-semetic.
It is hard to debate of what other person thinks, but i believe you are wrong. He puts whole state of israel and its existence under the question. This is not the same as to disagree with the policy of the current goverment.
It is dangerous to amalgamate the State of Israel and the Jewish religion.
unfortunately it seems to be closely combined, but although we can disagree with such a close relationship b/n state and church, it is up to them to decide

When somebody insults Israel, he doesn't necessary insult the Jews.
If you think that disagree with Israel's politic it is disagree with Jews, you are dumb.
It is true that insult to israel my not necessary means an insult to jews, but it is an extremely thin line. I can even argue that it is unproper to insult state of israel as a whole, cause it is not defined by one thing or one policy. Then you combine in your insult the whole state of the israel, it means you combine both the good and the bad together and therefore indirectly insult jews.
It is the same as if one would say usa or france.

David only speak of the eventual danger represented by a religious state with lot of military factors.
should he be talking about iran instead?
The big army of Israel is necessary for it defense. But don't you think that trhis amry can be one of the reason of the wars ?
Sure if they we the one who attacking everybody around them
I explain myself : If you know that your neighbour is hostile to you, and that he has a very big army. You would feel a Threat from him. It's a potential danger. And if you add to that 2 different religion, with fanatics in the both, who hate the other religion.......You have the Near East.
good point. you just explained why israel have to spend soo much money on its military
good point. you just explained why israel have to spend soo much money on its military

Or maybe the feeling of insecurity and invasion of the Palestinians.

It is true that insult to israel my not necessary means an insult to jews, but it is an extremely thin line. I can even argue that it is unproper to insult state of israel as a whole, cause it is not defined by one thing or one policy. Then you combine in your insult the whole state of the israel, it means you combine both the good and the bad together and therefore indirectly insult jews.
It is the same as if one would say usa or france.

I've got jewish friends, they find Sharon too much radical, violent. THey think that a such man could never give peace a chance.
Lots of Israel citizens, so jews, hate Sharon.

SO when I critisize Israel, it is the State, meaning Sharon and his government, his friends at the Knesset.
Not at all the Jews.
The line between the 2 is thin, but not so thin as you mean. larger athn you mean.
Israel's religion is officialy the Judaism. But critisize Israel doesn't mean critisize Jadism.

Imagine the fact : France was the first modern and christian state (496). France did war against lot of countries, was attack....Do you think that the others countries or people wo did war against France were anit-christians ?

Some people don't like Israel, but if Sharon leave and a beter man come, they will probaly like it.
Same thing for USA and Bush. If he leaves, Europe will like again USA.
padisha emperor said:
Or maybe the feeling of insecurity and invasion of the Palestinians.

I've got jewish friends, they find Sharon too much radical, violent. THey think that a such man could never give peace a chance.
Lots of Israel citizens, so jews, hate Sharon.

SO when I critisize Israel, it is the State, meaning Sharon and his government, his friends at the Knesset.
Not at all the Jews.
The line between the 2 is thin, but not so thin as you mean. larger athn you mean.
Israel's religion is officialy the Judaism. But critisize Israel doesn't mean critisize Jadism.

Imagine the fact : France was the first modern and christian state (496). France did war against lot of countries, was attack....Do you think that the others countries or people wo did war against France were anit-christians ?

Some people don't like Israel, but if Sharon leave and a beter man come, they will probaly like it.
Same thing for USA and Bush. If he leaves, Europe will like again USA.
How are Bush and Sharon hurting France?
William Joyce said:
The Earth is still a huge place. There's room for us all. Why in God's name must we all be crammed into the same space? WHAT IS THE MORAL IMPERATIVE BEHIND THE IDEA THAT BLACKS, WHITES, YELLOWS AND BROWNS MUST ALL BE STUFFED INTO THE SAME PHONE BOOTH? Seriously? Can anyone answer this question?
We base our policies on what is good for the strength and survival of all. And we learn this through history of the world Scholars.
There is a Minoan palace on a Greek Island of Crete.
This Palace is dated 4000 years B.C. (Before Christ). It was believed to be part of a chain of Island that made up the civilization of Atlantis.
This civilization was very advanced; they had indoor plumbing and sewage. They had a natural and brilliant method of air-conditioning. It was truly a fascinating society for that time period.
The scholars believe through the study of paintings and artifacts that the reason the society was so progressive was due to the system of rule that was in place.
Some Examples are:
Since multi-tasking is better suited to women they were primarily responsible for the administrative functions of the society, while the men did the hard and dangerous work, since they were better suited to this.
Women were less inclined to war and more suitable to see that the children were raised properly, so they had a society undistributed by war and a very good education system in place. The older children would teach the younger children, because they were closer to the same mind set.
Since the males did the brunt of the work, the women would pamper the men and insure all their male needs were satisfied.
While other societies would cast out or limit the participation of people who were different then them, this society would welcome them in.
An example: A black that may have been a warrior in his own society is captured and made a slave in another society where he would be limited to servant status. On the other hand if he escaped or was sold into this progressive society, (scholars are not in agreement who these people actually were) He had equal rights granted to him and could achieve his full potential in life. He may have had qualities that made him a better officer in their military then a domestic servant. Thus the society would benefit as a whole and draw strength in its diversity. So you see these posters at you work place promoting “Strength through Diversity”
An example of this strength through diversity in the United Stated would be (I saw this on the Discovery or History Channel) the construction of the transcontinental railroad.
Since the there was a shortage of white European labor, the decision was made to hire cheap Chinese labor. As it turned out the Chinese were better suited to this task then their European counterparts. The Europeans were prone to drinking, fighting and patronizing prostitutes (STDÂ’s), which would leave them in a less productive state to work. The diet of the European consisted primarily of locally hunted meats like buffalo. This unhealthy diet caused the Europeans to be more suitable to sickness and disease. The Chinese on the other hand, not liking the European diet hired Chinese cooks. Their diet consisted of their own native foods, primarily vegetables. This left them in a much more healthier state. Remember these are the peoples who built the Great Wall.
Another Example would be the Native American Wind Talkers in WW II. I could go on, and on but as you see just as different animal breeds such as horses and dogs have their own unique traits so do the human breeds.
A wise society would harness the strength of these unique qualities in plants, animals and humans and use it to its benefit.
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