State manufactured radicals. CSIS funded a White Supremist group in Canada


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
With all of the questions and innuendo constantly being thrown at the Right, the GOP and Trump's team, Americans need to be leery of something that could easily occur, though it is far less likely in America; state funded hate.

CSIS, the Canadian Security Intelligence Service, formerly an arm of the RCMP which was separated because the RCMP were caught entrapping, burning barns and engaging in other terror against Canadians, once funded a hate group. The Heritage Front was indeed a front, the #2 man in the group went by the name Grant Bristow, spreading hatred and creating a "Heritage Front Hotline" in which if anyone called, for any reason based on any influence by state agents, they would be placed on a Watch List. Really it was a blacklist, exhaustive and excessive, a simple method to obliterate the lives of many Canadian youth.

As it were, they were merrily going along funding The Heritage Front with taxpayers money for a length of time, even to the point where a man was killed outside a restaurant in Toronto confronting an anti-racist protester. The activities of CSIS were unknown to anyone, until a reporter broke the story. CSIS denied it for years, even as Grant Bristow left the group and disappeared, until there was too much evidence and Bristow himself admitted to being a CSIS agent. of course, in his words, the spreading of anti-semitism, neo-nazis, harrassment of innocent Jewish citizens and funding of this hate was "worth it". Yeah, state run agent provocateurs, well worth exactly what in a democracy apparently based on the Rule of Law?

I am not saying this would happen in America, I am saying to be cautious in attributing any hate to any party, person or political ideology. Democrats and other enemies of the GOP or government in general can easily plant so-called racists and create a big story to discredit Trump, or, any group could use any method to misrepresent, as was shown earlier when a Muslim woman recanted her story that she had been attacked by Trump supporters.

America is different as the CIA cannot operate against Americans on American soil, quite different from Canada and you have government oversight. In Canada, police and spies of all stripes can do as they please against Canadians. In fact, a former CIA agent (you can google and find the interview I'm sure) stated publicly how shocked he was with the unlimited power of CSIS to operate as they please without any government oversight. They don't even need to tell parliament what they are up to and can deny the government access to their files. How does THAT sound for democracy? You can imagine what the TPS, OPP and RCMP get away with, to a lesser degree.

Here is a quick link to some of the story of Grant Bristow, there are many of him, including years later him resurfacing and trying to interfere in the Edmonton elections, you can find it yourself, it's all mainstream.

This particular story doesn't do justice to the original 1990's article from the Toronto Sun who originally blew the whistle, I cannot find it online, but it is out there. A fascinating read of him breaking the news of state abuse, and the spooks scrambling to deny and cover their tracks. There are also old Parlaiment interviews with some of the members who spoke and ratted out Grant as something alot more than just a quiet guy, as one person put it "he was the hand that made everything work".

One final note I will repeat over and over. Considering what the RCMP and state of Canada does to it's citizens, do not shed a tear when America works to find fair trade with Canada after decades of exploitation in their companies on Canadian soil.

Front Man
Grant Bristow kept silent for almost ten years about his controversial work as a CSIS spy in Canada’s neo-Nazi movement. Now, finally, he’s ready to tell his side of the story

Front Man
Kinda like how Obama and his DOJ used a 'Slush fund' to fund Leftist Activists...
Kinda like how Obama and his DOJ used a 'Slush fund' to fund Leftist Activists...

These issues as I see them come down to this, if the FBI issues a statement suggesting there is a rampant problem and/or makes arrests, than citizens can be aware of an organized threat. There are actions by some in the U.S that is disgusting, but without know the who, what, where, it is not healthy to make assumptions and brand Trump supporters as racist etc.

Just as the media suggests Trump is unfair to brand immigrants as criminals (though he doesn't say they all are), it is unfair to broadly brand the GOP, Right Wingers and Trump supporters as the type who would desecrate a cemetery or engage in violence against communities.

What is important is dealing with legitimate threats, not manufacturing them as has been done for a century in Canada, or even worse, becoming the enemy themselves, as has happened with the RCMP and CSIS.
WTF? Was the (polite) RCMP really "caught entrapping, burning barns, and engaging in other terror against Canadians"? I never heard about that.
WTF? Was the (polite) RCMP really "caught entrapping, burning barns, and engaging in other terror against Canadians"? I never heard about that.

Yes. In Quebec as it were.

Here is a full list of controversies, including the burning of barns in Quebec which lead to the death of many animals:

List of controversies involving the Royal Canadian Mounted Police - Wikipedia

Barn-burning scandal[edit]
Perhaps the best-remembered scandal, on the night of May 6, 1972, the RCMP Security Service burned down a barn owned by Paul Rose's and Jacques Rose's mother in Sainte-Anne-de-la-Rochelle, Quebec. They suspected that separatists were planning to meet with members of the Black Panthers from the United States. The arson came after they failed to convince a judge to allow them to wiretap the alleged meeting place. This was later admitted by Solicitor General Francis Fox on October 31, 1977.

RCMP Assistant Commissioner Rod Stamler later said that the barn-burning operation was "morally wrong and unlawful" and if the police leadership condones such actions, it will lose control of the (police) force."

Staff Sergeant Donald McCleery (1934-2014) was involved in the operation,[4] and following his retirement from the RCMP ran his own "investigation and surveillance" company in Montreal.[9] The firm was acquired by Gardium Sécurité in 2008.

It, along with RCMP entrapment and reputation for using agent provocateurs, is why Brian Mulroney separated the spying function from the RCMP and created CSIS. How embarrassing was this transition? A large number of those working for the RCMP in the spy trade, simply quit and were rehired by CSIS. As with most things in Canada regarding liberty and democracy, you can't make this up.

The problem is, in Canada these tactics are rampant. From the Toronto Police services, to Ontario Provincial Police to the feds of CSIS and the RCMP. My guess is, from the investigating and research I've done, that Canadian police agencies are not well respected or trusted by American agencies. Of course they coordinate from time to time, but really, the reputation of Canadian "democracy" is garbage.

We have done ourselves no favour by using these agencies to interfere in the free market, all for the "Crown". Which is one reason I am fully supportive of Trump putting a tariff in place and renegotiating NAFTA. American businesses can thank him later when they remain in America rather than go to a controlled economy in Canada.

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