Star dimming for 100 years with irregular dips in brightness consistent with Dyson swarm constructio


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
Star dimming for 100 years with irregular dips in brightness consistent with Dyson swarm construction and orbiting of partial Dyson Swarm

The star KIC8462852 (TYC 3162-665-1) is apparently a perfectly normal star, with no spectral peculiarities, appearing in the original Cygnus/Lyra field studied with the Kepler spacecraft. But then, the Planet Hunters project discovered in the Kepler light curve that KIC8462852 displays a unique series of aperiodic dips in brightness. There...

Certainly a possibility. ;) That civilization would have to be at least a class 3...
Why would a Class III Civilization bother with a mere Star when they could have the entire Singularity?

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