Standards Check: An Honest Question for Democrats on here

There are arrest warrants out there for them, and they are currently I wouldn't say it's legal
Not arrest warrants, just rights to forcibly bring them to the courthouse to not impede the democratic process.

You know, the one that supposedly matters to Democrats, except for when they decide it's not important at the moment...
Not arrest warrants, just rights to forcibly bring them to the courthouse to not impede the democratic process.

You know, the one that supposedly matters to Democrats, except for when they decide it's not important at the moment...
no they are arrest warrants. They will be arrested
Who is "we guys"?

Why are you using insults instead of names?

Why are you so obtuse?
Why don't you refute the claims I made?
Because you can't so you question everything else.
Why shouldn't I insult you. Why shouldn't I be insulted when you belch lies continuously about dems etc.
I don't care if you're precious lityle feelings are hurt. Don't come here spreading your hideous bullshit.
You're a fucking hypocrite. You need to study your history. The democrats have used the filibuster more than anyone else. Ironically, the most famous would be when South Carolina democrat Sen. Strom Thurmond filibustered for 24 hours to stall the 1957 Civil Rights Act. The democrats did it again to stall the Civil Rights Act of 1964. This one was led by none other than democrat heeeero Robert Byrd for 75 DAYS. Bone up on your history, moron.


Nobody could care less about what happened in 1957 or 1964. If your SO concerned with ancient history, you must fully support reparations for African Americans, right?

We're concerned with RECENT history. In the past twenty years, the Republicans have used the filibuster far more than the Democrats.
Nobody could care less about what happened in 1957 or 1964. If your SO concerned with ancient history, you must fully support reparations for African Americans, right?

We're concerned with RECENT history. In the past twenty years, the Republicans have used the filibuster far more than the Democrats.
You're a fucking moron. You really need to study up before you make false statements. The democrats have used the filibuster more in the past 20 years than the republicans. Indeed, Harry Reid, your democrat senator from NV, changed the rules to allow the democrats more power and now you morons are whining about the tables being turned. STFU.
So, there was a bill in Texas that was going to be passed which the Democrats disagreed with. Instead of accepting what every other losing party to a bill does, they left the state to stagger and prevent the Democratic process. They joyfully took photos, tweeted about how brave they were, and sang civil rights anthems as they almost literally publicly masterbated.. all of this as the Kamala Harris and the Biden Administration praised them as heroic, and the media stroked their members to ensure the DNA sprayed. It was a disgusting, anti-democracy, virtue signaling orgy. I haven't seen anyone on the left condemning these people.

Well, Joe Biden has a 3.5 trillion dollar stimulus he wants to pass, along with other massive pork. He's going to try to illegally include it into a finance-only bill, and would only need a 50% vote instead of a 60. Lindsey Graham said that since the Texas Democrats held up democracy because they know they'd lose, that he may do the same thing and have Republicans Congress so that Biden's bill cannot be passed.

Would you be okay if the GOP did this?

If not... why haven't have you had a problem that the Texas Democrats HAVE done this, and why aren't you disputing Kamala Harris and the Biden Administration's support of this?

Is being "anti-democracy" always bad? Or.. is it only bad, and important to outwardly condemn, when you think the "other guys" do it, while being okay, or not worthy of mention, when you do it...
The GOP already did this, in Oregon. Were you ok with it?
Nobody could care less about what happened in 1957 or 1964. If your SO concerned with ancient history, you must fully support reparations for African Americans, right?

We're concerned with RECENT history. In the past twenty years, the Republicans have used the filibuster far more than the Democrats.

Under Trump, procedural delays in the Senate are skyrocketing​

The president faces an increasing number of filibusters on nominees, accelerating a recent trend.

Senate Filibusters to Delay court nominees

W. Bush 39 By Democrats

Obama 175 by Republicans

Trump 314 by Democrats

Let me get this straight. The Republicans who have spent the last several months screaming about a stolen election without proof of any sort and in spite of evidence to the contrary are saying the Democrats aren’t playing fair regarding democracy?

That's a very interesting spin you lamely expect to deflect with. "Well, I think Republicans were bad for doing this, because I didn't like it, so that makes anything Democrats do perfectly okay!" I wish you a great deal of luck convincing anyone to accept your ignorant partisanship as reality, or even sensible.
The great hope Cyber Ninja is down to arguing they don’t know how 74,000 valid ballots were sent out. The people who sent them back were registered and eligible voters. But how were they sent back.

That is what they are left with. Now they are saying they need to go door to door to ask voters questions.

The great hope of "Trump said the election was stolen!" is not the topic here, nor is anyone just accepting that your screeching that line over and over automatically justifies anything Democrats do. There are threads for your favorite obessive red herring; this isn't one of them.

This is what you are left with: pathetic deflections and attempts to change the subject.
The great hope of "Trump said the election was stolen!" is not the topic here, nor is anyone just accepting that your screeching that line over and over automatically justifies anything Democrats do. There are threads for your favorite obessive red herring; this isn't one of them.

This is what you are left with: pathetic deflections and attempts to change the subject.

Two replies to the same message. I can see you are upset when your Party is exposed as hypocrites.

Republicans are blocking any legislation. Sure the Democrats do it when they are in the minority. But isn’t it odd how screams about how unfair it is end when the Republicans are doing it? Filibuster anyone?

My point. Well proven. Is that both sides do everything they can to block the other side from advancing their legislative agenda. It is plainly obvious that these agendas don’t do a damn thing to help us.

So take your hypocrisy and stick it where the sun don’t shine.
Two replies to the same message. I can see you are upset when your Party is exposed as hypocrites.

Republicans are blocking any legislation. Sure the Democrats do it when they are in the minority. But isn’t it odd how screams about how unfair it is end when the Republicans are doing it? Filibuster anyone?

My point. Well proven. Is that both sides do everything they can to block the other side from advancing their legislative agenda. It is plainly obvious that these agendas don’t do a damn thing to help us.

So take your hypocrisy and stick it where the sun don’t shine.

I can see YOU are upset that your deflection isn't working, and has been laughed at as it deserves.

Republicans are blocking any legislation they can. Sure, the Democrats do it when they are in the minority. But isn't it odd that the only "screams about how unfair it is" that you hear are the ones that didn't happen from the Republicans, and never the ones from the Democrats? You want to bring up the filibuster, then you get to explain why Democrats have used it far more than Republicans in recent history, but now want to get rid of it without any reason more than the specious and ubiquitous cry of, "Racism!!! I said the word, so I win!" In Democrat mouths, "racism!" is nothing but a synonym for "I have nothing real to say."

The only thing "well-proven" about your so-called point is that you don't have one, and never did. You never said anything about "both sides block the other side", let alone anything meaningful enough to be called a point. All you said was, "Well . . . TRUMP!!" Which, as we both know, is just like "Racism!" from the likes of you: permission for serious people to ignore and dismiss you, because you have nothing real to say.

So take YOUR desperate deflections that are too laughable to even be called hypocrisy and stick them back in your "President's" Depends for his nurse to change.
So, there was a bill in Texas that was going to be passed which the Democrats disagreed with. Instead of accepting what every other losing party to a bill does, they left the state to stagger and prevent the Democratic process. They joyfully took photos, tweeted about how brave they were, and sang civil rights anthems as they almost literally publicly masterbated.. all of this as the Kamala Harris and the Biden Administration praised them as heroic, and the media stroked their members to ensure the DNA sprayed. It was a disgusting, anti-democracy, virtue signaling orgy. I haven't seen anyone on the left condemning these people.

Well, Joe Biden has a 3.5 trillion dollar stimulus he wants to pass, along with other massive pork. He's going to try to illegally include it into a finance-only bill, and would only need a 50% vote instead of a 60. Lindsey Graham said that since the Texas Democrats held up democracy because they know they'd lose, that he may do the same thing and have Republicans Congress so that Biden's bill cannot be passed.

Would you be okay if the GOP did this?

If not... why haven't have you had a problem that the Texas Democrats HAVE done this, and why aren't you disputing Kamala Harris and the Biden Administration's support of this?

Is being "anti-democracy" always bad? Or.. is it only bad, and important to outwardly condemn, when you think the "other guys" do it, while being okay, or not worthy of mention, when you do it...
Do you masterbate like you spell? :abgg2q.jpg:
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I have a problem with elected officials not carrying out their jobs. To me it doesn't matter whether it concerns legislation or the Senate sitting on its butt and not taking up the issue of a Supreme Court nomination.
Why should the Senate have wasted their time holding hearings when there was no way they would have approved Garland?
Two replies to the same message. I can see you are upset when your Party is exposed as hypocrites.

Republicans are blocking any legislation. Sure the Democrats do it when they are in the minority. But isn’t it odd how screams about how unfair it is end when the Republicans are doing it? Filibuster anyone?

My point. Well proven. Is that both sides do everything they can to block the other side from advancing their legislative agenda. It is plainly obvious that these agendas don’t do a damn thing to help us.

So take your hypocrisy and stick it where the sun don’t shine.
When have Republicans put up legislation to the tune of nearly $4 trillion?
Why should the Senate have wasted their time holding hearings when there was no way they would have approved Garland?

Because those being paid to do a job should do it, of course. These Texan legislators are acting no different in putting partisan politics ahead of their responsibility of conducting state business.

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