Stalemate: Gender Dialogue [American Diaries?]


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
The popularity of new age male and female warriors in descriptive video games such as Ermac and Kitana could make us wonder if there are potential 'philosophical stalemates' reached regarding the etiquette contours of gender imagination in TrumpUSA.

Should capitalism make us 'extra-critical' of traffic testimonies (to promote pluralism)?

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Ermac and Kitana leaped out of the dimension of Mortal Kombat video games and wandered around TrumpUSA, evaluating the contours of gender customs, politics, and imagination(!). Ermac was a roaming mystic male warrior, often hooded, who wielded energy-balls and meditated on the ergonomics of war and peace. Kitana was a fierce fan-blade wielding warrior-princess who cared greatly about the upward mobility of women in civilization. Ermac/Kitana thought about the value of fashion/aesthetics in TrumpUSA and debated about the quality of gender imagination in a consumerism-centric society that hyped video games with fancy/colorful male and female warriors(!).


ERMAC: It seems TrumpUSA is one of great markets and media!
KITANA: Yes, it reminds me of the Roaring Twenties...
ERMAC: Will there be another Great Depression?
KITANA: Consumerism has exploded, creating inflated confidence.
ERMAC: Fashion and capital can guide customs in such a world.
KITANA: It's intriguing to note fashion/commerce creating 'gender axes.'
ERMAC: Yes, men and women wearing pinstripe clothing differ greatly.
KITANA: Imagine a male and female fashion model playing chess...
ERMAC: Yes, and a 'prophetic stalemate' is reached regarding vanity.
KITANA: Sure; the male/model/player boasts about politics.
ERMAC: Meanwhile, the female/model/player boasts about hospitality.
KITANA: This is an interesting TrumpUSA gender scenario indeed.
ERMAC: The man in pinstripes in concerned about aesthetics of capitalism.
KITANA: The woman in pinstripes thinks about quality of marketing.
ERMAC: Perhaps such a 'chess image' promotes thoughts about democracy!
KITANA: Should there be 'populism intrigue in TrumpUSA?
ERMAC: The nature of a democracy is to promote open debates...


After Ermac and Kitana concluded their little discussion about the contours of populism/democracy for a TrumpUSA symbolizing customs through commerce/traffic, they decided that a man and woman debating about pinstripe-fashions in the modern world highlighted Americans' interest in equity through negotiable politics/culture. A man boasting a pinstripe suit differed in view from a woman in an attractive pinstripe dress. Such a male-female pair would surely represent some of the complex features of TrumpUSA traffic(!). Ermac/Kitana wondered if a prophetic 'stalemate' between the genders in America contributed to vital discussions about 'social dementia.' After all, capitalism could potentially breed a great deal of 'commercial vanity.'


Ermac/Kitana decided to travel to France, to Notre Dame cathedral, where they meditated on the evolution of culture and the aesthetics of traffic metaphysics. Was there room for great spiritual dialogue in a capitalism-driven modern world? Ermac/Kitana considered the high popularity of Mortal Kombat video games and how the male/female warriors in the iconic game represented a human curiosity about prestige, honor, thrills, and even art. They wondered if TrumpUSA citizens would brood as much about the foundations of ethics as they did about the general splendor of civilization bazaars.


TRUMP: Are you a fan of Mortal Kombat, Carter?
CARTER: My son loves it, Mr. President!
TRUMP: Sometimes I wonder if those outlandish avatars are 'real.'
CARTER: You mean if they're 'Ouija-like spectres,' sir?
TRUMP: Precisely; imagine if Ermac/Kitana wandered around America!
CARTER: They'd have much to say about the aesthetics of capitalism, no?
TRUMP: They might comment, "Vanity Fair is to America what Luther was to Europe."
CARTER: It's a 'diarist' world...




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