Stacey Abrams 'absolutely' wants to run for president one day, but says she'd accept VP slot 2020

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
Of course, fat slob would LOVE a do nothing post that pays what $235,000 or abouts per year . Free housing, expense account, and all the rest of the easy shit that goes with it!


Stacey Abrams, the former Georgia gubernatorial candidate who's now focusing on tackling voter suppression head on, said she "absolutely" sees herself running for president one day, but for the 2020 cycle, she "would be honored" to run for vice president with whoever the Democratic nominee is.

"Why should we not want someone to have the power to fix the problems and the brokenness that we have?" Abrams told the hosts of ABC's "The View." "I want to do good, and there is no stronger platform than president of the United States. And that's a position I want to one day hold."

There's been a lot of veep buzz around Abrams, who served as minority leader in the Georgia House of Representatives. She said if asked, she would join the Democratic ticket -- but added that no one has asked her, yet.

"It would be doing a disservice to every woman of color, every woman of ambition, every child who wants to think beyond their known space for me to say no or to pretend, 'Oh, no, I don't want it,'" she said. "Of course I want it. Of course I want to serve America. Of course I want to be a patriot and do this work."

And perhaps bolstering her chances of being picked by any of the candidates running, Abrams declined to endorse one candidate over the other, saying her "job right now is to fix our democracy" by ensuring everyone who's eligible to vote, can.

"My best service is to be in that neutral space where it's not about who the nominee is -- it's about making sure no matter who the nominee is, any person who wants to go and vote, can vote," she said. "That's what we're doing through Fair Fight 2020."

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Of course, fat slob would LOVE a do nothing post that pays what $235,000 or abouts per year . Free housing, expense account, and all the rest of the easy shit that goes with it!


Stacey Abrams, the former Georgia gubernatorial candidate who's now focusing on tackling voter suppression head on, said she "absolutely" sees herself running for president one day, but for the 2020 cycle, she "would be honored" to run for vice president with whoever the Democratic nominee is.

"Why should we not want someone to have the power to fix the problems and the brokenness that we have?" Abrams told the hosts of ABC's "The View." "I want to do good, and there is no stronger platform than president of the United States. And that's a position I want to one day hold."

There's been a lot of veep buzz around Abrams, who served as minority leader in the Georgia House of Representatives. She said if asked, she would join the Democratic ticket -- but added that no one has asked her, yet.

"It would be doing a disservice to every woman of color, every woman of ambition, every child who wants to think beyond their known space for me to say no or to pretend, 'Oh, no, I don't want it,'" she said. "Of course I want it. Of course I want to serve America. Of course I want to be a patriot and do this work."

And perhaps bolstering her chances of being picked by any of the candidates running, Abrams declined to endorse one candidate over the other, saying her "job right now is to fix our democracy" by ensuring everyone who's eligible to vote, can.

"My best service is to be in that neutral space where it's not about who the nominee is -- it's about making sure no matter who the nominee is, any person who wants to go and vote, can vote," she said. "That's what we're doing through Fair Fight 2020."

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Yikes! I REALLY don't believe she'll EVER have a realistic chance at being president. But she CAN dream.
Like it or not, Ms. Abrams is a perfect harbinger of what the future United States of America will be like.
Of course, fat slob would LOVE a do nothing post that pays what $235,000 or abouts per year . Free housing, expense account, and all the rest of the easy shit that goes with it!


Stacey Abrams, the former Georgia gubernatorial candidate who's now focusing on tackling voter suppression head on, said she "absolutely" sees herself running for president one day, but for the 2020 cycle, she "would be honored" to run for vice president with whoever the Democratic nominee is.

"Why should we not want someone to have the power to fix the problems and the brokenness that we have?" Abrams told the hosts of ABC's "The View." "I want to do good, and there is no stronger platform than president of the United States. And that's a position I want to one day hold."

There's been a lot of veep buzz around Abrams, who served as minority leader in the Georgia House of Representatives. She said if asked, she would join the Democratic ticket -- but added that no one has asked her, yet.

"It would be doing a disservice to every woman of color, every woman of ambition, every child who wants to think beyond their known space for me to say no or to pretend, 'Oh, no, I don't want it,'" she said. "Of course I want it. Of course I want to serve America. Of course I want to be a patriot and do this work."

And perhaps bolstering her chances of being picked by any of the candidates running, Abrams declined to endorse one candidate over the other, saying her "job right now is to fix our democracy" by ensuring everyone who's eligible to vote, can.

"My best service is to be in that neutral space where it's not about who the nominee is -- it's about making sure no matter who the nominee is, any person who wants to go and vote, can vote," she said. "That's what we're doing through Fair Fight 2020."

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Does the SS have the cash in their budget for the forklift needed to move Abrams around to attend the VP's duties? Just asking.

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