St Patrick Day

March 17 is my Father's birthday. I will celebrate the same way he would if he were alive. During the afternoon hours, I will have two or three bottles of beer. For dinner there will be roasted leg of lamb with red wine pan sauce (no damn mint jelly). Throughout the day I will enjoy the music of Ireland. My Father's favorite Irish song was “I'll Take You Home Again, Kathleen”. My favorite Irish song, one of the saddest songs ever written, is “Grace”. The first link below gives the history behind the song, a tragic account of Joseph Mary Plunkett, a young man sentenced to death for rebellion, and his marriage to Grace Gifford on the night before his execution. The marriage was never consummated and history records that Grace never remarried. The second link is my favorite recording of the song. At the end of the day I will have a few shots of straight whiskey.

Move it if you like. Holidays are current events, or so I thought. Do you know a place where it would be more fitting?
You guys are spoil sports. I have been posting jibjab as entertainment. Didn't know you would be offended. Just a little light hearted humor to take the dull out of early morning.

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