Spot On!


Platinum Member
Oct 25, 2019
This guy is sometimes right

Another cause of police brutality is the training many American police forces have received from Israelis. In Israel, police are used to suppress Palestinians in occupied territories and in Gaza. It is well known that the Israeli government has little regard for the lives of Palestinians. Israeli police training stresses the importance of the life of the officer. This attitude has now been transferred to American police. We see it continually in their exaggerated response to anything that can be interpreted or misinterpreted as a threat to them. A billfold becomes a gun and so on. Many murders committed by police can be attributed directly to this attitude that has been ingrained by their training.

Another cause is the militarization of the police by the George W. Bush and Obama administrations. Militarization was done because of an alleged Muslim terrorist threat which has proved to be unfounded, and it creates a macho attitude among police who see the public as enemy.

In 3, 2, 1- let attacking the messenger begin.
I know during the 2014 war with the Palestinians I was appalled by their actions.

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