Sports Illustrated Puts Another Mentally Ill Dude In a Bikini On the Cover

/---/ And like the perfect liberal democRAT - you got rid of the Indian Maiden and kept her land.

Well, no, first nations groups insisted on getting rid of her. The land was lost a long time ago. It's kind of bad taste to genocide a people and then use caricatures of them to sell products.

Just imagine if they sold "Hymie McJewboy Lampshades" and you could imagine the outrage.

/----/ You Libs just can't stand it when an uppity Black woman achieves fame and $$$ on her own without help from your welfare state. So you got rid of her.

Except she didn't get it on her own. She didn't invent the product, she was just paid to do minstrels shows promoting the product, like a mascot.

/----/ But the White guy got to stay
When the Religious Society of Friends get rightfully upset about it, he'll probably go, too.
Well, no, first nations groups insisted on getting rid of her. The land was lost a long time ago. It's kind of bad taste to genocide a people and then use caricatures of them to sell products.

Just imagine if they sold "Hymie McJewboy Lampshades" and you could imagine the outrage.

Except she didn't get it on her own. She didn't invent the product, she was just paid to do minstrels shows promoting the product, like a mascot.

When the Religious Society of Friends get rightfully upset about it, he'll probably go, too.
/——/ democRATs racism and White Supremacy on full display. The Klan would be proud.
Okay, now you are just babbling.
/---/ The only ones left on the label are Whites. That sounds like some racist democRATs hard at work. Old Robert KKK Byrd would be proud.
The only ones left on the label are Whites. That sounds like some racist democRATs hard at work. Old Robert KKK Byrd would be proud.

You are definitely babbling, buddy.

There are plenty of labels left for products actually started by black entrepreneurs.

Just not old racist symbols where white people used blacks as mascots.
You are definitely babbling, buddy.

There are plenty of labels left for products actually started by black entrepreneurs.

Just not old racist symbols where white people used blacks as mascots.
/——-/ And you also think slaves were saved from the alligator swamps of Africa. democRATs we’re doing them a big favor.
Nancy Green who portrayed the Aunt Jemima character was paid for her appearance wasn’t a mascot. Her family said she was very proud to be chosen. You people are sick.
Nancy Green who portrayed the Aunt Jemima character was paid for her appearance wasn’t a mascot. Her family said she was very proud to be chosen. You people are sick.
Um, no, that's what a mascot is. Someone who is paid to portray someone.

The branding was still racist.

This is what the original logo looked like.


Not exactly flattering.

Followed by this.

Um, no, that's what a mascot is. Someone who is paid to portray someone.

The branding was still racist.

This is what the original logo looked like.

View attachment 787356

Not exactly flattering.

Followed by this.


How is a pleasant looking smiling face to encourage people to try the product "offensive" at all? Why exclude Aunt Jemina or Famous Amos or Jake from State Farm from the business, and only have white spokespeople?
Um, no, that's what a mascot is. Someone who is paid to portray someone.

The branding was still racist.

This is what the original logo looked like.

View attachment 787356

Not exactly flattering.

Followed by this.

/——/ I spent a decade in the creative part of advertising. The first one was from the limited printing processes of the time. Of course, being a Libtard, you judge people who lived 100 years ago by today’s standards. And, what is racist about the second one? What was racist about Uncle Ben?
I spent a decade in the creative part of advertising.

I'm sorry to hear that... Probably explains why most advertising tends to be on the stupid side.

The first one was from the limited printing processes of the time. Of course, being a Libtard, you judge people who lived 100 years ago by today’s standards. And, what is racist about the second one?

Rapid fire.
It wasn't the limited processes, it's the fact they drew her as a "pickananny" - a racist stereotype.
It was racist 100 years ago and it is racist now. The whole excuse that racism in the past was acceptable because that's what everyone thought is a cop out. People knew what they were doing then was wrong, and it was intentional.
The second one, still portrays her as a black mammy- another racist stereotype.

What was racist about Uncle Ben?
You mean other than the man in the picture, who was named Frank Brown, only got $50.00 for his likeness.

I'm sorry to hear that... Probably explains why most advertising tends to be on the stupid side.

Rapid fire.
It wasn't the limited processes, it's the fact they drew her as a "pickananny" - a racist stereotype.
It was racist 100 years ago and it is racist now. The whole excuse that racism in the past was acceptable because that's what everyone thought is a cop out. People knew what they were doing then was wrong, and it was intentional.
The second one, still portrays her as a black mammy- another racist stereotype.

You mean other than the man in the picture, who was named Frank Brown, only got $50.00 for his likeness.

/----/ You had to go back a century to prove your point. You didn't use the latest Aunt Jemima spokes woman. Why not? It doesn't fit your leftist racist narrative?
I'm sorry to hear that... Probably explains why most advertising tends to be on the stupid side.

Rapid fire.
It wasn't the limited processes, it's the fact they drew her as a "pickananny" - a racist stereotype.
It was racist 100 years ago and it is racist now. The whole excuse that racism in the past was acceptable because that's what everyone thought is a cop out. People knew what they were doing then was wrong, and it was intentional.
The second one, still portrays her as a black mammy- another racist stereotype.

You mean other than the man in the picture, who was named Frank Brown, only got $50.00 for his likeness.

/----/ Time to step up to the plate and tell Nancy Green's family they are racists too.
"I want people to know she was a real person," said her great-niece Vera Harris. "She wasn’t just some cartoon character. She ... had feelings like we all have and just wanted to make a living at the age of 20. She was happy and proud of the work she did.”
I'm sorry to hear that... Probably explains why most advertising tends to be on the stupid side.

Rapid fire.
It wasn't the limited processes, it's the fact they drew her as a "pickananny" - a racist stereotype.
It was racist 100 years ago and it is racist now. The whole excuse that racism in the past was acceptable because that's what everyone thought is a cop out. People knew what they were doing then was wrong, and it was intentional.
The second one, still portrays her as a black mammy- another racist stereotype.

You mean other than the man in the picture, who was named Frank Brown, only got $50.00 for his likeness.

/----/ I was in the business - you weren't; you know-nothing.

First of all, the value of $50 from 1946 to 2023 is equivalent in purchasing power to about $777.85 today, an increase of $727.85 over 77 years.

Read the first paragraph in this PDF link. The average nonfarm income in 1946 was about $1,100 a year. So Frank Brown was paid 3.4 of a year's salary in his day, probably closer to 100% for the lower salaries Blacks were paid.

You literally have no idea what you are talking about. You just spout out whatever idea pops in your head that sounds reasonable.
/----/ You had to go back a century to prove your point. You didn't use the latest Aunt Jemima spokes woman. Why not? It doesn't fit your leftist racist narrative?
You can't use the cleaned up version and pretend the earlier ones didn't exist.

/----/ Time to step up to the plate and tell Nancy Green's family they are racists too.
"I want people to know she was a real person," said her great-niece Vera Harris. "She wasn’t just some cartoon character. She ... had feelings like we all have and just wanted to make a living at the age of 20. She was happy and proud of the work she did.”
No one begrudges her the ability to make a living.

They once asked black actress Hattie McDaniel (who played Mammy in Gone with the Wind, about her playing subservient roles, and she said, "I could make $700 a week playing a maid or $7 a day being one."

But the roles were demeaning because they perpetuated racist stereotypes. If all little black girls saw were women being mammies when they grew up, they'd have no further ambitions to be something... more.

/----/ I was in the business - you weren't; you know-nothing.
Yes, it explains why advertising is an intellectual crap stream. It all makes sense now.

First of all, the value of $50 from 1946 to 2023 is equivalent in purchasing power to about $777.85 today, an increase of $727.85 over 77 years.

Read the first paragraph in this PDF link. The average nonfarm income in 1946 was about $1,100 a year. So Frank Brown was paid 3.4 of a year's salary in his day, probably closer to 100% for the lower salaries Blacks were paid.

Um, sorry, he only got $50.00 and the company made millions using his image of "a guy you can trust".
You can't use the cleaned up version and pretend the earlier ones didn't exist.

No one begrudges her the ability to make a living.

They once asked black actress Hattie McDaniel (who played Mammy in Gone with the Wind, about her playing subservient roles, and she said, "I could make $700 a week playing a maid or $7 a day being one."

But the roles were demeaning because they perpetuated racist stereotypes. If all little black girls saw were women being mammies when they grew up, they'd have no further ambitions to be something... more.

Yes, it explains why advertising is an intellectual crap stream. It all makes sense now.

Um, sorry, he only got $50.00 and the company made millions using his image of "a guy you can trust".
/——-/ So if a company offered you 3/4 of your yearly salary to sit for a photo for branding of a box of rice, you’d storm out in a huff feeling put upon? WOWZA.
I think your math is a bit off. $50.00 was not a 3/4 of an annual salary.

But I'd be saavy enough to get a contract with a percentage.
/——-/ Go back and re read the post. And models don’t get a percentage back then. They were lucky to get paid. You are clearly lost in the woods.

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