Spill the beans here...


Senior Member
Aug 13, 2004
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C'mon, let's here it..
Ok, I'll start

I filled Jim’s cube up with styrofoam peanuts…
Just kidding.

So here it is….
I worked at a grocery store when I was 16.
Me and 4 other cashiers came up with this scheme to get cheap
stuff from the store. It started out with us buying beer from each other
(under age),then we found the “general” button. We could ring up whatever
we wanted and hit that button, then ring it up at a different price. We would
get cigs for like $5.00 a carton. One guy got caught because he bought like 6
cartons the day before payday and they got smart on us. He ended up being
the only one caught, and tried to tell on the rest of us and we all played
stupid. Nothing happened to him other than getting fired.
I heard about this, but haven't had the chance to try it. One of the major department stores (probably Wal-Mart) has, or used to have, a policy where they would take back items up to $40, no questions asked, without a receipt, and without scanning them. All you had to do was take an item from the front of the store to the returns section and they'd give you the money for it. I wanna try it out, but I don't wanna get busted if they've gone around that.
Also, when I used to work for Goodwill, I was one of the people that worked in the back and took donations from the drive-thru window. I also priced items. The biggest perk of this job was, if someone brought in something you wanted, all you had to do was just put it to the side. Nobody knew it had been donated, so you could basically take whatever you wanted. I only got a few CD's and stuff, I didn't work there long. The guy that had been working there for a while said he got a TV, speakers, CD Player, all kinds of stuff.
Dan said:
I heard about this, but haven't had the chance to try it. One of the major department stores (probably Wal-Mart) has, or used to have, a policy where they would take back items up to $40, no questions asked, without a receipt, and without scanning them. All you had to do was take an item from the front of the store to the returns section and they'd give you the money for it. I wanna try it out, but I don't wanna get busted if they've gone around that.
Our Wal-Mart now adheres stickers to the bag your return is in to signify it is indeed a return. I don't see this scheme working.
Dan said:
I heard about this, but haven't had the chance to try it. One of the major department stores (probably Wal-Mart) has, or used to have, a policy where they would take back items up to $40, no questions asked, without a receipt, and without scanning them. All you had to do was take an item from the front of the store to the returns section and they'd give you the money for it. I wanna try it out, but I don't wanna get busted if they've gone around that.

Kids!!! Can you say security camera, Dan?
Don't be an idiot. :)
Well it's not my story but a *ahem* very close relative, who shall remain nameless to avoid prosecution, which he was saved from. Fortunately for myself, I just found out about this, over a decade later.

When said individual was 8 years old, he was moved to a new school. Being endowed with leadership skills and an anti-social persona, within a month of 3rd grade, he had collected a group of other gifted students into a shoplifting and resale gang. They would visit the local grocery/pharmacy store and 'collect' the 'hot' pencils, folders, candies, gifts for parents and 'sweethearts', then take them to school and sell them during recess.

Now said individual, HE never stole anything, he was the leader and told the others what to steal and he set the prices. (when something wouldn't 'move' he'd reduce the cost.) He divided up the proceeds.

About 5 months into this felonious ring, the store found out and busted them. Even when I was a kid, we all knew they prosecuted shoplifters. Never one to get in major problems, this individual had no problem calling in connections. Luckily for him, his uncle whom he asked for as his one phone call, was a rather high ranking officer on the city's police force. He came and the kids were released to him.

Now he took each boy home and told their parents what had happened. All except one. Guess whom? (I do believe I'll kill my brother one of these days.) Luckily this unnamed precocious criminal has had a change of behavior. His goal is now to get a job with the FBI. Go figure.
When I was in grade school, I switched pricetags on a notebook, so I could afford it. Sent the price difference plus tax to the store annonymously.
Joz said:
When I was in grade school, I switched pricetags on a notebook, so I could afford it. Sent the price difference plus tax to the store annonymously.

Dang, I was too scared to do things like this. I never even cheated on a test. Hey I got good at lying by omission to my parents, does that count? :happy2:
Kathianne said:
Dang, I was too scared to do things like this. I never even cheated on a test. Hey I got good at lying by omission to my parents, does that count? :happy2:
I think you qualify as a deviant. :)
You know...I had a buddy do the same thing.
They used to get those mega 84 (or whatever) oz fountain drinks
and stuff everything they could (except soda) in the cup.
They then paid their $0.99 for the soda and sold the merchandise.
After they got caught, the police had estimated over $2,000 in
stolen goods, so they had to wash fire trucks every weekend
for the whole summer.

That same summer I decided to pick corn for my grandfather
and we would wait for him to pick up the "crew" at the local
gas station (not the previous mentioned one, the other one).
While we were waiting, we would sit in the booth that was backed
up against the cigarete rack, they didn't keep them behind the counter
when they were on sale. Anyway, we would sit with our back to the rack
and cross our arms, then reach the arm that was tucked under, behind us
to lift cigs from the rack. I never got caught, but this didn't last long
cause they always put the cheap, nasty (Winstons) cigs on the rack.
Dan said:
I heard about this, but haven't had the chance to try it. One of the major department stores (probably Wal-Mart) has, or used to have, a policy where they would take back items up to $40, no questions asked, without a receipt, and without scanning them. All you had to do was take an item from the front of the store to the returns section and they'd give you the money for it. I wanna try it out, but I don't wanna get busted if they've gone around that.

If you want a refund on an item, you have to stop by the door clerk, and get the item stickered, and go straight to Customer Service.. You can't come from the back of the store to get stickered - you have to walk in the door with the item.
Shattered said:
If you want a refund on an item, you have to stop by the door clerk, and get the item stickered, and go straight to Customer Service.. You can't come from the back of the store to get stickered - you have to walk in the door with the item.

Care to share a story my dear???
I know some more of you were trouble makers....
Sir Evil???
Mr P.? (you probably moved people's outhouses in the middle of the night huh)
You kidding? I'm the type of person that won't take mints from the honor box at a restaurant, unless I have the exact amount of the "donation" they're requesting.
Shattered said:
You kidding? I'm the type of person that won't take mints from the honor box at a restaurant, unless I have the exact amount of the "donation" they're requesting.
maybe now...
How about when you were a kid???
You didn't do ANYTHING?
maybe now...
How about when you were a kid???
You didn't do ANYTHING?

I kid you not.. My biggest fear in life was getting caught doing something wrong until I got to high school.. Then the worst I did was skip a couple classes, and get caught smoking in the bathrooms..
Shattered said:
I kid you not.. My biggest fear in life was getting caught doing something wrong until I got to high school.. Then the worst I did was skip a couple classes, and get caught smoking in the bathrooms..
I guess that's good enough....

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