Sovereignty Is Not Isolationism


Sep 23, 2010
The topics in Taqiyya the Liar’s commencement speech were all aimed at one policy —— a one government world administered by the United Nations:

President Obama used his commencement speech at Rutgers University to tear into Donald Trump's trade agenda, his Muslim ban, and his planned wall on the U.S.-Mexico border.​

Let me begin with amnesty for illegal aliens. Permanent open-borders insures amnesty without bothering with passing troublesome legislation.

Add 30 million illegal alien voters to the Democrat base AFTER AMNESTY. Amnesty for the 30 million already here is only the beginning. The next wave of illegals will wipe America off the face off the Earth forever. Put it this way. Today’s American teenagers won’t have a country long before they reach fifty years of age. In practical terms, all of the government jobs, and most good jobs in the private sector, will belong to immigrants thanks to a huge assortment of social engineering laws and government programs.

I’m sure Democrats will agree to a “fence” as a way to cover their asses at election time —— knowing full-well a border fence the size of the Great Wall of China won’t prevent the next wave of illegals from pouring in. Open-borders has been government policy since the LBJ years. No fence is going to change that.

Our spiritual leader sees America and the world as a better place because of Socialism and his policies:

By almost every measure America is better and the world is better than it was 50 years ago or 30 years ago or even eight years ago,' the president said, pointing to drops in crime, poverty, and other metrics.​

Parasites in America, and in foreign countries, are certainly better off on tax dollars, while the evidence shows that Taqiyya the Liar’s favorite religion —— Islam —— is spreading its cruelty drenching the world in blood with a promise of more to come from United Nations refugees.

Even if you believe that Islam is a religion of peace rather than a political movement exactly like Communism, Americans were losing individual liberties and their country to worldwide Communism before Taqiyya the Liar abolished the US Constitution.

NOTE: American Socialists promote the lie that WWII was fought for Socialism à la saving the Soviet Union. Indeed, Communism benefitted the most after Americans fought for their country’s independence first and only. In the Liar’s upside-down world sovereignty is the very thing that piece of garbage hates the most when he double-speaks it into isolationism. Rapid travel, instant worldwide communications, enforcing legal immigration, trade, and global financial markets is isolationism to the Liar because it does not include open-borders.

Parenthetically, American Socialists/Communists would not have fought for the country had Hitler honored the non-aggression pact:

The Hitler-Stalin Pact - Aug 23, 1939 -

It is fair to say that Democrats secretly honor a one-sided pact with Communist countries. One-sided because China is building up its military while the Liar is dismantling ours.

As for Islam, Taqiyya the Liar honors his own non-aggression pact with Muslims while his friends in Iran plan to invade as soon as they have the nuclear capabilities he swore Iranians would never have:

However, even as the American people remained rightly skeptical of Iran in the last year of President Obama’s first term, the Obama White House had begun secret talks with the Ahmadinejad regime, which would result in the world’s acquiescence to Iran’s nuclear program.

Ben Rhodes Reveals How Obama Duped America Into The Dangerous Iran Deal
By David Reaboi
May 9, 2016

Ben Rhodes Reveals How Obama Duped America On Iran

Just to be clear. I am not defending Trump’s qualifications, but these lies should make every American puke:

'As citizens we all put our country fist,' he said.​

When in hell did he, or anybody in his inner-circle, ever put this country first?

Then Obama went after anti-intellectualism as well as the argument for a political outsider, comparing it to the need to have a trained pilot to fly a plane. It was a not-subtle suggestion to avoid electing the businessman Trump over Hillary Clinton, with her deep political resume – although Obama himself ran on a 'Change' theme against Clinton in 2008.

Obama goes after Trump in Rutgers commencement address and slams building 'walls,' isolationism, and 'conspiracy theories' – and even defends the 'rigged' political system
By Geoff Earle, Deputy Us Political Editor
Published: 14:02 EST, 15 May 2016 | Updated: 15:14 EST, 15 May 2016

Obama goes after Trump in Rutgers University commencement address

Hillary Clinton’s deep political résumé consists of acquiring tax dollar wealth and political power. Her foreign policy qualifications total Taqiyya the Liar’s failures after more than seven years in office.

Finally, the Liar could hardly advocate global government without taking a swipe at the Left’s favorite red herring —— ISOLATIONISM. Rather than rewriting things I have been saying on message boards for 16 years, I will include a brief summary of my views on isolation from another thread:

Isolationism, as it was understood and practiced in the first half of the twentieth century, is no longer possible. The charge of contemporary American isolationism is impossible to make it stick with any credibility. Ocean-hopping aircraft, global communications, legal immigration, tourism, a worldwide web of financial markets, business alliances, etc., have buried “Great Wall of China” type isolation as a national policy in most of the world. That reality does not mean sovereignty is also obsolete. Just the opposite is true. Territorial sovereignty is more important today than it has ever been. Nations can and should do business with other nations, and, at the same time, retain their national sovereignty. Sovereignty begins with the citizens in every nation controlling their borders. Border control was stolen from the American people by thieves, parasites, and traitors loyal to the New World Order’s agenda.

Communist styled isolationism is still with us. The Great Wall of China was built to keep invaders out. Communist China’s modern wall is modeled after the Soviet Union’s wall —— keep people in; which says a lot about Communism and all totalitarian governments. Communist countries turning a countries into prisons is no reason to oppose sovereignty. China, Russia, Muslim countries, and just about every country are not surrendering control of their borders, yet Americans are being forced to do just that.

The basis for so much political indifference to sovereignty in the U.S. stems, in part, from the touchy-feely mosquitoes who flit from cause to cause trying to convince everyone that their global village is the only way to go. The vast majority of Americans disagree with that media-protected view, while they are powerless to fight it even when they think they are electing politicians who will stand firm against misleading utopian promises.

Because elected officials have failed American voters on sovereignty so many times in the past, a substantial number of private sector voters have joined the growing throng of disillusioned fellow Americans who have turned their backs on all politics for reasons of their own. If the causes for disillusionment continue to increase in number, the day is not far off when those people living on tax dollars will be the only voters —— and they will always vote their wallets. “It’s tax revenues, Stupid!”

According to the wannabe tribe-elders, once their fairy tale village is firmly established, everyone on the planet will join hands once a day and belt out a couple of choruses of:​

Anyone who opposes the global village view is quickly branded as a meanspirited isolationist. For example: Village bleating hearts claim that securing national borders against illegal immigration has nothing to do with territorial sovereignty —— it’s only isolationism at its worst. What they fear is the government halting illegal immigration and, at the same time, shutting entitlements down. Of course, that turn of events would cut into their oh-so-compassionate tax dollar funded protest activities because then they’ll have to strap on a leaf blower five days a week to make ends meet —— leaving them little time to save the world.

Those of us who are lucky enough have a few freedoms remaining should be encouraging and promoting the very best attributes of national sovereignty. Freedom-lovin’ individuals should not be voting for big government advocates who will only lead the global villagers in destroying America’s sovereignty for ulterior motives of their own.

Always remember that Socialists/Communists do not sanction private property Rights for private sector individuals for any reason; so they sure as hell are not going to defend territorial sovereignty for the United States because that is the ultimate property Right.
Hillary Clinton’s deep political résumé consists of acquiring tax dollar wealth and political power.
Hillary even lies when she tells the truth:

Hillary Clinton Says 'No,' Bill Won't Serve in Her Cabinet
By Liz Kreutz
May 16, 2016, 1:10 PM ET

Hillary Clinton Says Bill Won't Serve in Her Cabinet

She could have simply said it is “. . . illegal for the members of families of the president to be in the Cabinet.”.

The question should be “Will you make him United Nations Secretary General?"

Bill Clinton spends more time in the public’s eye than Lucille Ball in reruns. Bill Clinton will not go away like a good little former president should because he wants to be secretary-general so much he cannot letup for a second. While his wife was campaigning for the presidency in 2008 he was campaigning for the job of secretary-general.

In one appearance on Meet The Press Bill Clinton laid out the standard political pap; everything from fictional global warming to fictional Jack Bauer being mean to a terrorist. One of Clinton’s responses is still worth noting:​

MR. RUSSERT: What would your role be? What would you be called? You’re not first lady. Would you be first man? How does that work?

MR. CLINTON: I have no idea. You know the Scots say I should be first laddy. But I don’t know. I’m more interested in what I’d be called upon to do. And it’s been illegal for 40 years, since Robert Kennedy served as attorney general, and then the Democratic Congress with President Johnson in office made it illegal for the members of families of the president to be in the Cabinet. I actually agree with that. I think it would be a mistake for Hillary to give me a line policy-making job. I think I should be available to help her with specific foreign problems, that she said, and maybe to help to promote the domestic agenda, go around the country and help promote it. I think that it would probably be good for America if I could continue to do this, the Global Initiative, and all my foundation work around the world. I think that helps America. I think the Gates Foundation work. I think all these religious groups. I think all of us that work around the world, I think we help America. But I will do whatever I am asked to do. I don’t care what I’m called, I don’t care where my office is. I just want to do whatever helps her most. I think that’s what—that’s what you do if you’ve been president and you get a president. Is the fact that, you know, we’re—our situation’s unique. It doesn’t change that. I think I’ll let any president, but particularly to her, I just want her to—whatever she wants me to do I’ll do.​

The entire response to Russert’s question is about him becoming secretary-general. Let me clarify my interpretation:​

And it’s been illegal for 40 years, since Robert Kennedy served as attorney general, and then the Democratic Congress with President Johnson in office made it illegal for the members of families of the president to be in the Cabinet.​

Clinton stated the obvious. He could not hold a cabinet post. The same will apply in 2017. If memory serves, I believe that then-Senator Clinton also issued the same disclaimer. Now, that the world knows he cannot be secretary of state all he has to do is avoid mentioning the UN.

This next one slips in the International community without mentioning it by name:​

I think I should be available to help her with specific foreign problems, that she said, and maybe to help to promote the domestic agenda, go around the country and help promote it.​

The biggest foreign problem that Democrats face is that most Americans despise the United Nations. The plan has always been for Bill Clinton to give the UN legitimacy. Had Hillary won in 2008, Bill might have toured the country talking about his wife’s domestic agenda. Such a tour would have been about him winning the trust of the American people. The idea was to have Americans first trust him, then trust the UN after he became secretary-general.​

No foreign secretary-general will ever fool the American people into believing that the UN is a good deal for Americans. Only an American of stature can do that. Colin Powell and Bill Clinton were the only two who might have pulled it off with a lot of help from the media. Obviously, Powell would have run a distant second to President Hillary Clinton’s husband. Today’s question: What are Barack Taqiyya’s chances against President Hillary Clinton’s husband? I would not be too quick to answer Bill. President Hillary Clinton may very well choose Taqiyya. After all, what has Bill done for her lately; whereas, she owes Taqiyya. In addition, there is not a whit of difference between them politically, and the UN job might very well be the price of his support in 2016.

This next one was pure political opinion phrased in International community rhetoric:​

I think that it would probably be good for America if I could continue to do this, the Global Initiative, and all my foundation work around the world. I think that helps America. I think the Gates Foundation work. I think all these religious groups. I think all of us that work around the world, I think we help America.​

The fact is: They help create a false need for global government more than they help America.

This next one is classic doublespeak:​

But I will do whatever I am asked to do. I don’t care what I’m called, I don’t care where my office is.​

What was Bill going to do? say NO when she “asked” him to take the top UN job.

And finally:​

I just want to do whatever helps her most.​

I am not sure if he meant help her or help the UN. Either way, installing him as secretary-general was the goal.

Here is the link for the transcript of the entire interview:​

President Hillary Clinton’s Choice: Bill or Barack
The topics in Taqiyya the Liar’s commencement speech were all aimed at one policy —— a one government world administered by the United Nations:
Let’s set the record straight one more time. An isolationist is an American who puts the country ahead of the United Nations:

President Obama took a not-so-subtle shot at Republican nominee Donald Trump in Laos Wednesday, lamenting to a foreign audience that the U.S. will be “left behind” if America turns to isolationism instead of embracing Asian cultures.​

In Laos, Obama bashes Trump for being an isolationist
By Dave Boyer - The Washington Times - Wednesday, September 7, 2016

In Laos, Obama bashes Trump for being an isolationist

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