Southern Baptist Leaders Call For Integrated Churches!

Should White and Black Southern Baptists Unite into one church?

  • No. it would cause strife!

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  • Yes, it is in keeping with the faith!

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  • No. The races should not mix...EVER!

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Gold Member
Aug 10, 2012
Leaders in nation's largest Protestant denomination are preaching that churches can be a key driver of racial justice in society. But that could be a hard sell to those sitting in Southern Baptist Convention congregations.

The Rev. Russell Moore, who leads the Southern Baptist's Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission, is one of several white leaders calling for multiethnic congregations in the wake of the unrest spurred by the killings of black men by white police officers in Ferguson, Missouri, and New York City.

"In the church, a black Christian and a white Christian are brothers and sisters," Moore wrote recently. "We care what happens to the other, because when one part of the Body hurts, the whole Body hurts. ... When we know one another as brothers and sisters, we will start to stand up and speak up for one another."

The effort has taken on particular urgency for Moore and other Southern Baptist leaders who have been working to overcome the denomination's history. The convention was formed in 1845 in a split with other Baptists when Southern Baptists resolved to continue allowing slave owners to become missionaries.

During the civil rights movement, Southern Baptists were largely silent or actively opposed ending segregation. The denomination eventually declared racism a sin, and in 2011 renewed efforts to reach out to Latinos, African-Americans and others. The next year, the denomination elected its first African-American president, the Rev. Fred Luter, Jr.


I was pleasantly surprised by this article. Can it be true? Do White Southern Baptists finally see the light? why did it take them so long to realize that Heaven won't be segregated like US churches are; and all professing to believe in the same God.

I predict nominal resistance to any such undertaking from both White and Black congregations. I doubt if White Christians are going to depart from their "pseudo-conservatism long enough to welcome moderate numbers of Blacks into their fold and I doubt if Black ministers are going to want to subordinate their flocks and themselves to the more powerful White religious superstructure. The proposal is interesting but I doubt if it gets off the ground anytime soon. Still, the gesture is noble and worthy of praise!

I should think that if anyone of any race walked into any church that they would not be rejected.
People of all color (crackers included) tend to congregate among themselves for a variety of reasons, worship included.
I should think that if anyone of any race walked into any church that they would not be rejected.
People of all color (crackers included) tend to congregate among themselves for a variety of reasons, worship included.
Thannks for your input but the op focus of the op is not about someone of a different race walking into a church and being accepted as a casual observer and worshipper. I'm talking about active social and cultural intermingling in every phase of church operations. This unprecedented gesture suggests far more than a mere cursory offer, it is a gesture that may shake the very foundations of neo-Conservatism if realized!
Yea, like synagogues and mosques integrating. I can see that happening. Or like queers marching into a mosque demanding the Mullah marry them. It's just a matter of weeks before we see that. Or like two queers going to a Muslim orphanage demanding their "right" to get their hands on a little boy. Hey what's that falling from the top of the Chrysler Building? Are those people? Great thread. So realistic. Been fun. Toodles.
I should think that if anyone of any race walked into any church that they would not be rejected.
People of all color (crackers included) tend to congregate among themselves for a variety of reasons, worship included.
Thannks for your input but the op focus of the op is not about someone of a different race walking into a church and being accepted as a casual observer and worshipper. I'm talking about active social and cultural intermingling in every phase of church operations. This unprecedented gesture suggests far more than a mere cursory offer, it is a gesture that may shake the very foundations of neo-Conservatism if realized!
So you're talking about a LOT of someones doing what I posited.

Rosa Parks was one someone who started something that eventually became a lot of someones.
Yea, like synagogues and mosques integrating. I can see that happening. Or like queers marching into a mosque demanding the Mullah marry them. It's just a matter of weeks before we see that. Or like two queers going to a Muslim orphanage demanding their "right" to get their hands on a little boy. Hey what's that falling from the top of the Chrysler Building? Are those people? Great thread. So realistic. Been fun. Toodles.
That's a bit extreme, Tommy S.
Yea, like synagogues and mosques integrating. I can see that happening. Or like queers marching into a mosque demanding the Mullah marry them. It's just a matter of weeks before we see that. Or like two queers going to a Muslim orphanage demanding their "right" to get their hands on a little boy. Hey what's that falling from the top of the Chrysler Building? Are those people? Great thread. So realistic. Been fun. Toodles.

Erm, Judaism and Islam are not the same religion despite the fact that they pray to the same god. On the other hand, there really is very little difference between Baptist denominations outside of politics, culture and race.
They can do as they please, though I'm surprised it's taken them this long.
Supposedly, the bible unites all of the Christian faith, but can any reasonable mind not deny that this very book has caused more derision amongst its followers than any other? All organized Christian religions are like all other companies on our planet . . . they simply worship the almighty dollar; however, in their case, they do so through their tax-exempt surrogate Christ. ~ Susan
1 Corinthians 1 10-13 KJV - Now I beseech you brethren by the - Bible Gateway
I should think that if anyone of any race walked into any church that they would not be rejected.
People of all color (crackers included) tend to congregate among themselves for a variety of reasons, worship included.
Thanks for your input but the op focus of the op is not about someone of a different race walking into a church and being accepted as a casual observer and worshipper. I'm talking about active social and cultural intermingling in every phase of church operations. This unprecedented gesture suggests far more than a mere cursory offer, it is a gesture that may shake the very foundations of neo-Conservatism if realized!
So you're talking about a LOT of someones doing what I posited.

Rosa Parks was one someone who started something that eventually became a lot of someones.

This is not a civil rights issue or a demand by Blacks to be integrated into the White Southern Baptist church empire. This is an initiative by a group of White ministers to reach out to Black Christians who might see a benefit to joining White Christians in combating racism and other social upheavals.This is the best thing I've seen in that regard. Your post suggests that Blacks are just hankering to join a White congregation and have been actively protesting to reach that goal....that is NOT the case at all! This is a quiet revolution from the White side f the family! And don't forget! The SBC has already set a precedent by electing their first Black president, Rev Fred Luter,Jr.
Personally, I'd say the Southern Baptist Church had more to do with the broad acceptance of civil rights and integration in the Deep South, than all the other phony claimants put together.
Please, elaborate! On what do base that opinion?
Who cares what this heretical abomination of a "church" thinks? They are apostates and renegades from the one true holy Catholic Church. So of course they are incensed with this shallow americanism and racial materialism, both of which are sins. Those who lie in sin beget sin so this is no surprise.

They need to focus less on earthly material things like race, and more on things spiritual like their salvation and eternal life, which is in limbo at the moment.
The whole point of religion is to exclude others. The very definition of religion is to set one's self apart.

Who cares what this heretical abomination of a "church" thinks? They are apostates and renegades from the one true holy Catholic Church. So of course they are incensed with this shallow americanism and racial materialism, both of which are sins. Those who lie in sin beget sin so this is no surprise.

They need to focus less on earthly material things like race, and more on things spiritual like their salvation and eternal life, which is in limbo at the moment.

I am trying to remain as objective a I can here but your blistering indictment of Protestantism must be answered straightforwardly. The underlying theme of my response is based on the hallowed words of none other than Jesus Christ when He saved a woman from stoning. The accusers, being Jews operating under the Law of Moses, brought the woman before Jesus so as to set Him up for apostasy, thinking He would contradict the Law and damn Himself. The tricksters formulated their plan around a question specifically designed for their nefarious purpose. Here is the KJV of that exchange:

KJV said:
John 8==KJV

4 They say unto him, Master, this woman was taken in adultery, in the very act.

5 Now Moses in the law commanded us, that such should be stoned: but what sayest thou?

6 This they said, tempting him, that they might have to accuse him. But Jesus stooped down, and with his finger wrote on the ground, as though he heard them not.

7 So when they continued asking him, he lifted up himself, and said unto them, He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her.

8 And again he stooped down, and wrote on the ground.

9 And they which heard it, being convicted by their own conscience, went out one by one, beginning at the eldest, even unto the last: and Jesus was left alone, and the woman standing in the midst.

Indeed! The application for this message here is that the Catholic church is NOT without sin; so , hold your stones.
The whole point of religion is to exclude others. The very definition of religion is to set one's self apart.


I respectfully disagree, old friend! My own experience has taught me that religion weaves the social fabric of a nation/culture and provides cohesion in a chaotic world. Christianity, especially in the world where White skin competes with God, has been corrupted to some extent such as in Nazi Germany and early America.
At it's core, though, the Christian philosophy still shines, illuminating the world with the selfless light of those who live the life and walk the walk! The pious and faithful followers of Jesus welcome fellowship and are active in recruiting fellow Christians, not by force but by works and example. The doors are open to all who will come seeking to accept Jesus Christ as Saviour.
The whole point of religion is to exclude others. The very definition of religion is to set one's self apart.


I respectfully disagree, old friend! My own experience has taught me that religion weaves the social fabric of a nation/culture and provides cohesion in a chaotic world. Christianity, especially in the world where White skin competes with God, has been corrupted to some extent such as in Nazi Germany and early America.
At it's core, though, the Christian philosophy still shines, illuminating the world with the selfless light of those who live the life and walk the walk! The pious and faithful followers of Jesus welcome fellowship and are active in recruiting fellow Christians, not by force but by works and example. The doors are open to all who will come seeking to accept Jesus Christ as Saviour.

"old friend" ??

I see that you have more than 200 posts here but I've never heard of you before.

What all religions have in common is the belief that their way is the only way. It always come down to "my god can beat up your god".

What do god and Jesus have to say about the myriad religions? Shouldn't that be the answer to the question?
The whole point of religion is to exclude others. The very definition of religion is to set one's self apart.


I respectfully disagree, old friend! My own experience has taught me that religion weaves the social fabric of a nation/culture and provides cohesion in a chaotic world. Christianity, especially in the world where White skin competes with God, has been corrupted to some extent such as in Nazi Germany and early America.
At it's core, though, the Christian philosophy still shines, illuminating the world with the selfless light of those who live the life and walk the walk! The pious and faithful followers of Jesus welcome fellowship and are active in recruiting fellow Christians, not by force but by works and example. The doors are open to all who will come seeking to accept Jesus Christ as Saviour.

"old friend" ??

I see that you have more than 200 posts here but I've never heard of you before.

What all religions have in common is the belief that their way is the only way. It always come down to "my god can beat up your god".

What do god and Jesus have to say about the myriad religions? Shouldn't that be the answer to the question?

I have more than 2000 posts here and many of them reflect arguments about the world in general similar to your own. I've given you a few atta -boyz and I've received some from you. I guess you don't keep track of folks who agree with you most of the time.

Obviously, now, we disagree about the role religion has played in the development of civilization. Hopefully, that divergence of opinion doesn't acquire a life of it's own and affect other topics.

Staying on track, I assume your mention of myriad religions targets Christianity, Islam, Buddhism Animism, and any that don't have similar roots. I gather you are not speaking of the plethora of denominations ensconced in the Protestant side of Christianity. If I assumed correctly, the answer can be found in the bible.
I won't attempt to pinpoint any one verse because your eyes would probably glaze over before you fiinished reading it. If you are interested, it's there for the viewing!
Who cares what this heretical abomination of a "church" thinks? They are apostates and renegades from the one true holy Catholic Church. So of course they are incensed with this shallow americanism and racial materialism, both of which are sins. Those who lie in sin beget sin so this is no surprise.

They need to focus less on earthly material things like race, and more on things spiritual like their salvation and eternal life, which is in limbo at the moment.

I am trying to remain as objective a I can here but your blistering indictment of Protestantism must be answered straightforwardly. The underlying theme of my response is based on the hallowed words of none other than Jesus Christ when He saved a woman from stoning. The accusers, being Jews operating under the Law of Moses, brought the woman before Jesus so as to set Him up for apostasy, thinking He would contradict the Law and damn Himself. The tricksters formulated their plan around a question specifically designed for their nefarious purpose. Here is the KJV of that exchange:

KJV said:
John 8==KJV

4 They say unto him, Master, this woman was taken in adultery, in the very act.

5 Now Moses in the law commanded us, that such should be stoned: but what sayest thou?

6 This they said, tempting him, that they might have to accuse him. But Jesus stooped down, and with his finger wrote on the ground, as though he heard them not.

7 So when they continued asking him, he lifted up himself, and said unto them, He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her.

8 And again he stooped down, and wrote on the ground.

9 And they which heard it, being convicted by their own conscience, went out one by one, beginning at the eldest, even unto the last: and Jesus was left alone, and the woman standing in the midst.

Indeed! The application for this message here is that the Catholic church is NOT without sin; so , hold your stones.
Talk about a total butchering of scripture. That passage does not mean don't judge people, or don't speak of sin when you see it. In this passage, Christ implies we be merciful towards sinners and help them repent and find the truth. By your logic, you should just let individuals live in sin, we shouldn't evangelize. To not help them find Christ, by first pointing out their sin and then correcting it, is not loving or merciful. It is not merciful or loving to do nothing and stand by as others risk their eternal soul.

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