South Dakota's New Abortion Law


Senior Member
Sep 15, 2003
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Puyallup, WA
Looks like South Dakota could lead the state's charge against Roe v. Wade. Great idea, IMO. Regardless of your stance on abortion, the laws should be decided by the legislative branch, not the judicial.

S.D. Seeks Corrections to Abortion Bill
By JOE KAFKA, Associated Press Writer

PIERRE, S.D. - Gov. Mike Rounds announced Tuesday that he supports a bill that would ban most abortions in South Dakota — a measure that could lead to a Supreme Court challenge to Roe v. Wade (news - web sites) — but wants technical corrections before allowing it to become law.

Rounds said his "style-and-form veto" of the bill seeks to change a provision that could otherwise ease restrictions on abortions during the time the measure is under consideration in the courts. If simple majorities in the state House and Senate agree to the technical changes, the legislation automatically becomes law.

The Legislature will be asked to approve Rounds' request for changes when lawmakers return to the Capitol on Monday for the final day of this year's legislative session.
Great to hear. perhaps it can reach the supreme court by the time Bush has appointed a few more court justices. Then the ruling will be overturned like it should have been years ago.
I find it somewhat amusing that the original woman involved with the land-mark[?] case is now firmly against it.eemm

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