Soros is buying up more of the media, especially any conservative media directed at Hispanics

I bet you are really a sweet, cuddly Teddy Bear in real life, surround by loved ones and friends!

Yes I am. I'm blessed that way.

Give up your tough guy act!

I'm a "security expert". You can figure out what that means. It's an act, it's not an act, it's neither and it's both. What I can tell you is, I was in Guatemala when Rios was there, and I got chased out of Burma by the military police, and I'm still here talking with you. So ... y'know... kind of speaks for itself, yes?

I'm "retired", officially, because I got tired of chasing bad guys. Unfortunately, something seems to have brought me out of my comfy retirement.

No illusions, or delusions. There's not a whole lot one person can do in these situations. The Rambo's of the world aren't well suited or even well trained for these scenarios.

I have no idea how this is going to go. No clue. But I have my finger on the pulse of the dynamic. If anything important happens I'll know about it pretty quickly. That's about the biggest advantage anyone can have, in this day and age.

Because, contrary to popular democrat opinion, you don't vote D just because you have dark skin

In fact, democrats have time and again blocked one group from coming to the US, that is, Cubans. Why? Because they seem to be the most knowledgeable about the horrors of socialism. There is not enough media in the world to buy that would change their minds about that.

And yes, the great majority of them have skin that is as black as coal.
Believe it or not, about 60-65% of Cubans still vote Dem in Florida. But that's less than other Hispanic demographics (at least up until now). Still hard to believe.

Because, contrary to popular democrat opinion, you don't vote D just because you have dark skin

In fact, democrats have time and again blocked one group from coming to the US, that is, Cubans. Why? Because they seem to be the most knowledgeable about the horrors of socialism. There is not enough media in the world to buy that would change their minds about that.

And yes, the great majority of them have skin that is as black as coal.
(((SOROS))) More anti-semitism from the Right.

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