Soon, you could drive from Europe to US

Once upon a time there used to be a bridge made of glassier over Bering Strait. That is what allowed casino owners to 'immigrate' to the U.S. It is time to bring that bridge back. I would love to drive from the west coast to France. It would be fun.
I'll have some of that which you have placed in your Hookah. btw---west coast of what?-----did you mean GLACIER BRIDGE??? I got confused----I thought when I first read it -----something like a GLASS BRIDGE-----not ice.
I am not so sure that people got over the bering straits on ice skates----more like little boats

Hookah is from the middle east so that is your heritage :)

Thank you for the spell check; I did mean glacier not glassier. But to be honest, a glacier bridge would look very much like a glassier bridge :)

In those days much of that area was frozen. You cannot operate boats over frozen body of water and besides back then humans did not have boats.

oh---ok-----they didn't have roulette wheels back then
either. HOOKAHS are universal-----not all people
want their "BHANG'" in their lassi. ------uhm-----my
culture does not do HOOKAH----it does NARGILA---which -----kinda (don't tell anyone) means something
like-----joy flame----sorta.........go up north to find HOOKAH LAND------I think the word is Persian ????

Well, hookah is not Indian. It is middle eastern. India is in the far east. That is why you have tighter claim on hookah than myself :)

Anyway, I think bhaang is Indian.

Coming back to the topic, why do you think they had roulette wheel back then?

good question As far as I recall-----a roulette wheel---as we know it today---DEPENDS on written numbers and letters. The American Indians----and even the INUITS of Alaska-----and even the native americans of South America-----the Aztecs, Mayans---etc----DID NOT HAVE AN ALPHABET----or written numbers------HOWEVER they had all kinds of different symbols----
They did not have metal ball bearings but ---they certainly had agates. They could very well have had
some sort of game----which was like a roulette wheel----
but------get this-----something I learned in school---

as to the HOOKAH-----google suggests it is PERSIAN---
Persia--stretched all the way to AFGHANISTAN------
and -----KUBLA KHAN ----had magic carpets with
which he regularly visited india-------you can't get away from the MOGHUL INFLUENCE------I have no doubt
they toted a few hookahs-----and were delighted with
your BHAANG-------sometimes it's not easy to find HASHISH. ---------it's CALLED ****FUSION****
cuisine. I never saw a CARDAMOM pod-----until I worked with a Saudi ----who regularly pulled one out of
his pocket to drop into his coffee. Of course I asked about the mysterious seed-------now based on my life of FUSION-----I travel out to the nearest INDIAN grocery---
to get them for hubby who seems to be unable to live
without them-------so there------keep your bhang in your lassi You put cardamom in that too? Did you know that SCANDANAVIANS are addicted to cardamom?----
I shall return to my NARGILA

After reading your post, I think I can use some of that Nargila stuff :)

very convenient-----I am told-----you put your 'stuff'----
in some receptacle-----that holds a simple hot coal----
like a little cup thing with flexible tubes emerging from it----the tubes are fitted with a mouth piece----ending up like a pipe-----and YOU INHALE the smoke-----fixed up with
the substances of your choice. The apparatus itself
is decorative-------people using it should be reclining on
rugs and cushions----at the very least. I have no doubt the apparatus will become popular in the USA-----based
on the LEGALIZATION of BHAANG----khat is still
illegal-------I am not sure that it is smokable
anyway. ---------my big problem is one I share with
CLINTON------I cannot INHALE
Once upon a time there used to be a bridge made of glassier over Bering Strait. That is what allowed casino owners to 'immigrate' to the U.S. It is time to bring that bridge back. I would love to drive from the west coast to France. It would be fun.
Hookah is from the middle east so that is your heritage :)

Thank you for the spell check; I did mean glacier not glassier. But to be honest, a glacier bridge would look very much like a glassier bridge :)

In those days much of that area was frozen. You cannot operate boats over frozen body of water and besides back then humans did not have boats.

oh---ok-----they didn't have roulette wheels back then
either. HOOKAHS are universal-----not all people
want their "BHANG'" in their lassi. ------uhm-----my
culture does not do HOOKAH----it does NARGILA---which -----kinda (don't tell anyone) means something
like-----joy flame----sorta.........go up north to find HOOKAH LAND------I think the word is Persian ????

Well, hookah is not Indian. It is middle eastern. India is in the far east. That is why you have tighter claim on hookah than myself :)

Anyway, I think bhaang is Indian.

Coming back to the topic, why do you think they had roulette wheel back then?

good question As far as I recall-----a roulette wheel---as we know it today---DEPENDS on written numbers and letters. The American Indians----and even the INUITS of Alaska-----and even the native americans of South America-----the Aztecs, Mayans---etc----DID NOT HAVE AN ALPHABET----or written numbers------HOWEVER they had all kinds of different symbols----
They did not have metal ball bearings but ---they certainly had agates. They could very well have had
some sort of game----which was like a roulette wheel----
but------get this-----something I learned in school---

as to the HOOKAH-----google suggests it is PERSIAN---
Persia--stretched all the way to AFGHANISTAN------
and -----KUBLA KHAN ----had magic carpets with
which he regularly visited india-------you can't get away from the MOGHUL INFLUENCE------I have no doubt
they toted a few hookahs-----and were delighted with
your BHAANG-------sometimes it's not easy to find HASHISH. ---------it's CALLED ****FUSION****
cuisine. I never saw a CARDAMOM pod-----until I worked with a Saudi ----who regularly pulled one out of
his pocket to drop into his coffee. Of course I asked about the mysterious seed-------now based on my life of FUSION-----I travel out to the nearest INDIAN grocery---
to get them for hubby who seems to be unable to live
without them-------so there------keep your bhang in your lassi You put cardamom in that too? Did you know that SCANDANAVIANS are addicted to cardamom?----
I shall return to my NARGILA

After reading your post, I think I can use some of that Nargila stuff :)

very convenient-----I am told-----you put your 'stuff'----
in some receptacle-----that holds a simple hot coal----
like a little cup thing with flexible tubes emerging from it----the tubes are fitted with a mouth piece----ending up like a pipe-----and YOU INHALE the smoke-----fixed up with
the substances of your choice. The apparatus itself
is decorative-------people using it should be reclining on
rugs and cushions----at the very least. I have no doubt the apparatus will become popular in the USA-----based
on the LEGALIZATION of BHAANG----khat is still
illegal-------I am not sure that it is smokable
anyway. ---------my big problem is one I share with
CLINTON------I cannot INHALE

Is Nargila a plant product?
Well, I should have done the Google first. So nargila is basically hookah. So it looks like your people copied Iranians :)
oh---ok-----they didn't have roulette wheels back then
either. HOOKAHS are universal-----not all people
want their "BHANG'" in their lassi. ------uhm-----my
culture does not do HOOKAH----it does NARGILA---which -----kinda (don't tell anyone) means something
like-----joy flame----sorta.........go up north to find HOOKAH LAND------I think the word is Persian ????

Well, hookah is not Indian. It is middle eastern. India is in the far east. That is why you have tighter claim on hookah than myself :)

Anyway, I think bhaang is Indian.

Coming back to the topic, why do you think they had roulette wheel back then?

good question As far as I recall-----a roulette wheel---as we know it today---DEPENDS on written numbers and letters. The American Indians----and even the INUITS of Alaska-----and even the native americans of South America-----the Aztecs, Mayans---etc----DID NOT HAVE AN ALPHABET----or written numbers------HOWEVER they had all kinds of different symbols----
They did not have metal ball bearings but ---they certainly had agates. They could very well have had
some sort of game----which was like a roulette wheel----
but------get this-----something I learned in school---

as to the HOOKAH-----google suggests it is PERSIAN---
Persia--stretched all the way to AFGHANISTAN------
and -----KUBLA KHAN ----had magic carpets with
which he regularly visited india-------you can't get away from the MOGHUL INFLUENCE------I have no doubt
they toted a few hookahs-----and were delighted with
your BHAANG-------sometimes it's not easy to find HASHISH. ---------it's CALLED ****FUSION****
cuisine. I never saw a CARDAMOM pod-----until I worked with a Saudi ----who regularly pulled one out of
his pocket to drop into his coffee. Of course I asked about the mysterious seed-------now based on my life of FUSION-----I travel out to the nearest INDIAN grocery---
to get them for hubby who seems to be unable to live
without them-------so there------keep your bhang in your lassi You put cardamom in that too? Did you know that SCANDANAVIANS are addicted to cardamom?----
I shall return to my NARGILA

After reading your post, I think I can use some of that Nargila stuff :)

very convenient-----I am told-----you put your 'stuff'----
in some receptacle-----that holds a simple hot coal----
like a little cup thing with flexible tubes emerging from it----the tubes are fitted with a mouth piece----ending up like a pipe-----and YOU INHALE the smoke-----fixed up with
the substances of your choice. The apparatus itself
is decorative-------people using it should be reclining on
rugs and cushions----at the very least. I have no doubt the apparatus will become popular in the USA-----based
on the LEGALIZATION of BHAANG----khat is still
illegal-------I am not sure that it is smokable
anyway. ---------my big problem is one I share with
CLINTON------I cannot INHALE

Is Nargila a plant product?

no ----nargila is an alternate name for HOOKAH
it is the KHAT which is a plant------it is supposed
to alter mood----positively. ----grows in the middle
east-----people chew it------slightly bitter green leaves.
I tried it------(only once---really----and not in the USA--
really Mr cop) I chewed and chewed and ------
nothing happened other than that which often
happens to me with chewing gum-----after awhile
it nauseated me. The word nar gila ----is Nar
something like the light of a flame----and Gila--
something like joy-------thus something like
"FUN FLAME". The Mayans of south America
were way ahead of us------they chewed COCO
leaves and got a Genuine HIGH ------they had to----
they lived in steep mountains and did not even have
the wheel-----they CARRIED everything (no pulleys)
Well, I should have done the Google first. So nargila is basically hookah. So it looks like your people copied Iranians :)

excuse me------jews were in Persia for since----at least 2500
years ago---------just who do you imagine CONTRIBUTED
that innovation to the----PERSIANS----ie when they were
sweet stargazing innocents----those kind gentle
ZOROASTRIANS-----like Zubin Mehta
Well, I should have done the Google first. So nargila is basically hookah. So it looks like your people copied Iranians :)

excuse me------jews were in Persia for since----at least 2500
years ago---------just who do you imagine CONTRIBUTED
that innovation to the----PERSIANS----ie when they were
sweet stargazing innocents----those kind gentle
ZOROASTRIANS-----like Zubin Mehta

Who is Zubin Mehta? Is he a Paarsi (Zoroastrian) ?

(I think we are way off topic now. I need to hit the shower and go play some cricket. I need to do some batting practice. )

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