Son of a gun, Trump reminds me of Mussolini

I know who they are apparently your reading skills need work as I was pointing out your comparing Trump to Mussolini was a change from the lefts usual comparsion of conservatives to Hitler. Now go take a reading comprehension class.
Trump gets his content from Hitler.

His delivery style is similar to both.

Since he ad libs mostly he can stick his face up same as Mussolini.

Hitler could not do that -- he was working from a written manuscript.

Trump is not smart enough to do that.
When he stops talking, thrusts his chin forward, and gets that smug arrogant look, just like Mussolini. LOL

Taxes, going to reduce taxes and reduce the debt? LOL

Reduce restrictions on energy, back to mercury and lead in the air, HOORAY!

Anyone that falls for this stupid rhetoric is really out of touch with reality.
You reduce taxes and debt by reducing waste. Democrats thrive and rely on massive waste.
Technology has managed to allow us to increase energy supply without increasing pollution. Democrats stifle supply and have kept our economy in the tank as a result.
You need to get out of your insulated democrat shelter.
Trump gets his content from Hitler.

His delivery style is similar to both.

There are several similarities. Actually Germany pre-Hitler was immersed in debt and a bad economy. The population was desperate for anything...ANYTHING...even an obvious despot to lead them out of the status quo. Trump's takeover of the GOP reminds me of how Hilter assimilated and scrubbed any opposition to his manifesto. He was also, like Trump, consumed with the admiration of crowds, egocentric, and took no prisoners whenever he made his demands known on his latest "deal"..
There are several similarities. Actually Germany pre-Hitler was immersed in debt and a bad economy. The population was desperate for anything...ANYTHING...even an obvious despot to lead them out of the status quo. Trump's takeover of the GOP reminds me of how Hilter assimilated and scrubbed any opposition to his manifesto.
Unlike Trump who invited even obstinate fools like Ted Cruz to give speeches at the convention because he felt like Cruz had earned it even though Cruz was refusing to support Trump.

Dont be stupid.

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