Some R-W'ers STILL blame Obama's huge increases on our debt...

Folks...Nat is full of shit.

He takes advantage of you if you are not aware of ALL the facts. His comparison of the Obama Debt increase vs the Reagan increase


He FAILS to mention that the debt MUST be compared to the relative increase in the GDP !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

When that is factored in (AND IT MUST BE OR IT IS A LOPSIDED COMPARISON)...then Reagan's economy did FAR BETTER than OBAMAS.

It's like saying Bill Clinton was an economic genius (which the Left WILL say....with no consideration whatsoever to the FACT that it was the Internet Effect and it's effect on the growth of the economy that caused the growth. Clinton had absolutely NOTHING to do with it. In fact, his polices screwed us and only the Internet effect saved us during his terms.

C'mon people...don't let these liberal Communist Imbeciles pull lies over your head so easily.
In a slight of hand only democrats can pull off Hussein increased the debit while decreasing productivity and lefties called it progress. Barry and his hypocrites pretended to despise corporations and wage disparity while cozying up to corporate power brokers in H'wood who flaunted their wealth. The Hussein administration protected monsters like Harvey Weinstein while taking money from H'wood sleaze bag rapists and sexual abusers. So far President Trump might have increased the debit but under his leadership the value of your 401K has increased and the DOW has continued to be in record territory and it's only been nine months.
The recession ended in June 2009. It didn't last for 8 years.

You must have "majored" in HOME economics.......LOL


You must have "majored" in HOME economics

Says the guy who failed Econ 101
Inevitably, when the issue is raised about Trump's proposal to drastically cut taxes and increase our debt by TRILLIONS, right wingers will "defend" this proposal by blaming Obama for his administration's huge deficit spending........

No doubt, a lot of money was wasted in the Obama economic recovery period....BUT, ignorant right wingers still refuse to consider the environment that led to Obama's deficit spending......

We had an economy that, during the last years of the GWB administration was losing jobs at the rate of 700,000 per MONTH.......

We had an extension of GWB's tax cuts during the Obama years at a time when many of our industries (especially the auto industry) were on the verge of bankruptcy.

We had TWO huge on-going war expenditures that were never accounted for in our deficit spending.

We had to sustain the never-accounted for deficit spending due to the Medicare Advantage legislation.

......and, of course, we had an overall economy that was sending jobs and assets overseas,placing our economy on the verge of an all-out recession soon to be labeled a depression a-la 1929 levels,

So, for those ignorant (or lying) right wingers who will excuse and sanction Trump's immoral tax cuts as just because of what the situation under Obama forced us to do, borders on ultra-partisan INSANITY.....
Great post. One thing i disagree on though is that Obama’s stimulus played a huge role in reversing the recession.
Your meat puppet faggot stood on the floor of the senate and decried $500B in deficit spending as "unpatriotic", and as an executive doubled the spending.

There was no recovery either. We had 8 years of stagnation. If Trump cuts taxes and wasteful spending we will still be better off than we would be if the criminal sociopath hag you supported had won.
Lol how is the largest stretch of job growth during a presidency “stagnation”?
Great post. One thing i disagree on though is that Obama’s stimulus played a huge role in reversing the recession.

I actually was NOT that the stimulus played a major role, but economic recessions and depression are, to a large extent, psychological and the advent of stimulus spending does contribute to the uplifting of spirits that we can overcome most of the many downward spirals.

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