Soledar Reveals Ukrainian Military Command Falling Back to 2014/2015 Ineptitude!


Platinum Member
Jun 6, 2007
For the Battle of Soledar in the Donetsk province of Ukraine the media has missed the important issue they keep focusing on whether the Russians have fully captured the town or if it is still being contested by the Ukrainian military. The critical issue is that Ukrainian units in the town have been cutoff and surrounded, itis okay that the Ukranian military lost the town of Soledar the Russians were expending so much artillery and soldiers to capture the town it was consistent with wisdom and good judgment for the Ukraine military to withdrawal and save their soldiers save Ukrainian lives; but for Ukraine command not to do it orderly and withdrawal all their troops simultaneously not allowing any of their troops to be trapped in Soledar is inexcusable and an egregious breach of their duty. The Ukrainian military command has performed outstandingly well so far in the war against Russia that commenced in 2022 unlike the 2014/2015 war against Russia where during the Battle of Ilovaisk and the Battle of DeBaltseve they allowed Ukrainian units to get trapped with hundreds of Ukrainian soldiers losing their lives because of these military mistakes; it would be tragic for the Ukrainian people if the Ukrainian military command was falling back to their old ways. Today the Ukrainian military has substantial artillery power if cutoff Ukrainian units in Soledar are still in existence the Ukrainian military command should make a giant effort to evacuate those encircled units contact these encircled units and inform them of the time and location of quasi-evacuation corridors for these units and use their artillery to blast evacuation corridors for these trapped Ukrainian troops utilize their substantial artillery power to destroy and degrade the Russian fighters in these corridors for an hour or two, give these cutoff Ukrainian units a chance to save themselves! If Ukrainian command expects these trapped Ukrainian units to surrender such Ukrainian commanders should get a major ass whooping because the Wagner group is the major Russian force in the town of Soledar and we know from regular Russian soldiers that even they think a lot of the Wagner fighters are insane so to expect Ukrainian soldiers to surrender to these animals is the height of bad judgment because a lot of the Ukrainian soldiers will likely end up getting murdered by the Wagner group fighters never making it to POW camps and many before being killed will likely be brutally abused. After this Battle of Soledar is over President Zelensky should order a review of Ukraine military commands performance because it sure seems that that command woefully underestimated the number of Ukrainian fighters necessary to hold the line and policies should be changed so that if appropriate levels of Ukrainian troops cannot be provided to a position on the battlefield withdrawal should be ordered in a timely and coordinated manner!
Russians suffered minimum losses .
They simply stood around at long distance , read position co-ordinates and obliterated the stupid enemy who repeatedly offered themselves for apparent ritual sacrifice .
Apparently it is the few remaining true Ukey Nazis whom have most lost their brains . They ignore US and NATO advice whenever and wherever .
But as there are now so few of them left it will be interesting to see how the US Nazis defend the new defence line they have to make .

The overall outcome should remain as certain as it has been from the outset . The main unanswered question is how long will it take for dear Uncle Ps lads to finish the SMO .
Unfortunately the weather is playing a huge part in that and is just about the only thing that has gone very badly for Moscow so far .

No winter yet .

P.S. Wagner Group personnel are far from insane . Just the best elite force on the planet along with Chechens . It is their past experience in Afghanistan and then in the Caucasus that has produced the winning elite forces team in the world championships every time .No MSM reports of that .
Surprise ? Not .
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