Soldiers and PTSD

One of the sad things about PTSD is the people out there with it that glory in their rage and isolation. It takes courage to face that.

Apparently the "glory in their rage and isolation" ain't enough. They need that government check to self medicate.

Yep, it's Whitehall. Another "never been" who knows it all. After reading his last idiotic comment it's time for me to spend some more of my "free money" on some self-medication. I can see why he came here after the HC shut down. He has lots of buddies that are just as ignorant as he is.:lol:

In my experience the posters who use handles to remind themselves and others that they served in the Military are usually the guys that have problems picking up babes. Go for it you psychos. Swallow your pride for a $100 PTSD check every month from Uncle.
Apparently the "glory in their rage and isolation" ain't enough. They need that government check to self medicate.

Yep, it's Whitehall. Another "never been" who knows it all. After reading his last idiotic comment it's time for me to spend some more of my "free money" on some self-medication. I can see why he came here after the HC shut down. He has lots of buddies that are just as ignorant as he is.:lol:

In my experience the posters who use handles to remind themselves and others that they served in the Military are usually the guys that have problems picking up babes. Go for it you psychos. Swallow your pride for a $100 PTSD check every month from Uncle.

Er, Whitehall, it's $2973. And I picked my girl up 41 years ago less 5 :smiliehug:days.
Apparently the "glory in their rage and isolation" ain't enough. They need that government check to self medicate.

Yep, it's Whitehall. Another "never been" who knows it all. After reading his last idiotic comment it's time for me to spend some more of my "free money" on some self-medication. I can see why he came here after the HC shut down. He has lots of buddies that are just as ignorant as he is.:lol:

In my experience the posters who use handles to remind themselves and others that they served in the Military are usually the guys that have problems picking up babes. Go for it you psychos. Swallow your pride for a $100 PTSD check every month from Uncle.

No, Whitewash, it's to try and lend a little bit of credibility to their statements. It's to say, "I wasn't a never been like Whitewash, I was actually there, so here's my experience." I have found that guys that say people like me have trouble, "picking up babes", have had a real problem even picking up heifers. I've had more babes, and am married to one, then people like Whitewash will ever have or ever had. Women go for real men, especially those that jump from aircraft while in flight. You probably have lived most of your life wishing you could have had a life like mine. Twit. You use your stupid handle to keep people guessing if you ever served in combat when you make your ignorant judgements about those that did. Since you've never spent a milli-second in the field, if you used, "never been in combat" as a handle, even more people would tell you to STFU then do, and it's usually about 90% against you. Just like the old HC.....asshole. Again, you'll have this place to yourself and your other ignorant buddies soon. I just came here like I did the HC to put people like you in your place. Under the table, not fit to eat with those that sit in the seats. ESADMF Whitewash.
Yep, it's Whitehall. Another "never been" who knows it all. After reading his last idiotic comment it's time for me to spend some more of my "free money" on some self-medication. I can see why he came here after the HC shut down. He has lots of buddies that are just as ignorant as he is.:lol:

In my experience the posters who use handles to remind themselves and others that they served in the Military are usually the guys that have problems picking up babes. Go for it you psychos. Swallow your pride for a $100 PTSD check every month from Uncle.

Er, Whitehall, it's $2973. And I picked my girl up 41 years ago less 5 :smiliehug:days.

Whitebread, I know Doc's wife. You couldn't lick her toe jam. (She wouldn't let you anyway so you'll just have to beatoff another night wondering.) Oh, and mine is $3073 a month. You see, I'm over 170% Service Connected. Just got a few more wounds than my buddy Doc. That doesn't count Social Security and 30 years with the guvment. Laugh now asshole as to my $100 bucks a month. Oops, see a guvment tit near by...think I'll go suck it some more.
Yep, it's Whitehall. Another "never been" who knows it all. After reading his last idiotic comment it's time for me to spend some more of my "free money" on some self-medication. I can see why he came here after the HC shut down. He has lots of buddies that are just as ignorant as he is.:lol:

In my experience the posters who use handles to remind themselves and others that they served in the Military are usually the guys that have problems picking up babes. Go for it you psychos. Swallow your pride for a $100 PTSD check every month from Uncle.

No, Whitewash, it's to try and lend a little bit of credibility to their statements. It's to say, "I wasn't a never been like Whitewash, I was actually there, so here's my experience." I have found that guys that say people like me have trouble, "picking up babes", have had a real problem even picking up heifers. I've had more babes, and am married to one, then people like Whitewash will ever have or ever had. Women go for real men, especially those that jump from aircraft while in flight. You probably have lived most of your life wishing you could have had a life like mine. Twit. You use your stupid handle to keep people guessing if you ever served in combat when you make your ignorant judgements about those that did. Since you've never spent a milli-second in the field, if you used, "never been in combat" as a handle, even more people would tell you to STFU then do, and it's usually about 90% against you. Just like the old HC.....asshole. Again, you'll have this place to yourself and your other ignorant buddies soon. I just came here like I did the HC to put people like you in your place. Under the table, not fit to eat with those that sit in the seats. ESADMF Whitewash.

If a person doesn't understand what that unit and year means, fuck 'em. Any man would be proud to wear it. It says all that need to be said.
5th post
In case there is anyone out there who is sincerely curious about PTSD, here is something this guy wrote:

PTSD In One Sentence

So you are twenty and you just stepped on a mine and you are all mangled and the medic’s eyes tell you that are not going to live and you start crying for your mother in this little two year old voice which wakes you up and you are not two and you are not twenty but sixty five and the war was forty five years ago and you had this dream because you hit a stump yesterday and killed your mower and it freaked you out and you are going to walk around all day pretending to be fine but it will take one, two ,three weeks to come back from the dead if you don’t have another dream in one, two, three days and have to walk around some more pretending you belong in this world.
In case there is anyone out there who is sincerely curious about PTSD, here is something this guy wrote:

PTSD In One Sentence

So you are twenty and you just stepped on a mine and you are all mangled and the medic’s eyes tell you that are not going to live and you start crying for your mother in this little two year old voice which wakes you up and you are not two and you are not twenty but sixty five and the war was forty five years ago and you had this dream because you hit a stump yesterday and killed your mower and it freaked you out and you are going to walk around all day pretending to be fine but it will take one, two ,three weeks to come back from the dead if you don’t have another dream in one, two, three days and have to walk around some more pretending you belong in this world.

A Heart qualifies you for whatever compensation you can get from Uncle regardless of PTSD and including PTSD, but what if you spent your Vietnam tour in the States and only thought about stepping on a mine and you get these nightmares? Do you qualify? Do PTSD proponents search out drunks and recluses for sub-standard federal PTSD treatment regardless of their actual combat experience? Do fakers get away with a prescription for medical marijuana without having experienced a scratch?
In case there is anyone out there who is sincerely curious about PTSD, here is something this guy wrote:

PTSD In One Sentence

So you are twenty and you just stepped on a mine and you are all mangled and the medic’s eyes tell you that are not going to live and you start crying for your mother in this little two year old voice which wakes you up and you are not two and you are not twenty but sixty five and the war was forty five years ago and you had this dream because you hit a stump yesterday and killed your mower and it freaked you out and you are going to walk around all day pretending to be fine but it will take one, two ,three weeks to come back from the dead if you don’t have another dream in one, two, three days and have to walk around some more pretending you belong in this world.

A Heart qualifies you for whatever compensation you can get from Uncle regardless of PTSD and including PTSD, but what if you spent your Vietnam tour in the States and only thought about stepping on a mine and you get these nightmares? Do you qualify? Do PTSD proponents search out drunks and recluses for sub-standard federal PTSD treatment regardless of their actual combat experience? Do fakers get away with a prescription for medical marijuana without having experienced a scratch?

Whitehall, PTSD is 'POST TRAUMATIC" you cannot get PTSD because you thought about stepping on mines when there were no mines. You can get it from surviving a plane crash but not for dreaming you're going to be in a plane crash. You might get some anxiety and in some cases people's anxieties about flying, riding in cars, etc. can lead to a full blown Anxiety Disorder, but you must have suffered "beyond the realm on normal trauma" to generally get PTSD. So, no, having nightmares about trauma that never happened does not qualify.

I know of no professionals that "search out drunks and recluses" for "sub-standard federal PTSD treatment" regardless of their "actual combat experience". That's ridiculous. After the DAV's Forgotten Warrior Project which was on the fore front of PTSD treatment in the mid-late 70's, Congress was pissed that the DAV was doing this and demanded the VA begin a program for treatment of PTSD. There was a lot of opposition from old VA about it but they eventually became the model for PTSD treatment and have been improving ever since. Treatment has jumped up by leaps and bounds since I began working in it in the late 70's. Yes, we did Outreach to all Vietnam Veterans be they drunks, homeless, or established professionals in all areas. Since there was basically no treatment options for people with PTSD many self-medicated with alcohol and drugs. Getting them cleaned up and into treatment was the goal for those vets. I had many patients that used, not abused, alcohol and were able to cope with treatment and never became alcoholics. Some patients needed chemotherapy, i.e. anti-depressants, anti-anxiety, type meds and they worked great for some. Everybody is different. The programs are so established now they don't need to do the outreach we had to at the beginning of the program. I wouldn't call a program sub-standard unless you knew something about it and just because it's "federal". The VA was on the forefront of replacement hips before the civilian community knew anything about them. I have a ton of issues with the VA but there are a shit load of dedicated people that could be making better money elsewhere that work for the VA because they want to help veterans. I could have made double or triple what I made at the VA or DOD had I gone into private practice.

As to fakers, well of course there were fakers but we tried hard to weed them out. I required each patient of mine to sign a SF-180, a release of their records, before I would allow them in a group to see if they were telling the truth about their service. Some can always slip through but the vast majority of all my Vietnam vets were what they said they were. Those that weren't, didn't get any treatment from me. There are "fakers" in every aspect of life.

I'm not addressing the medical marijuana issue as that has nothing to do with the VA and PTSD treatment. From what I know about medical marijuana is that anybody can get it for any reason as long as a doctor writes the scrip.

I hope this will answer some of your questions without getting pissie.
All these little Mamas' Boy Vietnam vets who had the fight taken out of them and support the Right-Wing slimeball draftdodgers make me sick. Pissed off? Only those in denial calling slapping scab insects "pissed off." These hollow gutless proud-to-be cannonfodder traitors whine in crippled cadence, "Bush didn't protest. He didn't call us names. So him having his Daddy get him out of having to fight is OK with me."

You lovers of Chickenhawk guillotine fodder never should have come back. Such scab loyal peasants do not belong in America. The gooks would have done us a favor by eliminating slaveboys like you.

Someone needs to smack you back to sanity.

I nailed you draftdodger-lover. NAILED is an anagram of DENIAL. You can't handle the truth!
Apparently the "glory in their rage and isolation" ain't enough. They need that government check to self medicate.

Yep, it's Whitehall. Another "never been" who knows it all. After reading his last idiotic comment it's time for me to spend some more of my "free money" on some self-medication. I can see why he came here after the HC shut down. He has lots of buddies that are just as ignorant as he is.:lol:

In my experience the posters who use handles to remind themselves and others that they served in the Military are usually the guys that have problems picking up babes. Go for it you psychos. Swallow your pride for a $100 PTSD check every month from Uncle.

Then why should we ever protect you again? Next time the war will be right here against the 1% and their herds of sheep goosestepping behind Chickenhawks.
10th post
OK, OK, OK You got me. I confess. I burned my draft card. Some buddies and me burned our draft cards. We were drinking, (Imagine that) and were livin' large in Bien Hoa, Vietnam. We yelled, "Hell, no we won't go, we're already here!" A most satisfying moment, I must say.
Yep, it's Whitehall. Another "never been" who knows it all. After reading his last idiotic comment it's time for me to spend some more of my "free money" on some self-medication. I can see why he came here after the HC shut down. He has lots of buddies that are just as ignorant as he is.:lol:

In my experience the posters who use handles to remind themselves and others that they served in the Military are usually the guys that have problems picking up babes. Go for it you psychos. Swallow your pride for a $100 PTSD check every month from Uncle.

Then why should we ever protect you again? Next time the war will be right here against the 1% and their herds of sheep goosestepping behind Chickenhawks.

Wait a minute. I protected you before you protected me.
Ms Boop
So Whitehall is gay? Who woulda thunk..... Well I kinda suspected it,but I didn't wanna say anything. Hey listen, this is the 21st century and if he likes to hang out in pickle parks, so be it...... Gotta go fill my weed prescription, talk to ya latter Ms Boop
Smokin' bOOger
OK, OK, OK You got me. I confess. I burned my draft card. Some buddies and me burned our draft cards. We were drinking, (Imagine that) and were livin' large in Bien Hoa, Vietnam. We yelled, "Hell, no we won't go, we're already here!" A most satisfying moment, I must say.

Yeah, I avoided the Draft. I enlisted in the USMC. C co. 1st Bn 4th Marines 66-68 Infantry Fire Team Leader Northern I Corps to the Zee. I have no regrets and make no apologies.

I have two good friends who were with the 1st CAV. One was with the 1st of 7th and the other 2nd of the 8th.

Welcome Home!
15th post
OK, OK, OK You got me. I confess. I burned my draft card. Some buddies and me burned our draft cards. We were drinking, (Imagine that) and were livin' large in Bien Hoa, Vietnam. We yelled, "Hell, no we won't go, we're already here!" A most satisfying moment, I must say.

Yeah, I avoided the Draft. I enlisted in the USMC. C co. 1st Bn 4th Marines 66-68 Infantry Fire Team Leader Northern I Corps to the Zee. I have no regrets and make no apologies.

I have two good friends who were with the 1st CAV. One was with the 1st of 7th and the other 2nd of the 8th.

Welcome Home!

I was 2/8 and Doc Fred was 15th Med. Semper Fi buddy and Welcome Home! I don't know anybody that has regrets or make apologies either. It was the best of times, it was the worst of times. Were you PI or Hollywood? I retired from DOD off of MCRD PI. I was doing recruit psych evals. Now that was a fun job!:D
Ms Boop
So Whitehall is gay? Who woulda thunk..... Well I kinda suspected it,but I didn't wanna say anything. Hey listen, this is the 21st century and if he likes to hang out in pickle parks, so be it...... Gotta go fill my weed prescription, talk to ya latter Ms Boop
Smokin' bOOger

Welcome home usmcstinger..... You sure you wanna associate with us "soldiers"... Since we've been here, we've been called everything but white boys.
Insulted bOOger
I came in to I Corps Camp Evans. 1/7th and 2/8th were in our brigade. We got their casualties. I moved south with the Cav to III Corps. We got very busy down there.

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