Socialists (Democrats) Never Learn


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
Is there ever any socialist outcomes that we on the Right are ever wrong about? Nope.

1. The date of this article is 2010, when you Democrats voted for the one you called god, Jesus and the messiah.

"President Obama's nominee for director of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, the office that oversees government health care programs, is Dr. Donald Berwick, an outspoken admirer of the British National Health Service and its rationing arm, the National Institute for Clinical Effectiveness (NICE).

"I am romantic about the National Health Service (NHS). I love it," Berwick said during a 2008 speech to British physicians, going on to call it "generous, hopeful, confident, joyous, and just." He compared the wonders of British health care to a U.S. system that he described as trapped in "the darkness of private enterprise."

Berwick was referring to a British health care system where 750,000 patients are awaiting admission to NHS hospitals.

The government's official target for diagnostic testing was a wait of no more than 18 weeks by 2008.

The reality doesn't come close; the latest estimates suggest that for most specialties, only 30 percent to 50 percent of patients are treated within 18 weeks.

For trauma and orthopedics patients, the figure is only 20 percent.

Overall, more than half of British patients wait more than 18 weeks for care.

Every year, 50,000 surgeries are canceled because patients become too sick on the waiting list to proceed.

The one thing the NHS is good at is saving money. After all, it is far cheaper to let the sick die than to provide care, says Tanner.

At the forefront of this cost-based rationing is NICE. It acts as a comparative effectiveness tool for NHS, comparing various treatments and determining whether the benefits the patient receives, such as prolonged life, are cost efficient for the government.

Dr. Berwick wants to bring NICE-style rationing to this country. "It's not a question of whether we will ration care," he said in a magazine interview for Biotechnology Healthcare, "It is whether we will ration with our eyes open."

Maybe those worries about death panels weren't so crazy after all, says Tanner.

Source: Michael Tanner, "'Death panels' were an overblown claim -- until now," Daily Caller, May 27, 2010.
For text:
‘Death panels’ were an overblown claim – until now

2. The latest figures for October 2022 show: a record high of almost 7.21 million people waiting for treatment. 2.91 million patients waiting over 18 weeks for treatment, a slight increase from last month.
NHS backlog data analysis - British Medical Association

3. Waiting times for ambulances and emergency department care › ... › Debate Pack
Jul 4, 2022 — The following table shows the mean average ambulance waiting times in hours, minutes and seconds for Category 1, 2, 3 and 4 incidents in England ...

4. Revealed: Record 50,000 patients a week face 12-hour A&E ... › Health
5 days ago — The number of patients waiting more than 12 hours in A&E for treatment has exceeded 50,000 a week for the first time, The Independent can ...

5. Between Iranians, Marxists and Democrats......which one endorses this:
"We must rid ourselves once and for all of the Quaker-Papist babble about the sanctity of human life." Leon Trotsky

Just kiddin'.....all three do.
6. None of the totalitarian forms of political plague have the slightest concern for human life: not communism (gulags), not Nazism (concentration camps), not Liberalism (abortion), not Progressivism (eugenics), not socialism (theft), not fascism (murder).

They only differ in the final outcome: slavery, serfdom, or death.

They all follow Trotsky: "We must rid ourselves once and for all of the Quaker-Papist babble about the sanctity of human life."

Whether personal beliefs, or what we call 'politics,' or perhaps 'religion,' the real idea that determines what we will do in any and every situation, is one simple idea. Either one believes that human lives are sacred, or one believes that they can be exchanged to achieve some secular material goal.
7. "When the sanctity of life is only contextualized by the value that you or your government get out of it, encouraged and coerced suicide is the natural conclusion of that slippery slope. Death is a convenient way for a government to get rid of its poor who depend on them for all kinds of support."

The Left's Solution Is Always Death

The so-called progressives' latest proposition to solving poverty is medically assisted suicide and abortion.

a)Democrat Tom Daschle, original nominee to head the Health and Human Services Department, and says health-care reform “will not be pain free.” Seniors should be more accepting of the conditions that come with age instead of treating them.
Bloomberg Politics - Bloomberg

b) Democrat Governor Dick Lamm once created a firestorm in Colorado (a few years after leaving the Governor’s office) when he said: “the elderly have a duty to die.”

c. Democrats: A key administration figure committed to cost cutting is Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel, a health policy advisor in the Office of Management and Budget and brother of Rahm Emanuel, the president's chief of staff wants doctors to look beyond the needs of their own patient and consider social justice. They should think about whether the money being spent on their patient could be better spent elsewhere.

Defend Your Health

d. WSJ: At one point in the town hall, broadcast from the East Room by ABC news, a woman named Jane Sturm told the story of her 105-year-old mother, who, at 100, was told by an arrhythmia specialist that she was too old for a pacemaker. She ended up getting a second option, and the operation, for which Ms. Sturm credits her survival. "Look, the first thing for all of us to understand that is we actually have some -- some choices to make about how we want to deal with our own end-of-life care," [Democrat] Obama replied. After discussing ways "we as a culture and as a society [can start] to make better decisions within our own families and for ourselves," he continued that in general "at least we can let doctors know and your mom know that, you know what? Maybe this isn't going to help. Maybe you're better off not having the surgery, but taking the painkiller."
WSJ: Obama's Health Future
Obama: Maybe You're "Better Off" Taking Painkillers And Forgoing Surgery | RealClearPolitics

Democrats and death......carrots and peas.
8. Democrats aren't the only Leftists who favored death over life.....

And they wore that insignia.....


Gives 'birds of a feather' a whole new message.
9. What is particularly interesting.....and hard to fathom for those atheists of the Demorat persuasion, is how on point a three thousand year old tome can be for today's world.....and this thread in particular.

Proverbs 8:35-36

35 For those who find me find life
and receive favor from the Lord.
36 But those who fail to find me harm themselves;
all who hate me love death.”

Is there ever any socialist outcomes that we on the Right are ever wrong about? Nope.

1. The date of this article is 2010, when you Democrats voted for the one you called god, Jesus and the messiah.

"President Obama's nominee for director of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, the office that oversees government health care programs, is Dr. Donald Berwick, an outspoken admirer of the British National Health Service and its rationing arm, the National Institute for Clinical Effectiveness (NICE).

"I am romantic about the National Health Service (NHS). I love it," Berwick said during a 2008 speech to British physicians, going on to call it "generous, hopeful, confident, joyous, and just." He compared the wonders of British health care to a U.S. system that he described as trapped in "the darkness of private enterprise."

Berwick was referring to a British health care system where 750,000 patients are awaiting admission to NHS hospitals.

The government's official target for diagnostic testing was a wait of no more than 18 weeks by 2008.

The reality doesn't come close; the latest estimates suggest that for most specialties, only 30 percent to 50 percent of patients are treated within 18 weeks.

For trauma and orthopedics patients, the figure is only 20 percent.

Overall, more than half of British patients wait more than 18 weeks for care.

Every year, 50,000 surgeries are canceled because patients become too sick on the waiting list to proceed.

The one thing the NHS is good at is saving money. After all, it is far cheaper to let the sick die than to provide care, says Tanner.

At the forefront of this cost-based rationing is NICE. It acts as a comparative effectiveness tool for NHS, comparing various treatments and determining whether the benefits the patient receives, such as prolonged life, are cost efficient for the government.

Dr. Berwick wants to bring NICE-style rationing to this country. "It's not a question of whether we will ration care," he said in a magazine interview for Biotechnology Healthcare, "It is whether we will ration with our eyes open."

Maybe those worries about death panels weren't so crazy after all, says Tanner.

Source: Michael Tanner, "'Death panels' were an overblown claim -- until now," Daily Caller, May 27, 2010.
For text:
‘Death panels’ were an overblown claim – until now

2. The latest figures for October 2022 show: a record high of almost 7.21 million people waiting for treatment. 2.91 million patients waiting over 18 weeks for treatment, a slight increase from last month.
NHS backlog data analysis - British Medical Association

3. Waiting times for ambulances and emergency department care › ... › Debate Pack
Jul 4, 2022 — The following table shows the mean average ambulance waiting times in hours, minutes and seconds for Category 1, 2, 3 and 4 incidents in England ...

4. Revealed: Record 50,000 patients a week face 12-hour A&E ... › Health
5 days ago — The number of patients waiting more than 12 hours in A&E for treatment has exceeded 50,000 a week for the first time, The Independent can ...

5. Between Iranians, Marxists and Democrats......which one endorses this:
"We must rid ourselves once and for all of the Quaker-Papist babble about the sanctity of human life." Leon Trotsky

Just kiddin'.....all three do.

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