Socialism? What about tax cuts for billionaires?


Gold Member
May 8, 2017
Socialism? What about tax cuts for billionaires?

Amazon will pay $0 in federal taxes this year — here's how the $793 billion company gets away with it

So I’m watching Fox and they’re saying that Democrats are going to destroy the economy. Even though the economy always grows under Democrats and shrinks under Republicans.

Republicans put a couple trillion more in place of debt. Just so they can give tax breaks to billionaires.
Isn’t that kind of a billionaire socialism?

And how does a company that makes billions and billions in profit pay zero in taxes?

Republicans keep saying Democrats are tax and spend. But what is it Republicans think they’re doing? Because they’re the ones creating the debt.
Bezos is a big, big liberoidal....You should be nicer to him.
What makes him a liberal?

Actually probably nothing beyond the fact the gives tons of cash to democrook political whores and moonbat causes.

He probably does so as a defense to sniveling nanny state parasites that want to steal all of his shit, not just the millions he already gives away by government force and willingly to mindless drones.

You assholes never are satisfied by anyone else's sacrifices.

Socialism? What about tax cuts for billionaires?

Amazon will pay $0 in federal taxes this year — here's how the $793 billion company gets away with it

So I’m watching Fox and they’re saying that Democrats are going to destroy the economy. Even though the economy always grows under Democrats and shrinks under Republicans.

Republicans put a couple trillion more in place of debt. Just so they can give tax breaks to billionaires.
Isn’t that kind of a billionaire socialism?

And how does a company that makes billions and billions in profit pay zero in taxes?

Republicans keep saying Democrats are tax and spend. But what is it Republicans think they’re doing? Because they’re the ones creating the debt.

You dumb uneducated Moon Bat asshole.

Amazon pays a ton in State and Local taxes and it collects a ton in sales taxes. I know because here in Florida we have to pay that filthy ass tax when we order something from them.

What you dumbass Moon Bats don't understand is that because of the tax laws (which are complicated) Amazon was able to have enough deductions to not pay the despicable Corporate tax, which is a good thing.

Corporations don't really pay taxes. What corporations do is collect money from the people that buy the Corporation's good and services and then give that money to the filthy Federal government to pay the Corporate tax.

Corporate taxes are a tax on all the American citizens that buy goods and services provided by Corporations, which is about everything.

It is a dirty tax that cost the American consumers about a trillion a year.

If you want more Corporate taxation then you will wind up paying the tax you uneducated low information dumb fuck!
Bezos is a big, big liberoidal....You should be nicer to him.
What makes him a liberal?

Actually probably nothing beyond the fact the gives tons of cash to democrook political whores and moonbat causes.

He probably does so as a defense to sniveling nanny state parasites that want to steal all of his shit, not just the millions he already gives away by government force and willingly to mindless drones.

You assholes never are satisfied by anyone else's sacrifices.

Does that make me a liberal also because you say so? Have you never known what a liberal is all about and not just some locker room bantering with faggots in hiding?
Socialism? What about tax cuts for billionaires?

You create thousands of jobs and help the economy grow and you too could get a tax cut....but sitting on your butt collecting welfare won't do anyone any good....
Socialism? What about tax cuts for billionaires?

Amazon will pay $0 in federal taxes this year — here's how the $793 billion company gets away with it

So I’m watching Fox and they’re saying that Democrats are going to destroy the economy. Even though the economy always grows under Democrats and shrinks under Republicans.

Republicans put a couple trillion more in place of debt. Just so they can give tax breaks to billionaires.
Isn’t that kind of a billionaire socialism?

And how does a company that makes billions and billions in profit pay zero in taxes?

Republicans keep saying Democrats are tax and spend. But what is it Republicans think they’re doing? Because they’re the ones creating the debt.
Flat tax. No exception. No exemptions, no excuses! You in?
That meme is true. You can stick that fork in the socket without getting shocked if you do it the right way.

Just because you can do something stupid without getting hurt doesn't mean you ought to do it.

Most of the people who stick that fork in get rich and powerful, it's the rest of their country that suffers. That's why disarming the population is a high priority to leftist sociopaths.

That meme is true. You can stick that fork in the socket without getting shocked if you do it the right way.

are they about to get shocked?
Totally a winner.

Republicans are crying for medicaid expansion.

Idaho Republicans look to restrict voter-approved Medicaid expansion

Idaho voters approved Medicaid expansion in the fall, but Republican state lawmakers are now trying to add several restrictions to it.

The move follows similar action in Utah last month, where GOP lawmakers approved legislation limiting the scope of a measure also passed in November's midterms. Voters in a total of four states have turned to the ballot box to get around Republican lawmakers who've refused to adopt the Obamacare provision expanding Medicaid.


Yea GOP. Keep screwing over your voters. I'm sure it will help in the next election.
That meme is true. You can stick that fork in the socket without getting shocked if you do it the right way.

are they about to get shocked?
Totally a winner.

Republicans are crying for medicaid expansion.

Idaho Republicans look to restrict voter-approved Medicaid expansion

Idaho voters approved Medicaid expansion in the fall, but Republican state lawmakers are now trying to add several restrictions to it.

The move follows similar action in Utah last month, where GOP lawmakers approved legislation limiting the scope of a measure also passed in November's midterms. Voters in a total of four states have turned to the ballot box to get around Republican lawmakers who've refused to adopt the Obamacare provision expanding Medicaid.


Yea GOP. Keep screwing over your voters. I'm sure it will help in the next election.

Using taxpayer money on resources for illegals that drain "social programs" for legal citizens doesn't bother leftards at all.....but someone getting a break on the amount of paper scrip notes (that they earn in exchange for their labor) they are required to give the collection agency for the IMF (at the threat of imprisonment by the barrel of a gun) just pisses off the leftard clown posse of sniveling commies to no end.

Ignorance is the "bestest friend" of these useful idiots......
That meme is true. You can stick that fork in the socket without getting shocked if you do it the right way.

are they about to get shocked?
Totally a winner.

Republicans are crying for medicaid expansion.

Idaho Republicans look to restrict voter-approved Medicaid expansion

Idaho voters approved Medicaid expansion in the fall, but Republican state lawmakers are now trying to add several restrictions to it.

The move follows similar action in Utah last month, where GOP lawmakers approved legislation limiting the scope of a measure also passed in November's midterms. Voters in a total of four states have turned to the ballot box to get around Republican lawmakers who've refused to adopt the Obamacare provision expanding Medicaid.


Yea GOP. Keep screwing over your voters. I'm sure it will help in the next election.

The problem is, Medicaid itself screws over voters. You just don't realize it. Medicaid does not pay the full cost of care. That means that hospitals have to charge YOU more money, to offset the cost of Medicaid patients.

You are being screwed over every single day, by Medicaid and Medicare both.

Then you scream when someone tries to reduce the health cost burden you face, and attack them, instead.

You are an idiot.

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