So you want better paying jobs?

Anything that pays $10 is not really a true job. Its something you show up for and not much more. Make tper hour jobs hurt people.hat$12 instead. $10​

All you're doing is pushing the rock up the hill. You've got to get your mind right about this or you will spend your whole life pointlessly pushing the rock up the hill. Arbitrary meddling by government to raise wages only results in driving up prices and eliminating jobs. It's because capitalists are also consumers of sorts... they are in the market for labor and they seek the best deals just as any consumer would.

If you go grocery shopping, do you pick up a can of beans and say... "hmmm... these beans are on sale for 99 cents... I can feed my whole family with them, so they are worth much more... I'm going to pay the grocer $2 instead!" Well of course you don't, unless you're mental. You'll buy as many as you can for 99 cents and never think twice about the "fairness" of it. So... next week, you're in the same store and the beans are suddenly $2 a can. Are you likely to say... "hmm, well I guess that's fair" and buy as many cans as last week? Probably not, right?

The same thing happens with the capitalist who consumes labor. When you artificially jack up the cost of labor, the capitalist does like you would do with the $2 beans. He finds another alternative. This might mean eliminating American jobs and creating jobs in Mexico or Indonesia where wages haven't been artificially jacked up.... kind of like how you would go to another store where beans are still 99 cents. If all beans are now $2, you might stop eating beans.

In a free market capitalist system, things function by the laws of supply and demand. Artificial manipulation is a Socialist concept and it doesn't work. It seeks to implement "fairness" and you can't have absolute "fairness" and also have freedom.
. Increase demand for labor... reduce supply of labor... wages rise.

dear, wages rise only when workers work more. Republican inventions enable them to work more and supply more to the economy. For example, invent a farm tractor and a man can do 1000 times more work and be worth 1000 times higher wages. Now do you understand?
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Dear what you are saying then is a college education is the way to go because if its in a field that is desirable a worker uses the degree against possible employers. Its the worker who holds the cards. Well said. A smart worker shows no loyalty to his employer and as soon as something that pays note comes along, out the door. No notice.
Dear what you are saying then is a college education is the way to go because if its in a field that is desirable a worker uses the degree against possible employers. Its the worker who holds the cards. Well said. A smart worker shows no loyalty to his employer and as soon as something that pays note comes along, out the door. No notice.

notice is polite, a good way to get extra pay(vacation pay) , and good to have on your resume for the next time your reputation is needed.
Dear what you are saying then is a college education is the way to go because if its in a field that is desirable a worker uses the degree against possible employers. Its the worker who holds the cards. Well said. A smart worker shows no loyalty to his employer and as soon as something that pays note comes along, out the door. No notice.

notice is polite, a good way to get extra pay(vacation pay) , and good to have on your resume for the next time your reputation is needed, but, yes, workers and owners and management and consumers make the system work by doing what is right for themselves.That way everyone is free and can blame only themselves for their success or failure.
. Increase demand for labor... reduce supply of labor... wages rise.

dear, wages rise only when workers work more. Republican inventions enable them to work more and supply more to the economy. For example, invent a farm tractor and a man can do 1000 times more work and be worth 1000 times higher wages. Now do you understand?

No I don't and you are failing at explaining it. Again.

A tractor may allow you to do 1000 times more work but what if there is no work to do? I suspect, if I live in New York City and have a tractor, I am not going to get rich with it. Doesn't matter how much work it enables me to do. I have an efficient supply of labor with my tractor but I also need a demand to fill. Without one, the other is pointless.

Now I have nothing against technology or innovation. But they don't have much to do with wages. Sometimes, new technology and innovation can benefit the economy and result in higher wages and other times it doesn't. As I have repeatedly said, there are too many unknown variables in a hypothetical for us to make this argument.

We are witnessing technology, right now, wiping out huge swaths of careers and jobs across America... You can download an app to your iPhone and do just about anything these days. You don't need to pay someone to do your family portraits... there's an app... you don't need to pay a graphic designer... there's an app. No need to go to the library. You don't even have to go to the store anymore... there's an app. So what are all these people who have jobs depending on a market that is vanishing due to technology supposed to do? Learn to write iPhone apps? :dunno:

In the OP, I am making a very simple and basic point and you're completely free to disagree but it is based on the core foundation of free market principle. Increase the demand for labor and/or reduce the supply of labor, and wages will rise. Subsequently... if we kill demand and increase supply of labor (Obama policies) the opposite happens.
Well the Republican party didn't start until 1861.

Dear, Republican Party was started in 1792 by Jefferson and Madison and freedom was formally invented by Aristotle 2500 years ago. Sorry to rock your world.

Of course, this is 100% stupid. Jefferson was the father of the DEMOCRAT party... Jeffersonian Democracy... ring any bells? And no... "freedom" was certainly NOT invented by Aristotle. Have you spent a lot of time around paint fumes? Just curious.
Dear what you are saying then is a college education is the way to go because if its in a field that is desirable a worker uses the degree against possible employers. Its the worker who holds the cards. Well said. A smart worker shows no loyalty to his employer and as soon as something that pays note comes along, out the door. No notice.

I think we have a BIG problem in this country with college education. Throngs of people are amassing huge student loan debt in order to have 4 years of partying they'll always remember. They leave college with degrees in Political Science which they'll never use and this huge debt they will whine about until someone has to take it in the shorts and pay.

With my children, I kind of broke from tradition. I advised them after high school to take a few years off and get a job somewhere, live on their own, figure out what they want to do for the rest of their life... THEN go to college and get your degree. I will help you and you can even move back home while you attend, but no student loans... we'll pay as we go. All 3 of my girls are in stable high-paying jobs where they use their college degree every day.
No I don't and you are failing at explaining it. Again.

let's try kindergarten level for you: with no tools except his hands a man can grow, lets say, 100 lbs of potatoes a year and thus eat only 100 lbs of potatoes a year. With a tractor he can grow, let's say, 100,000 lbs a year and thus eat 100,000 lbs a year. Therefore, the farmers wages were higher thanks to the Republican invention of the tractor - right? Not so hard was it?
, if I live in New York City and have a tractor, I am not going to get rich with it.

dear, you are very very slow. The tractor was one of a million Republican inventions that I used as a farming example. New York City has a million examples of inventions that are good in NYC but of no use on a farm. Now do you understand?
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Jefferson was the father of the DEMOCRAT party... Jeffersonian Democracy... ring any bells?.
So then what party did Jefferson and Madison form in 1792???? Would you like to earn $10,000? Show us a primary source from 18th Century indicating Jefferson and Madison formed the Democrat Party and not the Republican Party! Bet??? You have a double major and all that!!
No I don't and you are failing at explaining it. Again.

let's try kindergarten level for you: with no tools except his hands a man can grow, lets say, 100 lbs of potatoes a year and thus eat only 100 lbs of potatoes a year. With a tractor he can grow, let's say, 100,000 lbs a year and thus eat 100,000 lbs a year. Therefore, the farmers wages were higher thanks to the Republican invention of the tractor - right? Not so hard was it?

You don't even make rational sense... did that story make sense in your head? Does eating potatoes result in wages magically appearing? How could any person eat 100,000 lbs. of potatoes in a year? And what does any of this nonsense have to do with the invention of a tractor and how do you know the inventor was a Republican?

You're just rambling nonsense like Lindsey Graham. You don't know what the hell you're even trying to say. Instead of trying like a moron to "school" me, which you obviously can't, why don't you sit back and let me explain your analogy and how it works as well as how it applies to free market capitalism?

The invention of the tractor enabled more production through technology. Not everyone could afford to buy a tractor. Those who bought them may have laid off 100 workers who the tractor replaced. They had to pay money for the tractor and this had to come from their profits. Because some people were able to produce more potatoes and because there was a market demand for potatoes, the increased supply caused the price of potatoes to decline. As that happened, those who didn't or couldn't buy a tractor did not realize any increase in profits, to the contrary, they experienced a big loss. Eventually, they either had to buy a tractor to compete or they went under.

Once everyone who seriously grew potatoes owned a tractor and price equilibrium was established, the profit margins stabilized to the same rate as they were before the tractor. They may have made more profit but the margin was the same. You see, there are many costs involved in upkeep on the tractor, insurance, maintenance, fuel costs... all of this has to come from somewhere. Then what do you do if your tractor breaks down? So now you need TWO tractors so if one breaks you have a backup... or because you want to be more productive than your competition. You may have to purchase more land in order to grow more potatoes... the tractor isn't going to suddenly make more land appear.

And there is another thing the tractor can't do and that's find a buyer for all your potatoes. Back when you produced 100 lbs., Joe's General Store bought all you could produce... but Joe doesn't need or want 100,000 lbs. of potatoes... there's no market for that many. So now you can grow all these potatoes but it does you no good until you find someone to sell them to. The tractor isn't going to help you there.
Does eating potatoes result in wages magically appearing?.
ok so we should not have invented the tractor because it doesn't make anyone more money!!! In fact it was a bad thing because it cost 98% of the human race jobs as farmers!! Your conceptual IQ is too low so learning is impossible for you. Sad.
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No I don't and you are failing at explaining it. Again.

let's try kindergarten level for you: with no tools except his hands a man can grow, lets say, 100 lbs of potatoes a year and thus eat only 100 lbs of potatoes a year. With a tractor he can grow, let's say, 100,000 lbs a year and thus eat 100,000 lbs a year. Therefore, the farmers wages were higher thanks to the Republican invention of the tractor - right? Not so hard was it?

You don't even make rational sense... did that story make sense in your head? Does eating potatoes result in wages magically appearing? How could any person eat 100,000 lbs. of potatoes in a year? And what does any of this nonsense have to do with the invention of a tractor and how do you know the inventor was a Republican?

You're just rambling nonsense like Lindsey Graham. You don't know what the hell you're even trying to say. Instead of trying like a moron to "school" me, which you obviously can't, why don't you sit back and let me explain your analogy and how it works as well as how it applies to free market capitalism?

The invention of the tractor enabled more production through technology. Not everyone could afford to buy a tractor. Those who bought them may have laid off 100 workers who the tractor replaced. They had to pay money for the tractor and this had to come from their profits. Because some people were able to produce more potatoes and because there was a market demand for potatoes, the increased supply caused the price of potatoes to decline. As that happened, those who didn't or couldn't buy a tractor did not realize any increase in profits, to the contrary, they experienced a big loss. Eventually, they either had to buy a tractor to compete or they went under.

Once everyone who seriously grew potatoes owned a tractor and price equilibrium was established, the profit margins stabilized to the same rate as they were before the tractor. They may have made more profit but the margin was the same. You see, there are many costs involved in upkeep on the tractor, insurance, maintenance, fuel costs... all of this has to come from somewhere. Then what do you do if your tractor breaks down? So now you need TWO tractors so if one breaks you have a backup... or because you want to be more productive than your competition. You may have to purchase more land in order to grow more potatoes... the tractor isn't going to suddenly make more land appear.

And there is another thing the tractor can't do and that's find a buyer for all your potatoes. Back when you produced 100 lbs., Joe's General Store bought all you could produce... but Joe doesn't need or want 100,000 lbs. of potatoes... there's no market for that many. So now you can grow all these potatoes but it does you no good until you find someone to sell them to. The tractor isn't going to help you there.

notice how I can defeat you with 1% of the words you use? In court you usually win by asking yes or no questions. You use long stories to cover up your ignorance.

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