So you totally biased idiots who say there is NO MSM BIAS??? 96% donations from MSM -Clinton!


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
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Nearly all of that money — more than 96 percent — has benefited Clinton: About 430 people who work in journalism have, through August, combined to give about $382,000 to the Democratic nominee, the Center for Public Integrity’s analysis indicates.

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Journalists shower Hillary Clinton with campaign cash

And you idiots that
think these biased MSM would be HONEST???
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There are actually folks here who do not acknowledge that the MSM is totally in the tank for Crooked Hillary? There are people that dumb? This is why not everyone should be on the internet when they should actually be getting that high school equivalency diploma.
There are actually folks here who do not acknowledge that the MSM is totally in the tank for Crooked Hillary? There are people that dumb? This is why not everyone should be on the internet when they should actually be getting that high school equivalency diploma.

You are correct. Every informed and honest person will acknowledge the obvious bias against Trump.

A few posters have suggested that the media is biased in favor of Trump because he receives much more press coverage than Queen Hillary. These posters are either dangerously uninformed or dangerously dishonest. They are either unaware of the fact, or they do not care about the fact, that all the coverage about Trump is extremely negative, while the press is silent regarding the multiple Clinton crimes and failures. Hillary doesn't have to campaign because her lackeys in the MSM are doing the job for her. It's all about protecting the Queen at all costs, including the cost of our national sovereignty and perhaps our very existence.

The state of New Mexico actually has a law prohibiting idiots from voting. According to their Constitution, Article VII, Section 1 (Qualifications of voters; absentee voting; school elections; registration):

"Every citizen of the United States, who is over the age of twenty-one years, and has resided in New Mexico twelve months, in the county ninety days, and in the precinct in which he offers to vote thirty days, next preceding the election, except idiots, insane persons and persons convicted of a felonious or infamous crime unless restored to political rights, shall be qualified to vote at all elections for public officers. The legislature may enact laws providing for absentee voting by qualified electors. All school elections shall be held at different times from other elections."

New Mexico's Constitution Says Idiots Cannot Vote: Facts | Politics

Not a bad idea. Perhaps we could define an idiot as one who is so blinded by partisan ideology that he cannot see see the truth even though it shines like a searchlight in his eyes, and who is willing and eager to sacrifice truth on the altar of political expediency.
Donald Trump in January:


The networks all give me more free air time than those losers running against me put together, and I have been a real boon to their ratings!

Donald Trump in October:


The networks are all giving me more free air time than Crooked Hillary! It's rigged! Waaaaaaaaaah!
Trump was very happy with "all Trump, all the time" just a few months ago! He didn't mind the media being rigged against all his opponents.

Live by the sword, die by the sword.
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