So What Will Joy Behar And Whoopie Say About Melania Today On "The View"?

Rexx Taylor

Platinum Member
Jan 6, 2015
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Sarasota, Florida
:2up: :boobies: :eusa_clap: Well, you know they are going to talk about her today. Are they going to beat her up? Will Joy Blowhard claim that Melanie is a dumb bitch and that she helped create ISIS? Will Whoopie make another jackass of herself again and say that Melania is just another dumb bitch who married Trump for his money and having affairs with several 18 year old boys?
Oh, maybe Joy will accuse Melanies father of in some way was a part of both the JFK and MLK assassinations. :iagree:
Joy and Whoopie need to look in a mirror before they accuse Melanie of being anything unnattractive or stupid
The View is still being aired? Huh.

The OP implies that the Left will falsely blame Trump's wife for things like ISIS.

Yet, Trump and the Rightwing media blame Obama/Clinton for ISIS without mentioning Bush's role in - as Trump put it - breaking Iraq.

It was HW Bush who predicted that there was no way to remove Hussein without the region devolving into a terminal civil conflict, one that would create exactly the kind of instability that ISIS thrives on.

Point is: I cannot believe how easy and simple it is for the Right to blame everything on Obama/Clinton, but when the same party gets caught plagiarizing a major speech, they act like things are complicated.

Meanwhile we still have no idea whether Trump knows anything about the Middle East because he and his lemmings are too busy blaming Hillary for bad weather.
Whoopie: I hate Mendobaloni Trump! shes so good looking! she makes me look like the tasmainian devil! I am sooo F!@#$%^^ing Jealous of that stupid Bitch !!!!
What will they say?

WHO the f* cares? Only ignorant hateful libs listen to those POS.
Well. What did they say on their show ???? Don't leave us hanging on the details of the accuracy of your asinine prediction !
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