So we are at war in Iraq and Iran according to Biden???


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
Iranian's tryin to get in yer wallet?...
New cyber attacks on U.S. banks; Iran suspected
October 18th, 2012 - Cyber attacks on U.S. banks continued this week from suspected hackers believed to be supported by the Iranian government, according to U.S. officials.
Attacks on Capital One Financial Corp. and BB&T Corp. occurred on Tuesday and Wednesday. U.S. and banking officials described them as denial of service strikes preventing customers from accessing their information from banking websites. There was little damage and no accounts were compromised, the officials said. But the banks were still not able to fully stop the attacks even though it appeared they were pre-announced by at least one group.

American officials said earlier this week that attacks on U.S banks and oil companies in Saudi Arabia and Qatar over the past several months were believed to be carried out by surrogates supported by the Iranian government. "There is a continuing stream of Iranian behavior ... these (attacks) have the hallmarks of Iranian cyber misbehavior," one U.S. official told Security Clearance. Another official said the number of incidents targeting the banking industry have picked up in recent weeks.

Banks commented on the attacks. "We did an experience an intermittent outage on BB& and it was due to a denial of service event," said bank spokesman David White. Tatiana Stead, a spokeswoman for Capital One, also said that bank experienced "some system delays on Tuesday due to a large volume of traffic going to the web site." The chief executive of PNC Financial Services said Thursday in an interview on CNBC that it is believed Iran was behind the attack on his bank last month. "We had the longest attack of all the banks," James Rohr said in interview excerpts posted on the CNBC website. He added that the hackers "just pummeled us."

A group called the Qassam Cyber Fighters claimed responsibility for the recent attacks with announcements online. The group had also announced in recent days that it would continue the attacks this week in a posting on the same day Capital One was hit. One of the U.S. officials said there is a belief within the intelligence community that Qassam Cyber Fighters is at least one of the surrogate groups backed by Iran conducting some of the cyber strikes. Internet researchers are divided about how seriously to take the group's claims. It has launched attacks in the past, but those have been far less coordinated than the most recent ones.

The group has said the attacks are in retaliation for the same anti-Muslim film made in the United States that caused rioting and protests in several Muslim countries. But the U.S. official said there is also a belief the cyber group has targeted banks in retaliation for western sanctions on Iran aimed at forcing Tehran to halt development of its nuclear program. Defense Secretary Leon Panetta warned of increased cyber threats in a speech last week. Though he never blamed Iran specifically, Panetta mentioned the previous banking and oil industry attacks that U.S. officials believe are linked to Iran. The FBI is investigating the attacks and would not comment on any suspected connection to the Iranian government.


See also:

U.S. offers $12 million for Iran-based al Qaeda operatives
October 18th, 2012 : The United States is offering $12 million for two men described as al Qaeda financiers who are based in Iran and responsible for the movement of money and fighters to support the terror groups operations in the region.
The State Department has authorized a reward of up to $7 million for information leading to the location of Muhsin al-Fadhli, who U.S. officials believe to be the leader of al Qaeda's network in Iran. A similar reward of $5 million was offered for Adel Radi Saqr al-Wahabi al-Harbi, who serves as al-Fadhli's deputy in Iran. In conjunction with the reward offers, the Treasury Department designated al-Harbi for his leadership role in al Qaeda and froze any assets of his under U.S. jurisdiction. It also prohibited all U.S. persons from conducting any transactions with him. The move further exposes al Qaeda's "critically important Iran-based funding and facilitation network," said David S. Cohen, Treasury under secretary for terrorism and financial intelligence, in a written statement. "We will continue targeting this crucial source of al Qaeda's funding and support, as well as highlight Iran's ongoing complicity in this network's operation."

Al-Fadhli was previously designated by the Treasury Department in 2005 for providing financial and material support to al Qaeda and the network of the late Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, who was killed by U.S. forces in Iraq in 2006. Through his leadership of al Qaeda's base in Iran, al-Fadhli oversees an operation that has moved operatives from Iran to destinations in Europe, North Africa and Syria. He also uses a network of jihadist donors from his native Kuwait to send money to Syria via Turkey, the State Department said. Al-Fadhli's ascension to the top al Qaeda spot in Iran happened after the State Department put a $10 million reward for the capture of Yasin al-Suri in December, a senior official from the Treasury Department told reporters in a conference call Thursday.

The Iranian government "appears to have taken al-Suri into protective custody in Iran" following that action, thereby allowing al-Fadhli to be elevated as al-Suri's public profile faded. Al Qaeda has been able to operate for years in Iran, the official said, after the Iranian government "secretly agreed" to allow operatives of the group to operate from its soil. Al-Fadhli was among the few senior operatives within al Qaeda to receive advance notice the group would strike the United States on September 11, 2001, the State Department said.

In his role as al-Fadhli's deputy, al-Habri is said to facilitate the travel of extremists to Iraq or Afghanistan from Iran on behalf of al Qaeda. He is believed to have sought financing to support attacks by the group as well. Al-Habri, who joined al Qaeda's network in Iran in 2011, has also appeared on a most wanted list in Saudi Arabia for having traveled to Afghanistan to join the terror group, and for providing technical support for it on the Internet. Al Qaeda's ability to operate in Iran results from a quid pro quo with the Iranian government, the Treasury Department says. In return for refusing to conduct operations or recruit operatives from inside Iran, al Qaeda is given the freedom to operate by the Iranian government and uninhibited ability to travel for extremists and their families.

Granny says `long as Obama got Seal Team 6 inna neighborhood - tell `em to sneak over an' bitch-slap Ammerjabberjob upside the head...
US Targets Top al-Qaida Operatives in Iran
October 20, 2012 : The U.S. State Department's decision to offer a reward of up to $12 million for information leading to the location of the top two al-Qaida operatives in Iran is seen as a sign of how serious Washington is about curtailing the group's activities in Iran.
The move came the same day the U.S. Treasury Department called the terror network headed by both men a “crucial source” of al-Qaida funding and support. A reward of $7 million is being offered for information on the whereabouts of Muhsin al-Fadhi, a Kuwaiti national described by the State Department as “al-Qaida’s senior leader” in Iran. He is wanted by the U.S. for providing “financial and material support” to the al-Zarqawi terror network and to al-Qaida in Iran. Al-Fadhi is also reported to have been among the few trusted al-Qaida operatives who received advance notice of the terror attacks of September 11, 2001.

In its announcement Thursday, the State Department said al-Fadhi uses his “extensive network of Kuwaiti jihadist donors” to send money and fighters via Turkey to support al-Qaida affiliated elements in Syria. Adel Radi Saqr al-Wahabi al-Harbi, an Iran-based senior al-Qaida facilitator, serves as the deputy to Muhsin al-Fadhli. ​​A $5 million reward was also announced for al-Fadhi's deputy, Adel Radi Saqr al-Wahabi al-Harbi. The U.S. wants al-Harbi, a Saudi national, for facilitating the “travel of extremists” to Afghanistan or Iraq via Iran, the State Department says.

Jonathan Schanzen, vice president of research at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies in Washington and a former U.S. Treasury analyst, says the rewards demonstrate “a seriousness of purpose." “It also may be an attempt to draw in the Iranian people,” Schanzen said. “In other words, when you have a reward out there and you’ve got a suffering population inside Iran that been under the weight of sanctions, the idea that you would bring in $12 million by simply identifying somebody you probably don’t even want to be on your soil, that could be an appealing prospect.”

Al-Harbi also was hit with sanctions from the Treasury department. Last year, the agency placed similar sanctions against his boss, al-Fadhi. Treasury Undersecretary for Terrorism and Financial Intelligence David S. Cohen said the sanctions against both men “further expose al-Qaida’s critically important Iran-based funding and facilitation network.” Thursday’s coordinated moves by the State and Treasury departments put pressure on U.S. partners in the region - specifically Kuwait and Qatar - to help constrain al-Qaida in Iran, says Mathew Levitt, a former Treasury Department counterterrorism expert.

At least three times since 2010, Iran has been targeted with sophisticated computer viruses such as Stuxnet, Duqu and Wiper. These viruses have disabled centrifuges for enriching uranium, stolen data from nuclear facilities and erased computers at the oil ministry.

Cyberattack Hits Iranian PCs -

This is the difference between Obama and Republicans. We are at war against Iran. Obama has attacked them again and again. To Republicans, an attack means lots of Americans dead, lots of Americans wounded. Lots of money spent. Lots of money to be made for the friends of Republicans leaders. Mitt is just dying to get his hands on that defense money and spread it around among his friends. This is why Republicans were outraged when Obama took out the leader of Libya. You aren't supposed to do that without making lots of money for your friends. Instead, Obama uses brains and planning. Republicans call that "elitist". They would never think of attacking Iranian computers. It would never cross their tiny minds. Even now, they think it's stupid.
At least three times since 2010, Iran has been targeted with sophisticated computer viruses such as Stuxnet, Duqu and Wiper. These viruses have disabled centrifuges for enriching uranium, stolen data from nuclear facilities and erased computers at the oil ministry.

Cyberattack Hits Iranian PCs -

This is the difference between Obama and Republicans. We are at war against Iran. Obama has attacked them again and again. To Republicans, an attack means lots of Americans dead, lots of Americans wounded. Lots of money spent. Lots of money to be made for the friends of Republicans leaders. Mitt is just dying to get his hands on that defense money and spread it around among his friends. This is why Republicans were outraged when Obama took out the leader of Libya. You aren't supposed to do that without making lots of money for your friends. Instead, Obama uses brains and planning. Republicans call that "elitist". They would never think of attacking Iranian computers. It would never cross their tiny minds. Even now, they think it's stupid.

So, when Biden asked if people know anyone who has served in Iran or Iraq, he was referring to computer geeks? And they were in Iran and Iraq? Nice try at covering Biden's sorry butt. The Obama administration should hire you.
At least three times since 2010, Iran has been targeted with sophisticated computer viruses such as Stuxnet, Duqu and Wiper. These viruses have disabled centrifuges for enriching uranium, stolen data from nuclear facilities and erased computers at the oil ministry.

Cyberattack Hits Iranian PCs -

This is the difference between Obama and Republicans. We are at war against Iran. Obama has attacked them again and again. To Republicans, an attack means lots of Americans dead, lots of Americans wounded. Lots of money spent. Lots of money to be made for the friends of Republicans leaders. Mitt is just dying to get his hands on that defense money and spread it around among his friends. This is why Republicans were outraged when Obama took out the leader of Libya. You aren't supposed to do that without making lots of money for your friends. Instead, Obama uses brains and planning. Republicans call that "elitist". They would never think of attacking Iranian computers. It would never cross their tiny minds. Even now, they think it's stupid.

So, when Biden asked if people know anyone who has served in Iran or Iraq, he was referring to computer geeks? And they were in Iran and Iraq? Nice try at covering Biden's sorry butt. The Obama administration should hire you.

If it works, it works. Republicans make fun of science. Yet nearly all of them go to doctors.

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