So this Jan 6th hearing shit is for what?


On May 8, 2014, the House voted 232–186 to establish the select committee, with 225 Republicans and 7 Democrats in favor, and 186 Democrats voting against.
The chairman of the committee was Representative Trey Gowdy from South Carolina.
It was the last of six investigations conducted by Republican-controlled House committees. The committee closed on December 12, 2016, after issuing its final report.

There were ten investigations into the Benghazi matter: one by the FBI; one by an independent board commissioned by the State Department; two by Democrat-controlled Senate Committees; and six by Republican-controlled House Committees.

After the first five Republican investigations found no evidence of wrongdoing by senior Obama administration officials, Republicans in 2014 opened a sixth investigation, the House Select Committee on Benghazi, chaired by Trey Gowdy.

This investigation also failed to find any evidence of wrongdoing by senior Obama administration officials.

Flushing $7 million in taxpayer $$$ down the toilet is "quite productive"?

Just like your dear leader's golf.
The investigation revealed the lies coming from the Obama administration and MSM over the entire incident.

That was worth the cost.
The investigation revealed the lies coming from the Obama administration and MSM over the entire incident.
No, it exposed the lies from the morons doing the "investigations".
They were repeating the same lies told by FOX and as usual, couldn't prove a damned thing.
So, familiar.
That was worth the cost.
Of course, it was.

But the fatal 20 attacks on US embassies or consulates, during the Bush regime, resulting in 24 US civilian deaths, weren't even investigated by republicans.

13 Embassy attacks
66 deaths
3 American diplomats killed
22 Embassy employees killed
Number of investigations 0

10 Embassy attacks
318 deaths
1 US ambassador killed
18 CiA officers
254 Marines
Number of investigations 1

2 Embassy attacks
4 American deaths
Number of Investigations 13

Cost to taxpayers for partisan witch hunt 14 million.
I thought we was beyond this silly shit
The Democrats assume the voters are not smart enough to realize that we have a kangaroo committee that has a predetermined outcome in mind.

Loyal Democratic sheeple will watch and enthusiastically turn out in the Midterms and in the Presdiential election to vote for Democrats.

Republicans, some Democrats and many Independents will decide the proceedings are a waste of time and ignore them.

The price of gasoline and the rising inflation will be far more important issue in the upcoming elections.
No, it exposed the lies from the morons doing the "investigations".
They were repeating the same lies told by FOX and as usual, couldn't prove a damned thing.
So, familiar.

Of course, it was.

But the fatal 20 attacks on US embassies or consulates, during the Bush regime, resulting in 24 US civilian deaths, weren't even investigated by republicans.

13 Embassy attacks
66 deaths
3 American diplomats killed
22 Embassy employees killed
Number of investigations 0

10 Embassy attacks
318 deaths
1 US ambassador killed
18 CiA officers
254 Marines
Number of investigations 1

2 Embassy attacks
4 American deaths
Number of Investigations 13

Cost to taxpayers for partisan witch hunt 14 million.
If you read the Benghazi hearing transcript, you'd be singing a different tune.
It is not questions, just misrepresentations or statements taken out of context, of things said.

Pelosi didn't want anyone who would provide conjecture against her 'hearing of what they want you to hear'.

Tactics used previously by Schiff and company.

I guess you can't figure it out then.
Got English?

Apparently you have questions but just aren't bright enough to figure out what they are.

OH, and...
The GQP Fascists had multiple opportunities to be on the Commission or to choose their members for the Committee. They chose obstruction, delay. They nor you have any room to complain.
No, I read the transcript of the hearings. Funny how it differed immensely from what the media was reporting.

The transcript exposed the lies coming out of the Obama Admin and news media......convicted by facts.

You are a liar in addition to being stupid as a sack of rocks.


Got English?

Apparently you have questions but just aren't bright enough to figure out what they are.

OH, and...
The GQP Fascists had multiple opportunities to be on the Commission or to choose their members for the Committee. They chose obstruction, delay. They nor you have any room to complain.

Pelosi refused McCarthy's picks. Now the 'hearing' has been tainted by dem one side politics.
Pelosi refused McCarthy's picks. Now the 'hearing' has been tainted by dem one side politics.
McCarthy attempted to sabotage the hearings. The hearings are being led by Republicans.
REAL Republicans not RINOs like you and McCarthy.
The Democrat filth thinks that if they attack the Patriots that protested them stealing the election from the American people then that will take the heat off the thievery.

Also, they hate Trump making this country great again and putting America first and that is against their agenda of destruction to make this country a Socialist shithole.

Democrats are the scum of this country. We all know that.
McCarthy attempted to sabotage the hearings. The hearings are being led by Republicans.
REAL Republicans not RINOs like you and McCarthy.
No, McCarthy was doing what he was/is entitled to do. The hearing is totally one sided. Where I come from, a hearing looks at both sides of the story with presented evidence.

Liz Cheney, real republican......Read she is sending out flyers to the democrats in her state telling them how they can change their party affiliation to vote for her in the primary.

Real republican begging democrats for their help...... :auiqs.jpg:
I did.
You said "we have questions"
I said what are they.
You said ...NOTHING

That was the point of Pelosi refusing Jim Jordan and Jim Banks. They were very well prepared to counter claims made by J6, with questions and evidence.

You should take the time and read the Benghazi transcript.....quite an eye opener.
No, McCarthy was doing what he was/is entitled to do. The hearing is totally one sided. Where I come from, a hearing looks at both sides of the story with presented evidence.

Liz Cheney, real republican......Read she is sending out flyers to the democrats in her state telling them how they can change their party affiliation to vote for her in the primary.

Real republican begging democrats for their help...... :auiqs.jpg:
He's entitled to be a moron playing Trump's suckboy.
Just like you are entitled.
Pelosi has an obligation to ensure the hearings are conducted properly.


Cheney is more of a Republican than you, Trump, McCarthy, and the rest of the GQP RINOs
It's an election. remember when the GQP ran some guy with a famous name in a Democratic primary? Bet you didn't bitch about that did you, hypocrite?
That was the point of Pelosi refusing Jim Jordan and Jim Banks. They were very well prepared to counter claims made by J6, with questions and evidence.

You should take the time and read the Benghazi transcript.....quite an eye opener.
Still unable to tell me your "questions?"


I've read fiction.
He's entitled to be a moron playing Trump's suckboy.
Just like you are entitled.
Pelosi has an obligation to ensure the hearings are conducted properly.


Cheney is more of a Republican than you, Trump, McCarthy, and the rest of the GQP RINOs
It's an election. remember when the GQP ran some guy with a famous name in a Democratic primary? Bet you didn't bitch about that did you, hypocrite?

Yet Nancy hasn't....prove me wrong.
Still unable to tell me your "questions?"


I've read fiction.
Easy solution, go read the transcript and getback to me.

Anything else you post is BS.

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