So...these religious freedom (aka anti tranny) laws are making liberals self-ban from here? YAY!

More sick, ignorant and bigoted bovine excrement from the land of Dixie that the moron knuckle draggers on this forum will salivate and have a wet dream over:

Republicans Are Now Threatening To KILL Transgender Students At This University

Portions of the attack, taken from the thread, are listed below:

“First of (sic), you are a mentally-ill man, no amount of surgery or hormones will change that. Second, if a tranny like you goes into the women’s restroom, then what about the rights of them? If you value your life, you shouldn’t have made this sick choice and settled with the gender God gave you.”

“Playing into your delusions would make us no better than someone who tolerates pedophiles. You will never be a woman, and so you should stick with the man’s room, as that is what you are, a mentally-ill man. you are sick and disgusting for mutilating your own God-given body, so a tranny like you find no pity with us.”

“If you ever dare to set foot into the women’s room I will make sure to give you a lesson not to harass our women, you freak of nature. We will make sure that you trannies do not molest our daughters and sisters.”
Fuck yeah! Kill the trannys!
Transgender Muslims in America Fight Bigotry on Two Fronts
The wave of Islamophobia erupting across the United States has taken a toll on every aspect of Muslim American life.

A climate of fear has emerged in the wake of recent events in Paris, Brussels, and San Bernardino, and every day seems to bring new reasons to worry. Mosques across the country are being threatened, vandalized, and burned down; Muslim children in schools are being beaten up, and women in hijabs are being spat on, yelled at, and stalked by armed men trying to intimidate America’s Muslim community into disappearing.

For transgender Muslims, this discrimination is compounded by issues of gender identity. While cisgender Muslims find refuge from Islamophobia in mosques, for transgender Muslims, these spaces can often be just as unsafe as other places.
I'm compiling evidence to prove you beasts are scum, Peter Puffing Patriot.

The screenshot of your latest comment will help me out in my endeavor.
I'm not going to stop trying to educate your ignorant Fascist ass until you learn something or slither back under your rock. YOU have blood on your hands!

According to the National Coalition of Anti-Violence Programs, 53 percent of victims of anti-LGBTQ homicides in 2012 were transgender women, and, overwhelmingly, transgender women of color. Research from the National Center for Transgender Equality reveals that 61 percent of trans-identified students surveyed reported experiencing abuse while at school; they were also 25 times more likely than the national average to attempt suicide

The numbers should be impossible to ignore. And yet, we do ignore them

“These are the stories that are not being reportedMark Snyder of the Transgender Law Center, a California-based advocacy group, tells Salon. “Every day I receive emails and phone calls from the families of transgender people who have been brutally assaulted or murdered.” The last acceptable bigotry?: How cultural ignorance is killing trans Americans

You are to fucking stupid to see how you are being manipulated, to see that you are brainwashed. You have no fucking brain!

When transgender issues are covered, it’s often with unconcealed hostility. On Fox News, Bill O’Reilly called California’s anti-discrimination law the “biggest con in the world” and proceeded to equate all transgender youth with would-be sexual predators. (Before boasting that he would use such a law to spy on teenage girls in high school locker rooms.)

That same week, CNN hosted the leader of a noted hate group to serve as an “expert” on a panel discussing the same law. After calling the legislation “sexual indoctrination,” Randy Thomasson, president of California-based anti-LGBTQ rights group Save California, closed out the segment by insulting his co-panelist, Masen Davis, the executive director of the Transgender Law Center and a transgender

When transgender issues are covered, it’s often with unconcealed hostility. On Fox News, Bill O’Reilly called California’s anti-discrimination law the “biggest con in the world” and proceeded to equate all transgender youth with would-be sexual predators. (Before boasting that he would use such a law to spy on teenage girls in high school locker rooms.)
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Fuck yeah! Kill the trannys!

“Today, a nation watched as Gov. McCrory invoked an outdated and retrograde argument to defend his decision to write discrimination into state law and deny equal treatment under the law for LGBT people,” said HRC President Chad Griffin. “Pat McCrory can’t have it both ways and say he doesn’t want the government to tell the private sector what to do while he also sticks his head in the sand and ignores more than 160 businesses who have clearly said they want H.B. 2 repealed.”

In the interview today, even as Chuck Todd said NBC estimated the law has already cost the state millions, Pat McCrory said he would not repeal H.B. 2, nor would he support a statewide non-discrimination law protecting LGBT people from employment discrimination because he didn’t know of any discrimination occurring against LGBT people.

Watch HRC’s “True or False” video, which debunks the worst of McCrory’s smears, such as saying transgender equality is somehow new, even though non-discrimination protections have been on the books for decades. On the show, Panelist Kathleen Parker called McCrory’s defense “bogus” and Perry Bacon said McCrory made a “mistake” in signing it.
Shut up faggot. Nobody cares. Get AIDS and die.
Meet some real people! Human beings, dude!

Freedom to Marry interviewed and featured the stories of hundreds of same-sex couples from every single state in the campaign to win marriage nationwide. Through these stories, we were able to demonstrate the urgent, tangible need for the freedom to marry and demonstrate the broad diversity of Americans impacted by this discrimination, allowing every demographic of American to connect with the fight for marriage. Stories | Freedom to Marry
Shut up faggot. Nobody cares. Get AIDS and die.
Even Trump is smarter and more sane than you! ‘That would be discriminatory’: Donald Trump rips NC’s anti-trans bathroom law as bad for business
Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump argued that efforts to strip the bathroom rights of transgender people could cost businesses big.

On Thursday’s Today Show, Trump said that transgender reality star Caitlyn Jenner would be welcome to use the ladies room in Trump Tower.
Shut up faggot. Nobody cares. Get AIDS and die.
Even Trump is smarter and more sane than you! ‘That would be discriminatory’: Donald Trump rips NC’s anti-trans bathroom law as bad for business
Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump argued that efforts to strip the bathroom rights of transgender people could cost businesses big.

On Thursday’s Today Show, Trump said that transgender reality star Caitlyn Jenner would be welcome to use the ladies room in Trump Tower.
Oh well.

“Ted Cruz’s transphobic smear campaign peddles a dangerous brand of hate and ignorance,” said HRC Communications Director Jay Brown. “At a time when transgender women are at a disproportionately high risk for violence and assault, Ted Cruz’s reckless ad puts them at even greater risk. Moreover, what message does Ted Cruz think this sends to transgender youth across this country? We deserve a president who’ll fight to protect the rights and dignity of everyone -- not a reckless, feckless politician who’ll do or say anything to score a point.”

Today, transgender Americans face an epidemic of bias-motivated violence -- particularly transgender women of color. Cruz’s video exacerbates an environment where already four in 10 transgender young people report being bullied by their peers, according to an HRC youth survey..

Ted Cruz has made anti-transgender rhetoric an integral part of his bid for the White House. Just this week, his campaign threw a transgender teenager out of a campaign event. During a prior campaign stop in Iowa, he turned a simple question on education into a bigoted rant against the Obama Administration's decision to support a transgender student, falsely accusing officials of forcing the school to "let a little boy take showers with junior high girls." Previously, Cruz made equally offensive comments during an interview with conservative radio host Steven Crowder.
During a prior campaign stop in Iowa, he turned a simple question on education into a bigoted rant against the Obama Administration's decision to support a transgender student, falsely accusing officials of forcing the school to "let a little boy take showers with junior high girls." Previously, Cruz made equally offensive comments during an interview with conservative radio host Steven Crowder.

Here's what he said, as reported in your last link:

“Look, these guys are so nutty that the federal government is going after school districts, trying to force them to let boys shower with little girls,” Cruz replied. “Now listen: I’m the father of two daughters, and the idea that the federal government is coming in saying that boys, with all the god-given equipment of boys, can be in the shower room with junior high girls – this is lunacy!”

“And I bet you there are a whole lot of parents – particularly parents of daughters – that are not eager to have the federal government saying ‘Guess what? Your daughter has to shower with a boy, if he wants to be in there,’”
added the senator.

Cruz added later in the interview, “You know, the funny thing is, my five-year-old knows there’s a difference between boys and girls. And yet modern Leftists can’t figure that out.”

Only to a morally-deranged liberal scumbag is there anything “offensive” about this. To sane, decent human beings, what he said is just plain common sense and common decency, and the only thing shocking is that there is any need to say it, and any controversy over it.

Why are you so intent on allowing creepy male perverts into girls' and women's locker rooms,bathing facilities, and restrooms? Do you really see this as the closest opportunity that you will ever have to gain intimate access to girls or women? Maybe if you weren't such a disgusting scumbag, you might be able to successfully court a fine woman, get her to agree to marry you, and give you all the intimate access to her that you want. Surely this is much more satisfying than forcing your way into women's facilities to ogle women who want nothing to do with your disgusting self.
First tranny I find in a men's room gets a world-class good old fashioned southern ass kicking.

That's a fact, faggot lovers

A kick in the crotch would be more effective. You can them remind h'orsh'/it that men have certain very delicate parts out where they are vulnerable to that sort of attack, while women do not, and how the fact that h'orsh'/it is now down on the ground writhing in agony should remove any doubt as to whether h'orsh'/it is male or female.
Ted Cruz Denied Access To Bathroom At Restaurant: ‘He’s Clearly Too Creepy To Enter’

The local family restaurant ‘Big Rita’s’ stopped Cruz on his way to relieve himself and said it is within their right to stop anyone who doesn’t fit their criteria to use the restroom facility of their establishment.

Big Rita’s manager Tess Whimble told Free Wood Post, “I just didn’t like the way he carried himself. And with the nation’s history of perverted Republicans and their continued misconduct in restrooms nationwide, I couldn’t chance it. He’s clearly too creepy to enter. If something bad would’ve happened, I just couldn’t live with myself.”

The entire incident seems rather ironic considering Cruz’s continued push to deny bathroom access to Transgender individuals. Cruz hasn’t been able to wrap his head around the fact that Transgender women are women and Transgender men are, in fact, men, and they just need to use the bathroom like anyone else. Yet, Cruz likes to push the stereotype that somehow because someone is Trans, that they’re some sort of deranged pervert, clearly proving he knows absolutely nothing about the Trans community.
New ‘Bigots Only’ Bathroom Bill Up For Vote In North Carolina To Accommodate Religious Zealots

Hundreds of businesses, artists, comedians, etc. are either abandoning the state or refusing to perform due to the legislated discrimination. So, in an effort to seek compromise in an otherwise brutally conservative state capitol, one Democrat is seeking compromise.

State Senator Kate Broltenberg (D) proposed a bill titled “Freedom To Pee In My Own Self-Grandeur” that is currently up for a vote next week. The bill is designed to accommodate the state’s bigoted zealots who don’t realize transgender men and women are human beings who deserve respect and dignity.New ‘Bigots Only’ Bathroom Bill Up For Vote In North Carolina To Accommodate Religious Zealots

California Law Bans Republicans from Using ANY Public Restroom

California Governor Jerry Brown is expected to sign into law a bill which would make it illegal for registered Republicans to use any public restroom in the state. Speaking before the House Committee on Fecal Evacuation, the bill’s chief proponent Phil M. Colon detailed the bill’s purpose and enforcement: “This bill has been a long time coming. Over the years we have received thousands of complaints about Republicans using public restrooms and now we finally have the chance to do something about it.”

California Law Bans Republicans from Using ANY Public Restroom
^^^ Wow, if certain people really are being banned from public restrooms, I hope that whoever is doing the banning is prepared to clean up the big messes that you know will be left elsewhere thanks to their stupidity. :) :) :)

God bless you and those who are banned always!!!

^^^ Wow, if certain people really are being banned from public restrooms, I hope that whoever is doing the banning is prepared to clean up the big messes that you know will be left elsewhere thanks to their stupidity. :) :) :)

God bless you and those who are banned always!!!

Is it possible that you don't recognize that a satire??!! This however is with it:

^^^ If some people can't accept what gender they came into the world as, then the rest of us are obviously not the ones who have a problem with reality.

God bless you always!!!


P.S. What is next? Special restrooms for those who say that they don't identify as people anymore, but instead they identify as dogs, cats, lizards, etc.?
New ‘Bigots Only’ Bathroom Bill Up For Vote In North Carolina To Accommodate Religious Zealots

Hundreds of businesses, artists, comedians, etc. are either abandoning the state or refusing to perform due to the legislated discrimination. So, in an effort to seek compromise in an otherwise brutally conservative state capitol, one Democrat is seeking compromise.

State Senator Kate Broltenberg (D) proposed a bill titled “Freedom To Pee In My Own Self-Grandeur” that is currently up for a vote next week. The bill is designed to accommodate the state’s bigoted zealots who don’t realize transgender men and women are human beings who deserve respect and dignity.New ‘Bigots Only’ Bathroom Bill Up For Vote In North Carolina To Accommodate Religious Zealots

California Law Bans Republicans from Using ANY Public Restroom

California Governor Jerry Brown is expected to sign into law a bill which would make it illegal for registered Republicans to use any public restroom in the state. Speaking before the House Committee on Fecal Evacuation, the bill’s chief proponent Phil M. Colon detailed the bill’s purpose and enforcement: “This bill has been a long time coming. Over the years we have received thousands of complaints about Republicans using public restrooms and now we finally have the chance to do something about it.”

California Law Bans Republicans from Using ANY Public Restroom

What unmitigated, immature, tainted bullshit.

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