So frickin pissed!!


Nov 20, 2003
Reaction score
Pinkyville USA
So mom is turning 50 next month and me and my sister decided to half way on getting her a reclining chair. My sister was at work yesterday and I had a dentist appt so after I got out, I decided to go to the furniture stores and take a look around and see what they had to offer. So anyway...I get to this furniture store called "Levitz" and this a-hole (Frank) comes up to me and shows me the recliners they have. He seems very friendly and helpful at first. But then he starts to try and have me look at really expensive recliners. I told him that I have a budget and I want to keep it below a certain amount. I see this one recliner that I like and he keeps trying to force me to get this recliner with a massager which is like $1400!! Now if I could afford it, then yeah...I would totally buy it for my mom! But my sister and I have our own bills and such and we simply can't afford it! The one I liked there was very nice and super comfortable and I know my mom would love it. Anyway...the sales guy keeps telling me that the other recliner is the one I should get and I can pay it in payments and all that kind of stuff, but I keep telling him no. So then he tells me, "Well, you must not love your mom very much then!" I just stood there speechless. All I thought was I can't believe he just said that to me? There were other people in there in the store as well and I just just wanted to cry! :cry: I just looked at him and said how mean that was of him to say that and he didn't even say sorry! I should have complained to his manager or something but I thought maybe they wouldn't have done anything anyways. I just left the store and cried all the to my car (yeah, I know I'm a big wuss but I'm super sensitive). I drove home and thought about it over and over, I was going from sad to super pissed. I finally told my sister and she said she is going to go complain but I told her to forget it, we'll just take our business elsewhere. So yeah...yesterday was a bad day for me and I still feel like crying some more...but what a butthole that guy was! :fu2:
Listen, er, read...

Get ahold of Levitz Cooporation and complain. Do call that manager of that store and let them know.

Don't settle for that. :(
ladyzac said:
So mom is turning 50 next month and me and my sister decided to half way on getting her a reclining chair. My sister was at work yesterday and I had a dentist appt so after I got out, I decided to go to the furniture stores and take a look around and see what they had to offer. So anyway...I get to this furniture store called "Levitz" and this a-hole (Frank) comes up to me and shows me the recliners they have. He seems very friendly and helpful at first. But then he starts to try and have me look at really expensive recliners. I told him that I have a budget and I want to keep it below a certain amount. I see this one recliner that I like and he keeps trying to force me to get this recliner with a massager which is like $1400!! Now if I could afford it, then yeah...I would totally buy it for my mom! But my sister and I have our own bills and such and we simply can't afford it! The one I liked there was very nice and super comfortable and I know my mom would love it. Anyway...the sales guy keeps telling me that the other recliner is the one I should get and I can pay it in payments and all that kind of stuff, but I keep telling him no. So then he tells me, "Well, you must not love your mom very much then!" I just stood there speechless. All I thought was I can't believe he just said that to me? There were other people in there in the store as well and I just just wanted to cry! :cry: I just looked at him and said how mean that was of him to say that and he didn't even say sorry! I should have complained to his manager or something but I thought maybe they wouldn't have done anything anyways. I just left the store and cried all the to my car (yeah, I know I'm a big wuss but I'm super sensitive). I drove home and thought about it over and over, I was going from sad to super pissed. I finally told my sister and she said she is going to go complain but I told her to forget it, we'll just take our business elsewhere. So yeah...yesterday was a bad day for me and I still feel like crying some more...but what a butthole that guy was! :fu2:
Shoulda kicked em in the nuts! Typical sales weasal..sounds like a used car salesman..

I've had a La-z-boy for 14 years..
I think it was about $250 back then..It's still here and I love it.
Complain to the store manager!
Send a letter to the CEO of the Corp!
Demand he be fired!!!
Threaten to sue for mental anguish if he is not!
Demand the chair you picked out & at a substantial discount!
Be persistent!
If they don't come through, write a letter to the local paper letting everyone know what kind of place this is.
Destroy their business, if possible!

Oh yeah! Go back and call him a "bastard" "S.O.B. because no mother could ever love him!
Write a letter of complaint. Letters are always more effective than calls and nobody can bully you when you are the one typing. CC: the letter to the corporation LEVITZ is a big company, go online and see if there is a place to complain. If you do nothing then some other person will be victimized by this sleaze. Maybe somebody will buy stuff they can't afford because of his sleazy actions, some kid goes without because Momma feels guilty because she don't love her "mom" enough according to sleazebucketmanlesspieceofsh**weakmindselfservinggodlessturd!

Shoot, if you don't want to do it tell me where the danged store is and we'll write it for you...
Oh! And be sure to include the fact that the same guy pissed off enough people on the internet that it will actually effect sales for the entire corporation.

I keep getting more furious, the guy could do this to my wife, daughter, sister, mother, or aunt. No, definitely don't let this guy go...
Thanks everybody!! I'm at work right now, but that Levitz is in Fresno (4525 WEST SHAW AVENUE, FRESNO, CA 93722, (559)275-1341). I'm just glad that I'm not feeling stupid for feeling this way. I just thought that was so mean and rude and argh what a punkarello!! But yeah...I wonder if he's ever made someone buy something that they couldn't afford just to get his sale or commission?
ladyzac said:
Thanks everybody!! I'm at work right now, but that Levitz is in Fresno (4525 WEST SHAW AVENUE, FRESNO, CA 93722, (559)275-1341). I'm just glad that I'm not feeling stupid for feeling this way. I just thought that was so mean and rude and argh what a punkarello!! But yeah...I wonder if he's ever made someone buy something that they couldn't afford just to get his sale or commission?

Cool, I will send a letter for you, if you would like. If ya want a copy I will e-mail it to you. If I get any coupons or promises to give discounts I will pass them on to you.

Either way, they'll get a phone call from me at the very least telling them I will tell every single person that I know and others that I don't on the internet to avoid Levitz if there is no satisfaction in this...

:D I love projects.

Recently I got the money back from a sleazy internet company for one of my relatives. A little research and a threat to turn them into the FTC pretty much made that one happen.

Thanks no1tovote4! That's super sweet of you!! I don't think I will ever go back there though...maybe my sister will?? But I'm going to write a letter because I am honestly too emotional and will probably start crying out of anger and I'll feel like a fool if I do! All I remember is the guy's name is Frank, maybe mid twenties? but he was very cocky and I want to say that he was maybe trying to be funny but he knew that upset me and he didn't apologize. At any email is if you want to send me a copy. Thanks again!
hugs...Anabella :bye1:
ladyzac said:
Thanks no1tovote4! That's super sweet of you!! I don't think I will ever go back there though...maybe my sister will?? But I'm going to write a letter because I am honestly too emotional and will probably start crying out of anger and I'll feel like a fool if I do! All I remember is the guy's name is Frank, maybe mid twenties? but he was very cocky and I want to say that he was maybe trying to be funny but he knew that upset me and he didn't apologize. At any email is if you want to send me a copy. Thanks again!
hugs...Anabella :bye1:

There's always the option of going back when the store is full and let everyone watch you cry while you tell him how he affected you. Think he'll squirm? I guarantee it!! :cry:
dilloduck said:
There's always the option of going back when the store is full and let everyone watch you cry while you tell him how he affected you. Think he'll squirm? I guarantee it!! :cry:
You're right Dillo..and what a better day than a busy Saturday..
What crap. This is like when you go to the funeral home and they try to get you to buy the solid gold coffin and if you don't, "You must not have loved grandma very much."

It's a con.
I called and spoke with Greg - he said there's no frank on the sales floor - but one who works the warehouse - he's not there today...but I passed on what was said...he said I'll bring it up at the next crew meeting..

Good luck, Lady..
Do you remember the salesman's name? I want to make sure he gets credit for his actions when I write.
Mr. P said:
You're right Dillo..and what a better day than a busy Saturday..
Go girl---you'll feel great making him look like an ass--empowerment !!
ladyzac said:
. So then he tells me, "Well, you must not love your mom very much then!" I just stood there speechless. All I thought was I can't believe he just said that to me?


1. DO NOT allow this to pass without challenge. You apparently have no witnesses, so you have little to no legal basis for suing the store. First, send a letter of complaint to the store owner/manager. If you know a lawyer who will do this free, that might help to scare the bejeebers out of the store owner.

2. Next, send a letter to the corporation which manufactures the chair you wanted to purchase. It would be a nice touch if you included a copy of the sales receipt of a chair which you purchased from one of their competitors after the treatment you got from the sales buttwipe.

3. Contact your local Better Business Bureau, if one exists.

4. Contact the local Chamber of Commerce.

Everything listed will cost you nothing but paper, envelope and stamps. There is no reason for you to be a doormat for an abusive horse's ass of a salesperson. If you don't go after a piece of his butt, you have only yourself to blame for accepting this kind of treament.
Levitz is a lousy store. We went to Levitz once many years ago, and told the salesman that we wanted to just look, and would let him know if we had any questions or wanted to buy something. He kept bothering us, and finally he just stalked us up and down every aisle. We left the store and never went back.
I hope you complain and get Frank in trouble. He's a real jerk. :whip:
ladyzac said:
Thanks no1tovote4! That's super sweet of you!! I don't think I will ever go back there though...maybe my sister will?? But I'm going to write a letter because I am honestly too emotional and will probably start crying out of anger and I'll feel like a fool if I do! All I remember is the guy's name is Frank, maybe mid twenties? but he was very cocky and I want to say that he was maybe trying to be funny but he knew that upset me and he didn't apologize. At any email is if you want to send me a copy. Thanks again!
hugs...Anabella :bye1:

No problem. I was out of town for the weekend and will write the letter tonight and send it in the morning. I will send a copy to your e-mail address. If we get a big enough response we might be able to get you the more expensive chair that Frank tried to push on you for the price of the one you actually wanted to purchase...

We will see what can be done...
Yesterday was ladyzac's B-Day, I would have posted a B-Day thread but I haven't seen her in so long that I didn't believe that she would see it!

I too would like to know if there was any satisfaction from the company.
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