Smartest President in History Botches Oval Office Rug Quote

Do we have any data on how smart you actually are?:eusa_liar:

Given the risks of revealing too much personal information, I don't expect such from fellow posters.

We either trust each other, based on immediately observable posting history and the integrity, the honor, and the validity of internal post logical processes -- or we don't.

If a fool trusts a fool, tough shit -- should have recognized a fool when he/she sees one.

If a wise person trusts a fool, tough shit -- should have recognized a fool when he/she sees one.

If a fool trusts a wise person, one person learns and thereby gains some wisdom of his/her own.

If a wise person trusts a wise person, that's even better -- because two people BOTH gain in wisdom -- and in the respect which facilitates future learning from each other.

Feel free to reject my integrity and impugn my honor according to your own free and personal perceptions. Or trust and return trust for trust, respect for respect.

It is utterly no skin off my butt either way.

Because I'm not here to win adulation like some infantile and dumb Holly-freaking-Weird sex queen who must have applause and drooling males following her every move in order to like herself.

I'm here to learn. Which means I'm hunting for those with wisdom from whom I can learn. In return for which I am willing to control my own emotionalism such that I speak only what I believe to be valid -- no deliberate falsehoods -- and stand ready to change my opinions should some other poster offer me honest and true logical cause to do so.

So that's a no?
seems to be the same for you, and Obama
yet one is POTUS and the rest are not
There's a name for anyone who makes his mind up before he has the facts and ponders them, Jack:

you mean like your opinion on Bush?


I admit I have bias issues, DiveCon. I hatehatehate presidents to send our soldiers to war. I voted for W this first go-round, but by the end of his 2nd term I despised him almost as much as Nixon. Nothing I have learned since has altered my view.
except it looks like most of your opinions are based on falsehoods given you by the media
Isn't it sort of the soldiers fault? I mean if we didn't have so many, it would reduce the possiblity a President send them some where right? Hasn't every President commited to a military action? What's the point of being Commander in Chief, if you don't command?
Do we have any data on how smart you actually are?:eusa_liar:

Given the risks of revealing too much personal information, I don't expect such from fellow posters.

We either trust each other, based on immediately observable posting history and the integrity, the honor, and the validity of internal post logical processes -- or we don't.

If a fool trusts a fool, tough shit -- should have recognized a fool when he/she sees one.

If a wise person trusts a fool, tough shit -- should have recognized a fool when he/she sees one.

If a fool trusts a wise person, one person learns and thereby gains some wisdom of his/her own.

If a wise person trusts a wise person, that's even better -- because two people BOTH gain in wisdom -- and in the respect which facilitates future learning from each other.

Feel free to reject my integrity and impugn my honor according to your own free and personal perceptions. Or trust and return trust for trust, respect for respect.

It is utterly no skin off my butt either way.

Because I'm not here to win adulation like some infantile and dumb Holly-freaking-Weird sex queen who must have applause and drooling males following her every move in order to like herself.

I'm here to learn. Which means I'm hunting for those with wisdom from whom I can learn. In return for which I am willing to control my own emotionalism such that I speak only what I believe to be valid -- no deliberate falsehoods -- and stand ready to change my opinions should some other poster offer me honest and true logical cause to do so.

So that's a no?

My last IQ test scored at 167. Wow. I'm so impressed ......... NOT!

Learning potential is not worth a shit -- until it's used to actually learn something. Like potential energy -- a lamp, for example, that never gets turned on -- not worth a damn to anybody, including itself.

Now, you may impugn my honor by rejecting that claim -- or not. That is your own choice, keeping in mind that impugning the honor of another person, without due and just cause, is to degrade your own honor and reduce your own respect from others.

But that is entirely up to you, personally. And I neither want nor intend to obstruct your own Self-Validation in making that choice.

Nor shall I lower myself in MY OWN EYES (which are the only eyes Self should allow to judge Self) by impugning and degrading yours or anyone else's until I see just and valid cause in terms of bullying and browbeating others. In such cases, Self Respect demands that I at least try to stop the bully and the browbeating, and I should not like myself very much were I to play the part of a coward and cut and run from that social obligation to my fellow man.
Given the risks of revealing too much personal information, I don't expect such from fellow posters.

We either trust each other, based on immediately observable posting history and the integrity, the honor, and the validity of internal post logical processes -- or we don't.

If a fool trusts a fool, tough shit -- should have recognized a fool when he/she sees one.

If a wise person trusts a fool, tough shit -- should have recognized a fool when he/she sees one.

If a fool trusts a wise person, one person learns and thereby gains some wisdom of his/her own.

If a wise person trusts a wise person, that's even better -- because two people BOTH gain in wisdom -- and in the respect which facilitates future learning from each other.

Feel free to reject my integrity and impugn my honor according to your own free and personal perceptions. Or trust and return trust for trust, respect for respect.

It is utterly no skin off my butt either way.

Because I'm not here to win adulation like some infantile and dumb Holly-freaking-Weird sex queen who must have applause and drooling males following her every move in order to like herself.

I'm here to learn. Which means I'm hunting for those with wisdom from whom I can learn. In return for which I am willing to control my own emotionalism such that I speak only what I believe to be valid -- no deliberate falsehoods -- and stand ready to change my opinions should some other poster offer me honest and true logical cause to do so.

So that's a no?

My last IQ test scored at 167. Wow. I'm so impressed ......... NOT!

Learning potential is not worth a shit -- until it's used to actually learn something. Like potential energy -- a lamp, for example, that never gets turned on -- not worth a damn to anybody, including itself.

Now, you may impugn my honor by rejecting that claim -- or not. That is your own choice, keeping in mind that impugning the honor of another person, without due and just cause, is to degrade your own honor and reduce your own respect from others.

But that is entirely up to you, personally. And I neither want nor intend to obstruct your own Self-Validation in making that choice.

Nor shall I lower myself in MY OWN EYES (which are the only eyes Self should allow to judge Self) by impugning and degrading yours or anyone else's until I see just and valid cause in terms of bullying and browbeating others. In such cases, Self Respect demands that I at least try to stop the bully and the browbeating, and I should not like myself very much were I to play the part of a coward and cut and run from that social obligation to my fellow man.

i think you're full of shit.

funny, i don't feel any degradation

go figure
So that's a no?

My last IQ test scored at 167. Wow. I'm so impressed ......... NOT!

Learning potential is not worth a shit -- until it's used to actually learn something. Like potential energy -- a lamp, for example, that never gets turned on -- not worth a damn to anybody, including itself.

Now, you may impugn my honor by rejecting that claim -- or not. That is your own choice, keeping in mind that impugning the honor of another person, without due and just cause, is to degrade your own honor and reduce your own respect from others.

But that is entirely up to you, personally. And I neither want nor intend to obstruct your own Self-Validation in making that choice.

Nor shall I lower myself in MY OWN EYES (which are the only eyes Self should allow to judge Self) by impugning and degrading yours or anyone else's until I see just and valid cause in terms of bullying and browbeating others. In such cases, Self Respect demands that I at least try to stop the bully and the browbeating, and I should not like myself very much were I to play the part of a coward and cut and run from that social obligation to my fellow man.

i think you're full of shit.

funny, i don't feel any degradation

go figure


very honorable and intelligent and informative and conducive to constructive social exchanges

I'm verily impressed RLMAO
My last IQ test scored at 167. Wow. I'm so impressed ......... NOT!

Learning potential is not worth a shit -- until it's used to actually learn something. Like potential energy -- a lamp, for example, that never gets turned on -- not worth a damn to anybody, including itself.

Now, you may impugn my honor by rejecting that claim -- or not. That is your own choice, keeping in mind that impugning the honor of another person, without due and just cause, is to degrade your own honor and reduce your own respect from others.

But that is entirely up to you, personally. And I neither want nor intend to obstruct your own Self-Validation in making that choice.

Nor shall I lower myself in MY OWN EYES (which are the only eyes Self should allow to judge Self) by impugning and degrading yours or anyone else's until I see just and valid cause in terms of bullying and browbeating others. In such cases, Self Respect demands that I at least try to stop the bully and the browbeating, and I should not like myself very much were I to play the part of a coward and cut and run from that social obligation to my fellow man.

i think you're full of shit.

funny, i don't feel any degradation

go figure


very honorable and intelligent and informative and conducive to constructive social exchanges

I'm verily impressed RLMAO


doesn't take much
Given the risks of revealing too much personal information, I don't expect such from fellow posters.

We either trust each other, based on immediately observable posting history and the integrity, the honor, and the validity of internal post logical processes -- or we don't.

If a fool trusts a fool, tough shit -- should have recognized a fool when he/she sees one.

If a wise person trusts a fool, tough shit -- should have recognized a fool when he/she sees one.

If a fool trusts a wise person, one person learns and thereby gains some wisdom of his/her own.

If a wise person trusts a wise person, that's even better -- because two people BOTH gain in wisdom -- and in the respect which facilitates future learning from each other.

Feel free to reject my integrity and impugn my honor according to your own free and personal perceptions. Or trust and return trust for trust, respect for respect.

It is utterly no skin off my butt either way.

Because I'm not here to win adulation like some infantile and dumb Holly-freaking-Weird sex queen who must have applause and drooling males following her every move in order to like herself.

I'm here to learn. Which means I'm hunting for those with wisdom from whom I can learn. In return for which I am willing to control my own emotionalism such that I speak only what I believe to be valid -- no deliberate falsehoods -- and stand ready to change my opinions should some other poster offer me honest and true logical cause to do so.

So that's a no?

My last IQ test scored at 167. Wow. I'm so impressed ......... NOT!

Learning potential is not worth a shit -- until it's used to actually learn something. Like potential energy -- a lamp, for example, that never gets turned on -- not worth a damn to anybody, including itself.

Now, you may impugn my honor by rejecting that claim -- or not. That is your own choice, keeping in mind that impugning the honor of another person, without due and just cause, is to degrade your own honor and reduce your own respect from others.

But that is entirely up to you, personally. And I neither want nor intend to obstruct your own Self-Validation in making that choice.

Nor shall I lower myself in MY OWN EYES (which are the only eyes Self should allow to judge Self) by impugning and degrading yours or anyone else's until I see just and valid cause in terms of bullying and browbeating others. In such cases, Self Respect demands that I at least try to stop the bully and the browbeating, and I should not like myself very much were I to play the part of a coward and cut and run from that social obligation to my fellow man.

Yet, you reject the claim of others. How does that work? You assume it is merely potential without asking or understanding the accomplishments of others. You claim social obligations, but will allow yourself to be judged only by the self. It seems contradictory or someone just pretending to be intelligent. I reserve judgement for a later time and place.

very honorable and intelligent and informative and conducive to constructive social exchanges

I'm verily impressed RLMAO


doesn't take much

From a nitwit? not much, no
i dont believe Del is a "nitwit"
most likely he is just being abusive because it was exposed you were from the Hannity board and he seems to not like many from there
yet i bet there are many here that he likes that he doesnt know were from hannity's board



doesn't take much

From a nitwit? not much, no
i dont believe Del is a "nitwit"
most likely he is just being abusive because it was exposed you were from the Hannity board and he seems to not like many from there
yet i bet there are many here that he likes that he doesnt know were from hannity's board



One possible explanation, yes.

Vengeance and jealousy are not very pleasant dietary supplements.

But it's rather insignificant in the long term.

IF and when I'm damned fool enough to run for election to some public TRUST (GOD FORBID IT!!!!!), then I'd need to provide proof of my qualifications -- which would mandate release of transcripts.

Until then, folks can either accept or reject the LOGIC of my posts. If and when they present me with something besides hyper-emotionalized huff and puff goo-bledy gobbling, I'll listen with respect to their argumentation, too.

If Obama wants TRUST AND RESPECT, then he stops his lying, stops his selfish wallowing in personal luxuries bought at public expense, and actually becomes TRANSPARENT -- nothing hidden up his sleeves to stab gullible fools the second they get distracted and fixate on the phony crap he waves around with the other hand in front of their eyeballs.
My last IQ test scored at 167. Wow. I'm so impressed ......... NOT!

Learning potential is not worth a shit -- until it's used to actually learn something. Like potential energy -- a lamp, for example, that never gets turned on -- not worth a damn to anybody, including itself.

Now, you may impugn my honor by rejecting that claim -- or not. That is your own choice, keeping in mind that impugning the honor of another person, without due and just cause, is to degrade your own honor and reduce your own respect from others.

But that is entirely up to you, personally. And I neither want nor intend to obstruct your own Self-Validation in making that choice.

Nor shall I lower myself in MY OWN EYES (which are the only eyes Self should allow to judge Self) by impugning and degrading yours or anyone else's until I see just and valid cause in terms of bullying and browbeating others. In such cases, Self Respect demands that I at least try to stop the bully and the browbeating, and I should not like myself very much were I to play the part of a coward and cut and run from that social obligation to my fellow man.

i think you're full of shit.

funny, i don't feel any degradation

go figure


very honorable and intelligent and informative and conducive to constructive social exchanges

I'm verily impressed RLMAO

Elevator buttons are also easily impressed.:eusa_whistle:

Just sayin'

doesn't take much

From a nitwit? not much, no
i dont believe Del is a "nitwit"
most likely he is just being abusive because it was exposed you were from the Hannity board and he seems to not like many from there
yet i bet there are many here that he likes that he doesnt know were from hannity's board



just to clarify, i don't give a rat's ass where anyone cam

e from, and more to the point, i had no idea where mr intellect came from. horse's asses, regardless of their provenance, bring out the worst in me.

it's a character flaw.

From a nitwit? not much, no
i dont believe Del is a "nitwit"
most likely he is just being abusive because it was exposed you were from the Hannity board and he seems to not like many from there
yet i bet there are many here that he likes that he doesnt know were from hannity's board



just to clarify, i don't give a rat's ass where anyone cam

e from, and more to the point, i had no idea where mr intellect came from. horse's asses, regardless of their provenance, bring out the worst in me.

it's a character flaw.

uh, that would be MS intellect
From a nitwit? not much, no
i dont believe Del is a "nitwit"
most likely he is just being abusive because it was exposed you were from the Hannity board and he seems to not like many from there
yet i bet there are many here that he likes that he doesnt know were from hannity's board



just to clarify, i don't give a rat's ass where anyone cam

e from, and more to the point, i had no idea where mr intellect came from. horse's asses, regardless of their provenance, bring out the worst in me.

it's a character flaw.


I thought it was your redeeming quality. That and a sense of humor. I'll just go knock off two more IQ points.

i think you're full of shit.

funny, i don't feel any degradation

go figure


very honorable and intelligent and informative and conducive to constructive social exchanges

I'm verily impressed RLMAO

Elevator buttons are also easily impressed.:eusa_whistle:

Just sayin'

And they normally go straight up to the roof -- where the smog is. :))

That was satire, BTW -- deliberately saying the exact opposite of reality in order to make a point with an acerbic bite to it.

This is NOT a popularity contest -- and I refuse to march to the drumbeats of the "In Crowd." Thus, I really don't give a Tinker's Damn which direction somebody else's elevator moves -- or where it ends up. His elevator -- his buttons to push.

Now, back to the idiocy of the redo of the Oval Office -- and what this SECOND redo indicates concerning his qualifications for all the TRUST those who voted for the Thuggie Goon gave him.
i dont believe Del is a "nitwit"
most likely he is just being abusive because it was exposed you were from the Hannity board and he seems to not like many from there
yet i bet there are many here that he likes that he doesnt know were from hannity's board



just to clarify, i don't give a rat's ass where anyone cam

e from, and more to the point, i had no idea where mr intellect came from. horse's asses, regardless of their provenance, bring out the worst in me.

it's a character flaw.

uh, that would be MS intellect

i'll be sure to make a note of that.
Given the risks of revealing too much personal information, I don't expect such from fellow posters.

We either trust each other, based on immediately observable posting history and the integrity, the honor, and the validity of internal post logical processes -- or we don't.

If a fool trusts a fool, tough shit -- should have recognized a fool when he/she sees one.

If a wise person trusts a fool, tough shit -- should have recognized a fool when he/she sees one.

If a fool trusts a wise person, one person learns and thereby gains some wisdom of his/her own.

If a wise person trusts a wise person, that's even better -- because two people BOTH gain in wisdom -- and in the respect which facilitates future learning from each other.

Feel free to reject my integrity and impugn my honor according to your own free and personal perceptions. Or trust and return trust for trust, respect for respect.

It is utterly no skin off my butt either way.

Because I'm not here to win adulation like some infantile and dumb Holly-freaking-Weird sex queen who must have applause and drooling males following her every move in order to like herself.

I'm here to learn. Which means I'm hunting for those with wisdom from whom I can learn. In return for which I am willing to control my own emotionalism such that I speak only what I believe to be valid -- no deliberate falsehoods -- and stand ready to change my opinions should some other poster offer me honest and true logical cause to do so.

So that's a no?

My last IQ test scored at 167. Wow. I'm so impressed ......... NOT!

Learning potential is not worth a shit -- until it's used to actually learn something. Like potential energy -- a lamp, for example, that never gets turned on -- not worth a damn to anybody, including itself.

Now, you may impugn my honor by rejecting that claim -- or not. That is your own choice, keeping in mind that impugning the honor of another person, without due and just cause, is to degrade your own honor and reduce your own respect from others.

But that is entirely up to you, personally. And I neither want nor intend to obstruct your own Self-Validation in making that choice.

Nor shall I lower myself in MY OWN EYES (which are the only eyes Self should allow to judge Self) by impugning and degrading yours or anyone else's until I see just and valid cause in terms of bullying and browbeating others. In such cases, Self Respect demands that I at least try to stop the bully and the browbeating, and I should not like myself very much were I to play the part of a coward and cut and run from that social obligation to my fellow man.

167 is 27 points above "genius" level. Most Nobel Laureates prolly dun have an IQ this high.

Color me skeptical....somehow I dun think you are channeling Steven Hawking, rhet 2.


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