Sleepy Joe's Letter Dated April 23, 2021 Says A Check Was Issued, But I Have Not Received The Cash


Can You Smell Me
Aug 3, 2013
By the way the idiotically written form letter had multiple fonts (like Barry Obama's fake ass birth certificate) and formatting in the $1,400 section that appears to allow for way more cash than that. Are select Sleepy Joe supporters getting 6 figure checks?
Sleepy Joe's letter also stated that he got us $2K (as promised), but the check was only for $1400 (the $600 in December was from Trump, and was issued when the Fucktard was still hiding in his basement)....

When is the Idiot-in-Chief sending the balance?????
By the way the idiotically written form letter had multiple fonts (like Barry Obama's fake ass birth certificate) and formatting in the $1,400 section that appears to allow for way more cash than that. Are select Sleepy Joe supporters getting 6 figure checks?
Take it up with the IRS then.
By the way the idiotically written form letter had multiple fonts (like Barry Obama's fake ass birth certificate) and formatting in the $1,400 section that appears to allow for way more cash than that. Are select Sleepy Joe supporters getting 6 figure checks?

They must have sent your check to me, I got two

The only reason there is to engage in a cover-upis because there is something to cover-up.

Democrats are idiots....if there was nothing to hide, if the election was legit they would have let the auditors prove it.

Instead, by doing everything they could to stop the adults, to rig the audit, to destroy the evidence / databases, to refuse to give the passwords to the systems / machines all they have done is proven to the world the 2020 election was rigged / stolen....

...and faced with all they have done to ensure it stays cover up, all they can say is, 'Nuh-uh'....

....because there is no legitimate reason to have destroyed evidence, destroyed databases, obstructed tge audit by refusing to turn over the passwords, etc...

Its like f*ing 'amateur hours.

There were too many witnesses, too many cameras they forgot about, sworn affidavits, sworn testimony, whistle-blower, too much evidence, & even the USSC acknowledged how Democrats violated both state & federal constitutions & election laws.

Now we are witnessing the sloppiest cover-up ever....

And the only reason they are getting away with it is because traitor-supporting partisan indoctrinated brain-dead sheep are closing their eyes and defending them / letting them.

God help this nation, if He cares anymore...

Will the last American out please bring the flag...?!

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