Since Scott Walker's election, local Wisc. Dem prosecutors and judges running amok

Don't know how to paste it but I just read it. I also read it in the Milwaukee journal the other day. And at 76 years old he doesn't scare me other than cutting some services I may need. Nothing better than cutting senior care. Takes a big heart to do that.

Here are some of the salient points from your article on the poll of Walker's ratings:

The PPP survey included 1,071 registered Wisconsin voters, including 461 Republican primary voters and 504 Democratic primary voters, from March 6-8. The margin of error for the survey is +/- 3 percentage points.

Those who say they approve of the job Walker is doing fell to 43 percent, while those who disapprove of the job he is doing increased to 52 percent. In late October, the same Democratic-leaning poll found 49 percent approved of Walker's job performance, while 47 percent disapproved.
It won't matter to the kooks, busting their big lies. The Walker-groupies on this thread are all the most hardcore of all the right-wing fringe cultists. In the minds of those cultists, any fact that contradicts the official cult dogma must be purged from existence. The official weirdass cult story is that a mass of Democratic party officials personally smashed in the doors of widows and orphans and puppies in midnight raids, cackling with glee as they did so. Therefore, they'll keep repeating the weirdass story, regardless of how stupid or dishonest it makes them look.

Don't worry. It's not like they don't have practice looking stupid and dishonest. The rightie fringe cultists actually seem to have some sick emotional need to constantly humiliate themselves.
Let them be for now Mamooth. They're in the middle of a frothing orgy of conservative embarrassment. That's not something you want to interrupt! :laugh:
Notice that Walker has not yet officially declared that he is running for president. Why??? By pretending that he is not yet "official" , he can coordinate with Super PACs and outside groups to hit up the 1% for as much money as he can.
If the Walker cronies are getting this hysterical over investigations, they must be trying to hide massive corruption. Nobody cries like that unless they're about to get caught.

Disgusting, the way the conservatives believe their own party should literally be immune to being investigated in away way. The modern Republicans are like the old Soviet communists, loyal to their party instead of their country. It's not a political party any more, it's the Republican crime syndicate.

You are a fucking idiot.

Or, more likely, you APPROVE of this, and therefore are simply evil.
Walkers approval rating is going down every week since get of gutting education and senior services. Even some of the fellow rubber stamp GOP senators are not supporting the radical budget. But he is happy to give 200 million to a private company for a new stadium for the bucks. That is really under peoples skin too. He had better backtrack and compromise.
His approval numbers always goes down at budget time. Like most politicians.
" the fact is that the chief prosecutor is the case is Francis Schmitz, a well-respected Republican anti-terrorism prosecutor who received the "U.S. Attorney General's Award for Distinguished Service" from Michael Mukasey's Justice Department in 2007.
Nice try. But the prosecutor going after the conservatives and their families, is the Milwaukee district attorney, John Chisholm, not Schmitz. Chisholm is a hardcore Democrat, as is his wife who was a shop steward for various education unions thugs.

He is enabled by a rubber-stamp local judge named Barbara Kluka... who has since deserted the sinking ship and recused herself from the various cases resulting from Chisholm's Kristallnacht raids.

All law at some stage must rely on human judgment to decide which cases to pursue and which not to.

Electing Democrats to such positions requiring judgment, is clearly a bad idea, as demonstrated by these cases... and other offices, all way to the top.

Special prosecutor rejects Scott Walker s partisan take on John Doe

Francis Schmitz, the special prosecutor appointed to lead the John Doe probe into Wisconsin's 2011 and 2012 recall elections, is rejecting Republican Gov. Scott Walker's contention that partisanship is behind the investigation.

"Mr. Schmitz spent over forty years serving his nation as an Army officer and as a federal prosecutor in the United States Department of Justice," Schmitz's attorney, Randall Crocker, said in an email to the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel. "As a prosecutor, he represented the United States in both criminal cases and on counterterrorism task forces. He was a finalist for the position of U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of Wisconsin during the administration of George W. Bush."
If the Walker cronies are getting this hysterical over investigations, they must be trying to hide massive corruption. Nobody cries like that unless they're about to get caught.

Disgusting, the way the conservatives believe their own party should literally be immune to being investigated in away way. The modern Republicans are like the old Soviet communists, loyal to their party instead of their country. It's not a political party any more, it's the Republican crime syndicate.
Do you also tell raped women to stop sniveling and just deal with it?
If the Walker cronies are getting this hysterical over investigations, they must be trying to hide massive corruption. Nobody cries like that unless they're about to get caught.

Disgusting, the way the conservatives believe their own party should literally be immune to being investigated in away way. The modern Republicans are like the old Soviet communists, loyal to their party instead of their country. It's not a political party any more, it's the Republican crime syndicate.
Do you also tell raped women to stop sniveling and just deal with it?


The Special Prosecutor in the case is a Republican. He was appointed to a post by Bush II.
He even said he voted for Walker.

The conservatives here are just crying wolf.

By the way if you want a boggy man why are ye not looking at Jeb Bush's organisation... I don't think ye dumb fools get it... The Democrats want Walker, he is a idiot at national level in their opinions... He is uneducated and has views which are more extreme than Bush..

Why would Democrats want him out, Democrats would from a strategic point of view not want this... Democrats would bring this up in 15 months if he is still there...

The only one this is helping is the other GOP candidates, especially Jeb Bush...

Dumbass ring wingers....
If the Walker cronies are getting this hysterical over investigations, they must be trying to hide massive corruption. Nobody cries like that unless they're about to get caught.

Disgusting, the way the conservatives believe their own party should literally be immune to being investigated in away way. The modern Republicans are like the old Soviet communists, loyal to their party instead of their country. It's not a political party any more, it's the Republican crime syndicate.
Do you also tell raped women to stop sniveling and just deal with it?


The Special Prosecutor in the case is a Republican. He was appointed to a post by Bush II.
He even said he voted for Walker.

The conservatives here are just crying wolf.

By the way if you want a boggy man why are ye not looking at Jeb Bush's organisation... I don't think ye dumb fools get it... The Democrats want Walker, he is a idiot at national level in their opinions... He is uneducated and has views which are more extreme than Bush..

Why would Democrats want him out, Democrats would from a strategic point of view not want this... Democrats would bring this up in 15 months if he is still there...

The only one this is helping is the other GOP candidates, especially Jeb Bush...

Dumbass ring wingers....
You keep telling yourself that. History is full of people who looked the other way for ideological purposes, but then whined like little bitches when it was their turn.

Dumbass leftwing nut cases.
If the Walker cronies are getting this hysterical over investigations, they must be trying to hide massive corruption. Nobody cries like that unless they're about to get caught.

Disgusting, the way the conservatives believe their own party should literally be immune to being investigated in away way. The modern Republicans are like the old Soviet communists, loyal to their party instead of their country. It's not a political party any more, it's the Republican crime syndicate.
Do you also tell raped women to stop sniveling and just deal with it?


The Special Prosecutor in the case is a Republican. He was appointed to a post by Bush II.
He even said he voted for Walker.

The conservatives here are just crying wolf.

By the way if you want a boggy man why are ye not looking at Jeb Bush's organisation... I don't think ye dumb fools get it... The Democrats want Walker, he is a idiot at national level in their opinions... He is uneducated and has views which are more extreme than Bush..

Why would Democrats want him out, Democrats would from a strategic point of view not want this... Democrats would bring this up in 15 months if he is still there...

The only one this is helping is the other GOP candidates, especially Jeb Bush...

Dumbass ring wingers....

Good response to passwind......Right wingers should actually be concerned that Walker gets the GOP nomination and THEN, the proverbial poop hits the fan with these on-going investigations....Even more concerned should be the Koch brothers who are bankrolling Walker and one wonders if they haven't started to put "pressure" on Schmitz to back off of their puppet.
If the Walker cronies are getting this hysterical over investigations, they must be trying to hide massive corruption. Nobody cries like that unless they're about to get caught.

Disgusting, the way the conservatives believe their own party should literally be immune to being investigated in away way. The modern Republicans are like the old Soviet communists, loyal to their party instead of their country. It's not a political party any more, it's the Republican crime syndicate.

This is how you know Josef Stalin was a founder of the modern American Progressive movement
Special prosecutor rejects Scott Walker s partisan take on John Doe

Francis Schmitz, the special prosecutor appointed to lead the John Doe probe into Wisconsin's 2011 and 2012 recall elections, is rejecting Republican Gov. Scott Walker's contention that partisanship is behind the investigation.

"Mr. Schmitz spent over forty years serving his nation as an Army officer and as a federal prosecutor in the United States Department of Justice," Schmitz's attorney, Randall Crocker, said in an email to the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel. "As a prosecutor, he represented the United States in both criminal cases and on counterterrorism task forces. He was a finalist for the position of U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of Wisconsin during the administration of George W. Bush."

"cowboy" Ted, the English wanker who thinks that cows say "bahhh" is again spewing shit that he has no fucking clue about.American politics is again spewing idiocy from the hate sites?

DNC terrorist Francis Schmitz, the criminal fuck behind the midnight raids on political adversaries, says nothing is wrong with armed men kicking in door in the middle of the night to terrorize political opponents?

We damn, good enough - eh wanker?
Though horribly open to abuse as Democrats have shown, the law itself is probably not prima facie unconstitutional. I would imagine that it assumes the 4th amendment would be followed.

The 4th calls for "no unreasonable search or seizure". And it requires that a warrant be issued... by a judge. In other words, someone with the knowledge, wisdom, and intent to respect the citizen's rights, can exercise veto power over each search and seizure, and prevent bad ones from taking place, on a case-by-case basis.

Where Wisconsin went wrong, was in electing Democrats to the position of Prosecutor and Judge, who must make those decisions. As we have seen over and over for the last six years, Democrats have no interest in obeying the law or respecting people's rights, especially when the victim is a conservative who disagrees with their agenda (which includes nearly all normal Americans). Democrats in the IRS targeting conservatives, in the NSA spying on huge numbers of law-abiding Americans, and in Congress passing unconstitutional laws such as Obamacare to punish Americans for not signing up for health care plans the liberals thought they should have, are just a few examples.

A proper legal system cannot be run without providing room for officials to judge whether a law is being obeyed or disobeyed. That's why the 4th amendment (and other provisions) are worded the way they are.

And Democrats have shown time and again, why they should not be elected to those offices of public trust. These midnight raids of people who did nothing more than oppose extreme Democrat policies, demonstrate once again that Democrats must not be trusted with the power of government.
Gee, who knew that right wingers were such Walker-lovers?

Don't get me wrong, my friends, I...for one....would love for you to nominate Walker...Such would make things a heck of a lot "easier."

(Again, can you count how many aides or friends of Walker have wound up indicted or arrested?)....LOL

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