Shut up Romney!


יעקב כהן
Oct 19, 2010
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What the hell is the looser running his mouth for? I went door to door for this guy and he failed to get people out to the polls and lost to Obama. Who's going listen to this guy really? I'm a Cruz guy but think Romney should STFU about Trump
This guy bashes obamacare when he's the one who helped start it lol. What a clown puppet with stale jokes.
Romney is pure republican establishment. He ran such a bland campaign that republicans stayed home. Why on earth his opinion is important in 2016 is anybody's guess. Maybe Rubio hired him.
a conman, mysynogist ,cheater, dangerous to our nation,.....
what else did he call Trump?
a conman, mysynogist ,cheater, dangerous to our nation,.....
what else did he call Trump?

What part isn't true?
a conman, mysynogist ,cheater, dangerous to our nation,.....
what else did he call Trump?

Establishment talking point Rubio has using the same crap and he sounds like an idiot
I think the RNC needed someone to be the spokes person that was not involved in an election....?

Seems like he's involved to me
Let me put it this way, Romney has nothing to lose, by doing this....even if he somehow jumped in to the race, he's not holding a Republican gvt position to lose.
I think the RNC needed someone to be the spokes person that was not involved in an election....?
Romney is the spokesperson for the GOP corporate crony network and all they want him to do is to gin up distrust of Trump and swing as many as they can back to the Establishment lap dogs like Baghdad Bob Rubio.

Romney has zero credibility for anyone who is not a neocon. When he ran in 2012, he only got the nomination by having his attack Super PAC destroy his opponents one by one till he was the last man standing with any credibility by the time the Florida primary came along.

He switched over from being the most liberal governor of Massachusetts to being a doctrinaire conservative one month before he started organizing his Presidential campaign. He is the Arch-phony of phonies and that he has the nerve to criticize Trump for changing his mind on a handful of issues just shows what a lying two faced whore he really is..
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I think the RNC needed someone to be the spokes person that was not involved in an election....?

Seems like he's involved to me
Let me put it this way, Romney has nothing to lose, by doing this....even if he somehow jumped in to the race, he's not holding a Republican gvt position to lose.
Pretty much just talking through the establishment money he's getting paid. What a fake ass all talk no action politician.
Romney's donors (same as Jeb Bush) called in a favor. It's disgusting and it's exactly why Trump is leading. Doesn't the establishment understand why voters are pissed off and following Trump???
thank you, mitt... i agree with just about everything he said...

other than the jabs at hillary's honesty and that she must not be elected.

as a republican he has to jab at her like that... ^

hillary is clearly the best candidate and she's going to make a great president.

and ftr imo many independents voting for trump in the primary were just hoping for the GOP panic we are now seeing.
I too am not certain this is going to help the GOP...perhaps get more conservatives out to vote, vs. the Trump followers...?

but this will probably back fire and make Trump supporters more adamant to not let the GOP establishment win.
Romney's donors (same as Jeb Bush) called in a favor. It's disgusting and it's exactly why Trump is leading. Doesn't the establishment understand why voters are pissed off and following Trump???

WAKEY WAKEY!! All you're doing is giving Hildabeast the election...
a conman, mysynogist ,cheater, dangerous to our nation,.....
what else did he call Trump?
That was what is known as 'projecting'.

"Baghdad Bob" Rubio has been the biggest liar and schizophrenic loser in the election so far, but Romney had nothing to say about that at all.

He is whoring out for the Establishment to protect the GOP corporate crony network that has been running the party since George H W Bush took office from Reagan. Just look how Bush grotesquely expanded H1-B visas in his third year of office, going from 760 in 1990 to 51,882 the next year.

H-1B visa - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Bush network is busy destroying the American Middle Class in favor of corproations for the last 26 years and Romney, and Rubio are deeply embedded in that network.
thank you, mitt... i agree with just about everything he said...

other than the jabs at hillary's honesty and that she must not be elected.

as a republican he has to jab at her like that... ^

hillary is clearly the best candidate and she's going to make a great president.

and ftr imo many independents voting for trump in the primary were just hoping for the GOP panic we are now seeing.

A Hillary supporter agrees with Romney. That'll help him out:slap:
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