Shouldn't we just get rid of welfare all together?

See, JS, this is an excellent well thought out post. I need to follow emily's lead.
But you won't do that, you will insinuate. Your type is not needed in the modern 21s century GOP. Your destructive desire to return America to sixty years ago is never going happen, kiddo. :lol:
" As a republican"......Lol
You are a pretend Republican. A Prick like you cannot have a place in the party, simply no way.

Well, thats not very nice there, JS. I didn't call you a prick. Are all those wives of yours beating you down out there in your utah compound in the side of the mountain?
You are a beta, so of course you don't outwardly libel, you insinuate. :lol: False dilemma fallacy and a rules violation whether I have the one wife or two like TyroneWeaver or three like BobBlaylock. And I am writing from the Texas Hill County in a place I have out here. My other place is in down town SLC you would give your left ball (if you had it left) for.

I was out in fredericksburg, tx drinking red wines last week. I think i ran into you. I like SLC alot. Been there alot flyfishing. I bet you'd give your right ball for the place I have in montana.
Doubt it. Will be in Gllespie and Bandera counties in a couple of weeks. Love the area. I doubt I ran into you.
See, JS, this is an excellent well thought out post. I need to follow emily's lead.
But you won't do that, you will insinuate. Your type is not needed in the modern 21s century GOP. Your destructive desire to return America to sixty years ago is never going happen, kiddo. :lol:

60? Try 240. I'll bet my third nut that you cant comprehend that. Lol
" As a republican"......Lol
You are a pretend Republican. A Prick like you cannot have a place in the party, simply no way.

Well, thats not very nice there, JS. I didn't call you a prick. Are all those wives of yours beating you down out there in your utah compound in the side of the mountain?
You are a beta, so of course you don't outwardly libel, you insinuate. :lol: False dilemma fallacy and a rules violation whether I have the one wife or two like TyroneWeaver or three like BobBlaylock. And I am writing from the Texas Hill County in a place I have out here. My other place is in down town SLC you would give your left ball (if you had it left) for.

I was out in fredericksburg, tx drinking red wines last week. I think i ran into you. I like SLC alot. Been there alot flyfishing. I bet you'd give your right ball for the place I have in montana.
Doubt it. Will be in Gllespie and Bandera counties in a couple of weeks. Love the area. I doubt I ran into you.

If your in gillespie, hilmy vineyards, near stonewall, texas, has some nice tempranillo reds along with some nice whites.
I really don't see the need for welfare anymore since unemployment is at historic lows. I mean I know unemployment rate was lower during all previous presidencies but that doesn't mean we can't use the phrase 'historic low' since history begins and ends with the birth of OBama and his death (hopefully soon) so we don't have to think about the past to much. We really don't need welfare anymore so why even have it?

I'm going to get my fellow co-worker fired today because she is a liberal. It will be fun because no one will even suspect what I am doing. I know she is a single mom and all who desperately needs the money but I'm so sick and tired of these people ruining this country with their crys for more welfare and freebies from the government. It would serve her right to let her starve out in the streets. The best part of all is that she is kind of a nice person so doing this will be so vindictive in many ways. She is always late because she has to deal with her kids in the morning. I cover for her because of that but I think today honesty will be the best policy and I will tell the boss what she has been doing. I can even justify it by saying it is just telling the truth. It will be a wonderful day in the neighborhood....
I just want to chime in as a moderate liberal. I think that getting rid of welfare, generally, is asinine. However, i also believe that our current system of welfare is out of control and widely abused. We need to take a serious look at reducing welfare benefits in general.
See, JS, this is an excellent well thought out post. I need to follow emily's lead.
But you won't do that, you will insinuate. Your type is not needed in the modern 21s century GOP. Your destructive desire to return America to sixty years ago is never going happen, kiddo. :lol:

Dear JakeStarkey
Is this you projecting your fear and your perception onto what LBT will or will not be able to do?
If LBT is offering to take a different direction, why not support that?
Sure it may or may not work out.
But what I've found in these diverse interactions, where opposites come together and try to find points in common or middle ground to stand on, is that it leads to new openings or new insights that aren't was expected anyway.
The things we thought we wanted to change may not.
But new things will come about instead we didn't foresee.
Why not explore and see where it leads?

And JakeStarkey it's perfectly fine that you are coming into this as the naysayer.
Balanced relations and team building tend to have equal influence and input
from people who tend to jump first and push ahead emotionally before logic kicks in,
and people like you who "check" those types by putting reality and past experience first,
to make sure we know what we're getting into, we "look before we leap" and don't jump
from the pan into the fire because we don't think ahead.

That's natural for those two types to clash, when we need both to balance the picture.

My bf tends to be the naysayer, realistic type telling me "you'll never get Democrats to do X Y Z"
and I'm the one pushing to find the exceptions, the Bernie Sanders Greens who will work with the
independent Trumpsters and Libertarians fed up with the bipartisan deadlocking and politicking.

I have as many friends AFRAID of Ted Cruz Republicans, when actually I align with them equally
since I am a Constitutionalist trying to stick to where we all agree Constitutionally. And then find
homes and avenues for all the other beliefs and ideas that fall outside the lines, so those can be
developed independently without conflict with other groups that have their own ways.

So of course I will find people who are all "gung ho" about some ideas,
but absolutely NAYSAY when it comes to something outside their limits.

If I rejected everyone who naysayed something we'd have nobody left. That's not the point then.

The point is to find where we are GUNG HO and absolutely BELIEVE in a goal or direction,
and find the people who support that to make it happen. And it may be people of different
groups, or personality types we absolutely cannot stand, but we happen to agree on a certain goal.

So of course we are going to run into adversity as part of "diversity management" and inclusion.
There are going to be bully types that normally I can't stand, but if they agree on a idea, I will work with them.
There are going to be Democrats and liberals who are so prochoice they start to exclude prolife, but I will still work with them, same as my Republican friends who are so prolife they start to conflict with prochoice and can never trust Democrats because they have no tolerance at all for abortion that is murder to them.

Whatever is your limit, your level that you can tolerate, JakeStarkey that
may be challenged when it comes to issues that are dear and sacred to you.

When it comes to reaching your goal that matters most to you, you may find
allies in unlikely places that help you reach into audiences and groups you can't
navigate without that person's help to represent and reach out where you'd rather not go.

If you clash with LBT so much that you can't even imagine working together, that means you two may represent a fork in the road; which means both of you work in realms separate from each other and cover twice as much ground if you don't overlap at all. So of course both of you should be included so that what you both cover, respectively is included, not "left out."
It's that much more important to include both your perspectives if they clash that much
to be "mutually exclusive." If you think of it like number sets, we need both the negative and positive numbers to count the whole range, and these only meet at one point 0 that is neutral.

That's what I've found by experience. It is both challenging to me to overcome my own
misgivings about certain types of groups or people, and it's also a RELIEF to find allies
so I don't have to go there if someone else can cover that ground!

So it's not impossible to reach enough Democrats and Republicans willing to work together,
as long as we form alliances with key people who can do what we otherwise think is impossible.

It makes the impossible possible.
We still may not end up where we thought,
but the process tends to yield other good outcomes anyway.

Life rewards these efforts to reach out for the greater good.
Thanks for being here and contributing, even if your job is
to naysay people like me to keep us realistically in check. That's good, too!

Just don't do it to excess where it defeats the purpose. The purpose of objection
is to point out a problem that isn't being addressed, where this needs to be CORRECTED.
If the naysaying is done for rejection sake, that becomes discouraging and thwarts efforts
to CORRECT the point of objection. So let's agree if we are going to OBJECT to something
the point is to take note of that, try to correct it, or spell out why it can or can't be corrected.

I am saying with conflicts with personality types or with beliefs, these Don't need to be
changed to work through the process. Some things can't be changed, but if they are forgiven
as differences, we can still focus on the common goals and make progress anyway. So there is
no need to block the entire process just because these unchangeable conflicts exist.
We just need to note them and use them as is, like noting 2 and -2 are opposites, and use
both of them in proper context, not reject one for the other because they are opposite values.

Love and Thanks
Keep on keeping on!

Sorry if LBT just rubs you the wrong way. If you can develop tolerance for that,
that means someone who otherwise can't stand you or me might let go a bit
and develop tolerance for us to balance the equation. Whatever effort we
put in, we inspire the same on the other side of these conflicts so we can balance and work things out. Every effort you make is appreciated and rewarded in the long run. Don't give up, and others won't either. Keep trying and others will try "one more time" where they think it's hopeless to even discuss this with you or me or whoever they have written off as useless.
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Yes, we should end welfare altogether. It's wrong to forcibly take people's money and hand it out to others.
Government assistance should not be ended.

Not one good reason has been offered as "why" it should be terminated.

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