Should we stop using war as population culling of our young people?

How about stop using abortion as a method of birth control? That would save the life of a half million kids a year in the US.
Most of them would be black, though. Blacks get the majority of abortions here. Unwanted, no named father, impoverished and incapable mothers. Is this really a good idea? I'd say not. As soon as abortions were legalized, the violent crime rate dropped 15 years later. A lot has been written about this interesting fact.
Ask most in the military how much real choice they had.

Especially the non-whites.

Oh, shut up! Our military is made up of the few patriots who meet the enlistment requirements. The number of minorities who can qualify based on education, criminal involvement, and tattoos on their face, neck of hand, is small enough as it is. Choice is only for those qualified.
Most of them would be black, though. Blacks get the majority of abortions here. Unwanted, no named father, impoverished and incapable mothers. Is this really a good idea? I'd say not. As soon as abortions were legalized, the violent crime rate dropped 15 years later. A lot has been written about this interesting fact.
I am a racist that has no respect for Blacks. I think they are the scum of this country. No all of them but most of them.

However, I would rather have the kids live than to be killed.
You ask for a lot of history, but I do not want to just blow you off.

Given your avatar moniker, let me ask you why the oldest profession is the one you have chosen, in a sense, for yourself?

Men and women would not lower themselves, body and soul, to buy what was readily available.

Most men, like most women, put love above sex. A few homophobes spoil, but I think that that is a truth.

Oh, shut up! Our military is made up of the few patriots who meet the enlistment requirements. The number of minorities who can qualify based on education, criminal involvement, and tattoos on their face, neck of hand, is small enough as it is. Choice is only for those qualified.
Choice for gays is removed, unless your law that Trump put in has been reversed from the other reversal.

I wonder how long before the next set of reversals.

Americans are starting to be seen as fish. Flip, flop.

Should we stop using war as population culling of our young people?
Are you sure that's what war is for? Rubbish.
For most of our Godless history, governments and religions have used war to reduce the population of their unruly men and women.
there's no evidence of that and how is it relative to any silly god.
This is understandable for those times, as tribes, governments and religions would have wanted to reduce the overrepresented male numbers, as compared to much fewer female numbers. Population balance, unfortunately, was required.
Never in the history of mankind has that been practised. The irony is, in the old testament god regularly slaughtered men and boys but kept the women alive for sex slaves. Is that the god you say we are now lacking?

Ancient tough love from the Gods.
No. Only one god, yours.
Modern wars seem to be designed to continue that vile policy.
Maybe it's to do with women are assumed to be not capable of war. After all, your god was a misogynist and demonstrated many times.
Should we ask our political and oligarchic masters to stop wasting our young people with ancient ways?
If america would stop invading countries because they hate socialism and stop trying to Christianise the world it would help.

If we are not to change our ways, cull the old. We are living too long, and the joys are fewer, as we watch the young be buried before the old. The opposite of what nature wants to see.
Exactly. Now you want to exterminate the old. Wow.
Culling the old is the moral thing to do. Our ways of culling the young are not natural.
It astounds me to think as a godbotherer you are promoting that. Where is your Christian beliefs now?
What us wrong with you jesus junkies? Youre all bloody mad.

Upside to banning abortions - it saves the lives of children

Downside to banning abortions - More Blacks and Browns
Simplistic thinking that forgets that all the costs of your issues and the fact that all DNA lines and colors are priceless to chemical based units like us..

We all have to enjoy us them all, and allow ourselves as much freedom as possible, even for pregnant women.

To deny any of us our security of the person and freedom to choose is evil.

Flip flopping policies away from that goal is evil.

The point of war is to cull the OTHER guy.
As known by all sides.

Thanks for your agreement that war is for culling, mostly of men, but now accompanied by a 50 - 50 split in non-combatant areas.

Job creation for the whoever lives through it all.

War is great, isn't it? Especially for the parents burying their sons and daughters.

Ask most in the military how much real choice they had.

Especially the non-whites.

Everybody has the choice. Don't be silly. And we can stop pretending that only poor kids enlist.

How affluent are enlisted recruits?

Most members of the military come from middle-class neighborhoods. The middle three quintiles for household income were overrepresented among enlisted recruits, and the top and bottom quintiles were underrepresented.
Simplistic thinking that forgets that all the costs of your issues and the fact that all DNA lines and colors are priceless to chemical based units like us..

We all have to enjoy us them all, and allow ourselves as much freedom as possible, even for pregnant women.

To deny any of us our security of the person and freedom to choose is evil.

Flip flopping policies away from that goal is evil.

How about freedom for the children that are murdered for the sake of convenience? They don't much of it being jerked out of the woumb and thrown in the dumpster, do they?
How about stop using abortion as a method of birth control? That would save the life of a half million kids a year in the US.
"I've got no problem with abortion, as long as the right people get aborted".

-Dirty Harry, from "Magnum Force (paraphrased).
Should we stop using war as population culling of our young people?

For most of our Godless history, governments and religions have used war to reduce the population of their unruly men and women. This is understandable for those times, as tribes, governments and religions would have wanted to reduce the overrepresented male numbers, as compared to much fewer female numbers. Population balance, unfortunately, was required.

Ancient tough love from the Gods.

Modern wars seem to be designed to continue that vile policy.

Should we ask our political and oligarchic masters to stop wasting our young people with ancient ways?

If we are not to change our ways, cull the old. We are living too long, and the joys are fewer, as we watch the young be buried before the old. The opposite of what nature wants to see.

Culling the old is the moral thing to do. Our ways of culling the young are not natural.


Abortion and black on black crime have accounted for more wasted lives than all our recent wars combined. You can thank the commiecrats for that.

Abortion and black on black crime have accounted for more wasted lives than all our recent wars combined. You can thank the commiecrats for that.

I blame the white oppression against blacks in the U.S. for the dismal stats.

How about freedom for the children that are murdered for the sake of convenience? They don't much of it being jerked out of the woumb and thrown in the dumpster, do they?
Get those against abortion to foot the bill when they force someone to have an unwanted baby, and you will likely improve the stats.

You know those kids have a lot more problems and cost society a lot more.

Put you money where your mouth is, and the problem will be reduced a lot.


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