boedicca;9470539 said:
In order to reduce your own personal creation of greenhouse gasses, hold your breath forever.
SSDD;9341885 said:
I wonder how many of these warmer idiots will suicide out of sheer despair when the hoax finally comes tumbling down?
CrusaderFrank;9351969 said:
It never ends well for Death worshipong Cults, CO2 is their Jonesville and they will glady drink the KoolAid
daveman;9286914 said:
So, it looks like you can kill yourself out of shame now. But that's one emotion you're incapable of, isn't it?
Kosh;9265767 said:
If the OP and all the other AGW cult members would stop breathing the CO2 problem will be fixed..
dilloduck;9222002 said:
I just made one and you're right---it's too expensive to let people with breathing problems live.
Redfish;9002464 said:
Lets see now, if your charts and conclusions are correct, we need to kill all the chinese and indians. Should we nuke them? no, too much fall out. Poison their water? stop shipping food to them? how about the booming populations in indonesia and south america, how do we eliminate them?
HenryBHough;8907868 said:
Nice part of cults is that they tend to mass suicide.
In this instance, if they are right, their lemmingesque checking out would do an immense bit toward ending the warming they fear most. Provided they all just took dirt naps instead of being roasted and emitting all those nasty pollutants......
CrusaderFrank;8907884 said:
Oh Please! Oh God! That would be so fucking awesome! They don't even have to die, just get off the Internet
gallantwarrior;8850843 said:
Really, the absolute best way for humans to limit their emissions is to minimize the number of humans. I most heartily welcome the voluntary participation of those who believe that humans are a major factor in "global warming", or "climate change" (whatever the current buzzword is) in the "minimize humans" green program..go ahead, do us all a favor, your personal contribution to decreasing human damage to the planet will be welcomed.
CrusaderFrank;8850029 said:
This is why I say the Warmers are a sick, death-worshiping Cult
Kosh;8268794 said:
Well all you AGW church members if you believe that CO2 drives climate you might want to show belief by not breathing anymore.
Sunshine;8197631 said:
Reduce air pollution. Stop breathing. We promise to miss you. But we will enjoy the cleaner air.
gallantwarrior;8152161 said:
I have issued this challenge before to all the adherents of the AGW cult before:
If you are so very concerned about the damage being done to the Earth by human infestation, please lead the way. You are more than welcome to contribute, up close and personal, to improving the situation. I'll be watching the obits to see whether you all are convinced enough to put your money where your mouth is.
gallantwarrior;8043002 said:
The solution to AGW issue is simple, and very inexpensive. Since CO2 is a normally occurring byproduct of human respiration, I challenge every proponent of AGW, every worshiper of the whole AGW myth, to cease all respiration, and ensure that anyone in your family joins you in you effort to diminish humanity's contribution to CO2 emissions.
C'mon, step up and show us how committed you are to saving the environment.
flacaltenn;8043233 said:
"If you want to save the Planet, Stop breathing dammit"
Uncensored2008;9525238 said:
So why wouldn't you stop the damage you do by killing yourself?
No, it is not "on me"; it's on the entire fucking world that doesn't have its head up its ass.
Then you should remove yours!
QUOTE="HenryBHough, post: 11878761, member: 31153"]AWG cultists are gonna lie down on the beach naked in hopes of mass suicide by sunshine.
Poor bastards are gonna freeze to death.
Either way, what's the downside?