Should President Trump Replace RGB With an Idelogical Conservative?

What kind of judge should Trump pick to replace RBG?

  • a moderate

    Votes: 1 4.2%
  • a Democrat

    Votes: 2 8.3%
  • Merrick Garland to pour some oil on the partisan waters

    Votes: 2 8.3%
  • a Republican

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • a Conservative

    Votes: 6 25.0%
  • a Constitutionalist

    Votes: 14 58.3%
  • a Constitutional Literalist

    Votes: 10 41.7%

  • Total voters


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
I hope he does not do that, as it would destroy any balance onthe SCOTUS and inflame liberal turnout and alienate a whole bunch of moderates and liberals who are on the fence or intend to vote for him otherwise.

IF Trump wins re-election, he will probably appoint several more SCOTUS judges, but if he alienates the left of center voters with a huge ideological move to the right on the SCOTUS balance, I think he may well doom his re-election chances and this will be his very LAST selection.

What do you think President Trump should do in so far as replacing Ruth Ginsberg on the SCOTUS vacancy?
I hope he does not do that, as it would destroy any balance onthe SCOTUS and inflame liberal turnout and alienate a whole bunch of moderates and liberals who are on the fence or intend to vote for him otherwise.

IF Trump wins re-election, he will probably appoint several more SCOTUS judges, but if he alienates the left of center voters with a huge ideological move to the right on the SCOTUS balance, I think he may well doom his re-election chances and this will be his very LAST selection.

What do you think President Trump should do in so far as replacing Ruth Ginsberg on the SCOTUS vacancy?
I think that there will be no confirmation until after the election..if Trump wins..then Katie bar the door..if he loses...Biden will make the pick.
I think he should vet whomever he chooses very carefully.
But this is a set of complicated circumstances.

I really hope he chooses Merrick Garland to soothe the rancor some.

But I feel he will pick a very conservative woman and then all hell will break loose. It will probably doom his re-election.
I hope he does not do that, as it would destroy any balance onthe SCOTUS and inflame liberal turnout and alienate a whole bunch of moderates and liberals who are on the fence or intend to vote for him otherwise.

IF Trump wins re-election, he will probably appoint several more SCOTUS judges, but if he alienates the left of center voters with a huge ideological move to the right on the SCOTUS balance, I think he may well doom his re-election chances and this will be his very LAST selection.

What do you think President Trump should do in so far as replacing Ruth Ginsberg on the SCOTUS vacancy?
Constitutional literalist or a Constitutionalist. ANYTHING else is a fucking LOSS to the nation.
Let's see...what would the left do?
Appoint a flaming leftest or risk alienating some people? :rolleyes:

You know damned well they would go pedal to the metal and pack the court with leftist scum.

There is credible talk of them making DC and Puerto Rico states (gaining four senators), should Joe Mumbles steal the election because no one, with any credibility, is claiming Biden can win the election anymore.
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I hope he does not do that, as it would destroy any balance onthe SCOTUS and inflame liberal turnout and alienate a whole bunch of moderates and liberals who are on the fence or intend to vote for him otherwise.

IF Trump wins re-election, he will probably appoint several more SCOTUS judges, but if he alienates the left of center voters with a huge ideological move to the right on the SCOTUS balance, I think he may well doom his re-election chances and this will be his very LAST selection.

What do you think President Trump should do in so far as replacing Ruth Ginsberg on the SCOTUS vacancy?
I dont think there is enough time before the election

but this election has always been about the future of the court
No. He ought to throw curve ball and announce liberal candidates to enhance his campaign.
No, he should not go full retard, but there are some conservative Democrat judges that he could pick, and I think Merrick Garland was one that Obama thought would get through the senate specifically because he is not an ideological liberal (Garland that is)

He struck down the DC handgun laws and is pro-liberty and 1st Amendment, though he has shown preference for the governments power and regulatory authority.

That does not make him a screaming Marxist idiot.

Those decisions might suggest Garland is a doctrinaire liberal — the left’s answer to Antonin Scalia. But in fact, the appellate court judge blends a penchant for judicial restraint more frequently associated with conservatives with a deference to executive power more typical of liberals.
“He has a reputation for being a judge’s judge rather than a liberal’s liberal,” according to Yale law professor Akhil Amar, who said his “very best students every year all apply to him” for clerkships, regardless of whether they’re liberal or conservative.
As far back as 1985, Garland laid down his judicial philosophy in a Harvard Law Review essay. Garland pleaded for judges to support greater “agency discretion” instead of imposing their own views. His reluctance to interfere with federal agencies from the bench mark him as a moderate; his willingness to live with the more statist result marks him, in most instances, as liberal....
“I don’t think Garland looks at who is president,” said Chapman University law professor Ronald Rotunda, a conservative. “I think he’s deferential to executive power.”
In his Harvard Law Review article, Garland wrote that Congress had “plainly” left up to executive agencies “the choice of the best means of effectuating [their] statutory purposes.” He opposed judges imposing their own desired policy outcome. “Adoption of a ‘best’ policy requirement,” Garland wrote, “would all but guarantee substitution of the court’s judgment for that of the agency.”
Garland has largely followed through on that philosophy of restraint....
I hope he does not do that, as it would destroy any balance onthe SCOTUS and inflame liberal turnout and alienate a whole bunch of moderates and liberals who are on the fence or intend to vote for him otherwise.

IF Trump wins re-election, he will probably appoint several more SCOTUS judges, but if he alienates the left of center voters with a huge ideological move to the right on the SCOTUS balance, I think he may well doom his re-election chances and this will be his very LAST selection.

What do you think President Trump should do in so far as replacing Ruth Ginsberg on the SCOTUS vacancy?

So, what you are saying is that instead of picking someone who he honestly believes will best serve on the court in terms of upholding the Constitutions and the proper rule of law; that he should pick some left wrong-wing ideologue in order to placate his opposition?
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If the impeached president trump loses the protection of the office, his days living outside prison walls are numbered. His best bet is to appoint a loyal crony who can help the other conservative members of the Court make certain he remains in the White House, regardless of election results.

I think he should vet whomever he chooses very carefully.
But this is a set of complicated circumstances.

I really hope he chooses Merrick Garland to soothe the rancor some.

But I feel he will pick a very conservative woman and then all hell will break loose. It will probably doom his re-election.
I will take a Joe Biden presidency if it means we can put yet another Constitutionalist on the Court, which should keep the makeup favorable for 4 fucking decades.
So, what you are saying is that instead of picking someone who he honestly believes will best serve on the court in terms of upholding the Constitutions and the proper rule of law; that he should pick some left-wing ideologue in order to placate his opposition?
No, not a leftwing ideologue, but a moderate left of center Democrat judge, as a half way move to molify the partisans of the left.

I am starting to think he cant do that without alienating his own base.

Seems like Civil War is inevitable, as we cannot compromise by any means now days.
I said it in another thread. If trump wants to be re-elected...if he and Moscow Mitch push through another nut...he will not be re-elected. Voters are not stupid. They will remember what the GOP did to Obama.

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