should minimum wage be mandated?


Senior Member
Sep 21, 2009
should the minimum wage be mandated by the government? One side says yes to protect from abusive companies that would pay people 15 cents an hour, and people who had no choice would get trapped. The other side says no since its the government interfering with private business.

Personally I don't trust large corporations at all (kind of like in my monopolies thread) and I know that dipshit ceos would pay people a dime an hour just so they could make a few million more a year and that many people would be unable to find another job or get out of the situation and be forced to take crap pay. The obvious sign of this is jobs sent overseas to where companies can do that.
If you pay peanuts you hire monkeys.
If companies paid substandard wages, they would get substandard people, and their profits would suck.
The min wage has destroyed large segments of entry level jobs in this country. When gov't sets a floor on anything they increase demand and decrease supply. It is basic econ 101.
If you pay peanuts you hire monkeys.
If companies paid substandard wages, they would get substandard people, and their profits would suck.
The min wage has destroyed large segments of entry level jobs in this country. When gov't sets a floor on anything they increase demand and decrease supply. It is basic econ 101.

your first sentence isn't true. many companies are getting products that are just fine running sweatshops in foreign countries. all those people are doing is assembling basic things, packaging, etc. doesn't take any skill for that.

what entry levels jobs were killed by $8 an hour or whatever it is now? any "skilled" position would certainly start higher than that anyway.
Why not just pay workers what they're worth?

Why not just pay workers what they're worth?

because you know that many companies wouldn't do that. they would pay them 1 cent a day if they could

What if their efforts are only worth 1 cent a day? And who determines what they're worth, and how?

I think people who flip burgers at McDonalds have no business starting out at $8 an hour, but they do...
All the minimum wage mandates do is increase the speed of inflation, who do you think really pays for those wage increases?
Higher minimum wage leads to higher unemployment. Let the market decide how much a job is worth.
should the minimum wage be mandated by the government? One side says yes to protect from abusive companies that would pay people 15 cents an hour, and people who had no choice would get trapped. The other side says no since its the government interfering with private business.

Personally I don't trust large corporations at all (kind of like in my monopolies thread) and I know that dipshit ceos would pay people a dime an hour just so they could make a few million more a year and that many people would be unable to find another job or get out of the situation and be forced to take crap pay. The obvious sign of this is jobs sent overseas to where companies can do that.

NO, there is absolutely NO authority granted the Federal Government to mandate pay to ANYONE. Not even the Commerce clause covers that pile of crap.
Are there any rules regarding increases in minimum wage? It seems to me the problem may not be the fact of minimum wage's existence (which I am cynic enough to think is probably a good thing) but rather the seemingly haphazard way in which it is run. If some kind of system were set up in which the minimum wage were looked at at set intervals, and adjusted based only on the current value of the dollar instead of the whims of whoever is currently in congress, it might be a system more people agree with. Perhaps someone with greater economic knowledge than I can describe how it could be done, or explain why I'm wrong :)
should the minimum wage be mandated by the government? One side says yes to protect from abusive companies that would pay people 15 cents an hour, and people who had no choice would get trapped. The other side says no since its the government interfering with private business.

Personally I don't trust large corporations at all (kind of like in my monopolies thread) and I know that dipshit ceos would pay people a dime an hour just so they could make a few million more a year and that many people would be unable to find another job or get out of the situation and be forced to take crap pay. The obvious sign of this is jobs sent overseas to where companies can do that.

If you work for 10 cents an hour you deserve to be poor for not standing up for yourself. Only a fricken dumb ass let's themselves be taken advantage of like that.
Your stated argument for government intrusion into business is totally without merit.
If you pay peanuts you hire monkeys.
If companies paid substandard wages, they would get substandard people, and their profits would suck.
The min wage has destroyed large segments of entry level jobs in this country. When gov't sets a floor on anything they increase demand and decrease supply. It is basic econ 101.

your first sentence isn't true. many companies are getting products that are just fine running sweatshops in foreign countries. all those people are doing is assembling basic things, packaging, etc. doesn't take any skill for that.

So your now saying we should set the minimum wage in foreign countrys? What are you smoking thiis evening?
If you pay peanuts you hire monkeys.
If companies paid substandard wages, they would get substandard people, and their profits would suck.
The min wage has destroyed large segments of entry level jobs in this country. When gov't sets a floor on anything they increase demand and decrease supply. It is basic econ 101.

your first sentence isn't true. many companies are getting products that are just fine running sweatshops in foreign countries. all those people are doing is assembling basic things, packaging, etc. doesn't take any skill for that.

what entry levels jobs were killed by $8 an hour or whatever it is now? any "skilled" position would certainly start higher than that anyway.

You just answered your own question.
Why do companies job out low-skill tasks like that? Because the labor cost to do that here (which includes min wage) is too high. We aren't talking about skilled jobs. We are talking about unskilled jobs. These are the kind that people entering the work force typically get until they get enough job skills to move up.
Why not just pay workers what they're worth?

because you know that many companies wouldn't do that. they would pay them 1 cent a day if they could

Nobody would work for $0.01/day. This is an unbelievably stupid assertion. The minimum wage does drive jobs overseas. This is not just because of work being performed by minimum wage recipients but because of the fact that many union contracts have thier wages based on multiples of the minimum wage.

i.e. Minimum Pipefitter Wage For Union Local XYZ = 3.2 X Minimum Wage

The minimum wage is used by Democrats as a tool to get votes. (I know.... you are shocked) People who are performing menial jobs should get menial pay. Those with higher skills and education requirements get more. Capitalism should dictate pay, not libturd politicians.
Why not just pay workers what they're worth?

because you know that many companies wouldn't do that. they would pay them 1 cent a day if they could

Nobody would work for $0.01/day. This is an unbelievably stupid assertion. The minimum wage does drive jobs overseas. This is not just because of work being performed by minimum wage recipients but because of the fact that many union contracts have thier wages based on multiples of the minimum wage.

i.e. Minimum Pipefitter Wage For Union Local XYZ = 3.2 X Minimum Wage

The minimum wage is used by Democrats as a tool to get votes. (I know.... you are shocked) People who are performing menial jobs should get menial pay. Those with higher skills and education requirements get more. Capitalism should dictate pay, not libturd politicians.

Why not just pay workers what they're worth?

because you know that many companies wouldn't do that. they would pay them 1 cent a day if they could

Nobody would work for $0.01/day. This is an unbelievably stupid assertion. The minimum wage does drive jobs overseas. This is not just because of work being performed by minimum wage recipients but because of the fact that many union contracts have thier wages based on multiples of the minimum wage.

i.e. Minimum Pipefitter Wage For Union Local XYZ = 3.2 X Minimum Wage

The minimum wage is used by Democrats as a tool to get votes. (I know.... you are shocked) People who are performing menial jobs should get menial pay. Those with higher skills and education requirements get more. Capitalism should dictate pay, not libturd politicians.

I said they would pay that if they could, but you can look at the measly amount illegals get when working off the books (also missing any benefits, sick days, etc), and companies here chose them over americans simply because its cheaper for them. the same thing would happen without minimum wage to many americans.

also, people can't just get out of a bad situation like that once they are in, working 40+ hours a week in manual labor, getting paid crap doesn't exactly allow for night classes and eventual decent jobs. it keeps people down in a cycle and they stay there, all while big companies profit off their own greed
should the minimum wage be mandated by the government? One side says yes to protect from abusive companies that would pay people 15 cents an hour, and people who had no choice would get trapped. The other side says no since its the government interfering with private business.

Personally i don't trust large corporations at all (kind of like in my monopolies thread) and i know that dipshit ceos would pay people a dime an hour just so they could make a few million more a year and that many people would be unable to find another job or get out of the situation and be forced to take crap pay. The obvious sign of this is jobs sent overseas to where companies can do that.

Why not just pay workers what they're worth?

because you know that many companies wouldn't do that. they would pay them 1 cent a day if they could

Those companies would go out of business very quickly because of a lack of employees.

how? its not like only only business would drop the salaries on unskilled people, companies would across the board and people would be stuck.

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